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ROOT WORDS PRACTICE QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024 Root Word: acer, acid, acri/ Example: acerbic, acidity, acrid, acrimony Definition: bitter, sour, sharp Root Word: acu/ Example: acute, acupuncture, accurate Definition: sharp Root Word: ag, agi, ig, act/ Example: agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous, action Definition: do, move, go Root Word: ali, allo, alter/ Example: alias, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism Definition: other Root Word: alt(us)/ Example: altimeter, altitude Definition: high, deep Root Word: am, amor/ Example: amiable, amorous, enamoured Definition: love, liking Root Word: Anni, annu, enni/ Example: anniversary, annually, centennial Definition: year Root Word: anthrop/ Example: anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy Definition: man Root Word: anti(co)/ Example: antique, antiquated, antiquity Definition: old Root Word: arch/ Example: archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era Definition: chief, first, rule Root Word: aster, astr/ Example: aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut Definition: star Root Word: aud, aus/ Example: audiology, auditorium, audio, audition, ausculate Definition: hear, listen Root Word: aug, auc/ Example: augur, augment, auction Definition: increase Root Word: auto, aut/ Example: automobile, autograph, automatic Definition: self Root Word: belli/ Example: rebellion, belligerent, casus belli, bellicose Definition: war Root Word: bibl/ Example: Bible, bibliography, bibliomania Definition: book Root Word: bio/ Example: biology, biometrics, biome, biosphere Definition: life Root Word: brev/ Example: abbreviate, brief Definition: short Root Word: cad, cas/ Example: cadaver, cadence, cascade Definition: to fall Root Word: calor/ Example: calorie, caloric, calorimeter Definition: heat Root Word: cap, cip, cept/ Example: capable, intercept, forceps, capture, except, reciprocate Definition: take Root Word: capit, capt/ Example: decapitate, capital, captain, caption Definition: head Root Word: carn/ Example: carnivorous, incarnate, reincarnation, carnal Definition: flesh Root Word: caus, caut/ Example: caustic, cauldron, cauterize Definition: burn, heat Root Word: cause, cuse, cus/ Example: because, excuse, accusation Definition: cause, motive Root Word: ced, ceed, cede, cess/ Example: procedure, proceed, cede, concede, recede, precede, accede, success Definition: move, yield, go, surrender Root Word: cenetri/ Example: concentric, centrifugal, centripetal, eccentric Definition: center Root Word: chrom/ Example: chrome, chromosome, polychrome, chromatic Definition: color Root Word: chron/ Example: chronology, chronometer, synchronize Definition: time Root Word: cide, cise/ Example: homicide, exorcise, germicide, incision, scissors Definition: cut down, kill Root Word: cit/ Example: incite, citation, cite Definition: call, start Root Word: civ/ Example: civic, civil, civilian, civilization Definition: citizen Root Word: fila, fili/ Example: filigree, filament, filter, filet, filibuster Definition: thread Root Word: fin/ Example: final, finite, finish, confine, fine, refine, define, finale Definition: end, ended, finished Root Word: fix/ Example: fix, fixation, fixture, affix, prefix, suffix Definition: fix Root Word: flex, flect/ Example: flex, reflex, flexible, flexor, inflexibility, reflect, deflect Definition: bend Root Word: flu, fluc, fluv/ Example: influence, fluid, flue, flush, fluently, fluctuate Definition: flowing Root Word: form/ Example: form, uniform, conform, formulary, perform, formal, formula Definition: form, shape Root Word: fort, forc/ Example: fort, fortress, fortify, forte, fortitude Definition: strong Root Word: fract, frag/ Example: fracture, infraction, fragile, fraction, refract Definition: break Root Word: gam/ Example: bigamy, monogamy, polygamy Definition: marriage Root Word: gastr (o)/ Example: gastric, gastronomic, gastritis, gastropod Definition: stomach Root Word: gen/ Example: genesis, genetics, eugenics, genealogy, generate, genetic, antigen, pathogen Definition: birth, race, produce Root Word: geo/ Example: geometry, geography, geocentric, geology Definition: earth Root Word: germ/ Example: germination, germ, germane Definition: vital part Root Word: gest/ Example: congest, gestation Definition: carry, bear Root Word: gloss, glot/ Example: glossary, polyglot, epiglottis Definition: tongue Root Word: glu, glo/ Example: glue, agglutinate, conglomerate Definition: lump, bond, glue Root Word: grad, gress/ Example: grade, gradual, graduate, progress, graduated, egress Definition: step, go Root Word: graph, gram/ Example: graph, graphic, autograph, photography, graphite, telegram Definition: write, written Root Word: grat/ Example: congratulate, gratuity, grateful, ingrate Definition: pleasing Root Word: grav/ Example: grave, gravity, aggravate, gravitate Definition: heavy, weighty Root Word: greg/ Example: gregarious, congregation, segregate, gregarian Definition: herd Root Word: hypn/ Example: hypnosis, hypnotherapy Definition: sleep Root Word: helio/ Example: heliograph, heliotrope, heliocentric Definition: sun Root Word: hema, hemo/ Example: hemorrhage, hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemostat Definition: blood Root Word: here, hes/ Example: adhere, cohere, cohesion, inherent, hereditary Definition: stick Root Word: hetero/ Example: heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodox Definition: different Root Word: homo/ Example: homogeneous, homonym, homogenize Definition: same Root Word: hum, human/ Example: humus, exhume, humane Definition: earth, ground, man Root Word: hydr, hydra, hydro/ Example: dehydrate, hydrant, hydraulic, hydraulics, hydrogen, hydrophobia Definition: water Root Word: ignis/ Example: ignite, igneous, ignition Definition: fire Root Word: ject/ Example: deject, inject, project, eject, interject Definition: throw Root Word: join, junct/ Example: adjoining, enjoin, juncture, conjunction, injunction, conjunction Definition: join Root Word: juven/ Example: juvenile, rejuvenate Definition: young Root Word: lau, lav, lot, lut/ Example: launder, lavatory, lotion, ablution, dilute Definition: wash Root Word: leg/ Example: legal, legislate, legislature, legitimize Definition: law Root Word: levi/ Example: alleviate, levitate, levity Definition: light Root Word: liber, liver/ Example: liberty, liberal, liberalize, deliverance Definition: free Root Word: liter/ Example: literary, literature, literal, alliteration, obliterate Definition: letters Root Word: loc, loco/ Example: locality, allocate, locomotion Definition: place Root Word: log, logo, ology/ Example: catalog, prologue, dialogue, logogram (symbol representing a word), zoology Definition: word, study, speech Root Word: loqu, locut/ Example: eloquent, loquacious, colloquial, circumlocution Definition: talk, speak Root Word: luc, lum, lus, lun/ Example: translucent, luminary, luster, luna (moon goddess) Definition: light Root Word: macr-, macer/ Example: emaciated, meager Definition: lean Root Word: magn/ Example: magnify, magnificent, magnanimous, magnate, magnitude, magnum Definition: great Root Word: man/ Example: manual, manage, manufacture, manacle, manicure, manifest, maneuver, emancipate Definition: hand Root Word: mand/ Example: mandatory, remand, mandate Definition: command Root Word: mania/ Example: mania, maniac, kleptomania, pyromania Definition: madness Root Word: mar, mari, mer/ Example: marine, marsh, maritime, mermaid Definition: sea, pool Root Word: matri/ Example: matrimony, maternal, matriarchate, matron Definition: mother Root Word: medi/ Example: mediate, medieval, Mediterranean, mediocre, medium Definition: half, middle, between, halfway Root Word: mega/ Example: megaphone, megalopolis, megacycle (a million cycles), megaton Definition: great Root Word: mem/ Example: memo, commemoration, memento, memoir, memorable Definition: remember Root Word: meter/ Example: meter, voltammeter, barometer, thermometer Definition: measure Root Word: micro/ Example: microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer Root Word: plu, plur, plus/ Example: plural, pluralist, plus Definition: more Root Word: pneuma, pneumon/ Example: pneumatic, pneumonia, Definition: breath Root Word: pod (see ped)/ Example: pedal, impede (get feet in a trap), pedestrian, centipede, tripod, podiatry, antipode Definition: foot Root Word: poli/ Example: metropolis, police, politics, Indianapolis, megalopolis, acropolis Definition: city Root Word: poly/ Example: polysaccharide, polyandrous, polytheistic Definition: many Root Word: pos, pon, pound/ Example: postpone, component, opponent, proponent, expose, impose, deposit, posture, position, expound, impound Definition: place, put Root Word: pop/ Example: population, populous, popular Definition: people Root Word: port/ Example: porter, portable, transport, report, export, import, support, transportation Definition: carry Root Word: portion/ Example: portion, proportion Definition: part, share Root Word: pot/ Example: potential, potentate, impotent Definition: power Root Word: prehendere/ Example: apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, prehensile Definition: seize, grasp Root Word: prim, prime/ Example: primacy, prima donna, primitive, primary, primal, primeval Definition: first Root Word: proto/ Example: prototype, protocol, protagonist, protozoan, Proterozoic, protoindustrial Definition: first Root Word: psych/ Example: psyche, psychiatry, psychology, psychosis Definition: mind, soul Root Word: punct/ Example: punctual, punctuation, puncture, acupuncture, punctuation Definition: point, dot Root Word: reg, recti/ Example: regiment, regular, rectify, correct, direct, rectangle Definition: straighten Root Word: ri, ridi, risi/ Example: deride, ridicule, ridiculous, derision, risible Definition: laughter Root Word: rog, roga/ Example: prerogative, interrogation, derogatory Definition: ask Root Word: rupt/ Example: rupture, interrupt, abrupt, disrupt, ruptible Definition: break Root Word: sacr, sanc, secr/ Example: sacred, sacrosanct, sanction, consecrate, desecrate Definition: sacred Root Word: salv, salu/ Example: salvation, salvage, salutation Definition: safe, healthy Root Word: sat, satis/ Example: satient (giving pleasure, satisfying), saturate, satisfy Definition: enough Root Word: sci, scientia/ Example: science, conscious, omniscient, cognocienti Definition: know Root Word: scope/ Example: telescope, microscope, kaleidoscope, periscope, stethoscope Definition: see, watch Root Word: scrib, script/ Example: scribe, scribble, inscribe, describe, subscribe, prescribe, manuscript Definition: write Root Word: sed, sess, sid/ Example: sediment, session, obsession, possess, preside, president, reside, subside Definition: sit Root Word: sen/ Example: senior, senator, senile Definition: old Root Word: sent, sens/ Example: sentiment, consent, resent, dissent, sentimental, sense, sensation, sensitive, sensory, dissension Definition: feel Root Word: sequ, secu, sue/ Example: sequence, consequence, sequel, subsequent, prosecute, consecutive, second, ensue, pursue Definition: follow Root Word: serv/ Example: servant, service, subservient, servitude, preserve, conserve, reservation, deserve, conservation, observe Definition: save, serve Root Word: sign, signi/ Example: signal, signature, design, insignia, significant Definition: sign, mark, seal Root Word: simil, simul/ Example: similar, assimilate, simulate, simulacrum, simultaneous Definition: like, resembling Root Word: sist, sta, stit/ Example: assist, persist, circumstance, stamina, status, state, static, stable, stationary, substitute Definition: stand Root Word: sol, solus/ Example: solo, soliloquy, solitaire, solitude Definition: alone Root Word: solv, solu/ Example: solvent, solve, absolve, resolve, soluble, solution, resolution, resolute, dissolute Definition: loosen Root Word: somnus/ Example: insomnia, somnambulist Definition: sleep Root Word: soph/ Example: sophomore (wise fool), philosophy, sophisticated Definition: wise Root Word: spec, spect, spic/ Example: specimen, specific, spectator, spectacle, aspect, speculate, inspect, respect, prospect, retrospective, introspective, expect, conspicuous Definition: look Root Word: sphere/ Example: sphere, stratosphere, hemisphere, spheroid Definition: ball, sphere Root Word: spir/ Example: spirit, conspire, inspire, aspire, expire, perspire, respiration Definition: breath Root Word: string, strict/ Example: stringent, strict, restrict, constrict, boa constrictor Definition: draw tight Root Word: stru, struct/ Example: construe (build in the mind, interpret), structure, construct, instruct, obstruct, destruction, destroy Definition: build Root Word: sume, sump/ Example: consume, assume (to take, to use), sump pump presumption (to take or use before knowing all the facts Definition: take, use, waste Root Word: tact, tang, tag, tig, ting/ Example: tactile, contact, intact, intangible, tangible, contagious, contiguous Definition: touch Root Word: tele/ Example: telephone, telegraph, telegram, telescope, television, telephoto, telecast, telepathy Definition: far Root Word: tempo/ Example: tempo, temporary, extemporaneously, contemporary, pro tem, temporal Definition: time