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Understanding IP Addressing and Classes, Study notes of Computer Communication Systems

The basics of IP addressing and classes. It covers topics such as Classful Addressing, Class A, B, C, D, and E addresses, subnetting, and network lengths. The document also provides examples of IP addresses and their corresponding classes. It is a technical document that requires prior knowledge of networking concepts.

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Available from 01/18/2022

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Download Understanding IP Addressing and Classes and more Study notes Computer Communication Systems in PDF only on Docsity! TeV A AS | . WPvu “orckdsess WoO (20.-bit addvess defines the, ' thak ou nquely and) unN@Ser) ly Commectton Sm devite, fy tha, “Ntexnee the odldlsoss Spate *. 3Ppvy IS oe ( y,2.4 462,296) © : ‘bile ) Tk wo. sajerinad) a) Lat ; 28 64 Th the num if / pt \-99p) nbetodgéea Ae ge ye 46y 432 416 ae 44 4 0405 paz g § 1 Chanoe. the . “ follasing Jy qadeess ' Rabe “bs . poten te eekked) dade relator a. \ooo000l eootoll eodoien od} --'N0000%) Fogoooll Soolroly 1 LY Solution 7 18), pan. WAVY 29s cre, a JAIB 27.2585 Scanned by CamScanner 2. eas Ho loon “DPvy,, addeess from Deuims} Nojakion dy Peres Motaki on DIM) .56 AS. 18 b) 221.24. 7-82. Solution | hier. 4 a OOM. “plod Solollol oleolNie b. LI oNIOl Bjpoolg C0001 ololoole 3. End Ye emmy if any WW de fallowsing, IPVL Vaddrsegs set. )).sb.ous 418 b. 22) .ay 1.20 @, 15.45. BO). 14 2. Hio00l0-2.)3) 4.67 Solutton Qa. 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