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Understanding Root Words and Their Meanings, Exams of English Literature

A comprehensive overview of various root words and their corresponding definitions. It covers a wide range of root words, including those related to concepts such as flesh, heat, cause, movement, color, time, cutting, knowledge, heart, body, work, making, deception, carrying, faith, threads, endings, bending, flowing, form, strength, breaking, water, fire, throwing, joining, youth, washing, seeing, writing, sitting, feeling, following, serving, marking, resemblance, standing, aloneness, loosening, sleep, spheres, breath, tightening, building, taking, touching, distance, time, holding, stretching, earth, witnessing, gods, heat, placement, cutting, twisting, poison, pulling, shadows, unity, emptiness, worth, coming, truth, turning, conquering, seeing, life, calling, and will. This document can be a valuable resource for university students, particularly those studying linguistics, english, or related fields.

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Download Understanding Root Words and Their Meanings and more Exams English Literature in PDF only on Docsity! ROOT WORDS PRACTICE QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024 Root Word: acer, acid, acri/ Example: acerbic, acidity, acrid, acrimony Definition: bitter, sour, sharp Root Word: acu/ Example: acute, acupuncture, accurate Definition: sharp Root Word: ag, agi, ig, act/ Example: agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous, action Definition: do, move, go Root Word: ali, allo, alter/ Example: alias, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism Definition: other Root Word: alt(us)/ Example: altimeter, altitude Definition: high, deep Root Word: am, amor/ Example: amiable, amorous, enamoured Definition: love, liking Root Word: Anni, annu, enni/ Example: anniversary, annually, centennial Definition: year Root Word: anthrop/ Example: anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy Definition: man Root Word: anti(co)/ Example: antique, antiquated, antiquity Definition: old Root Word: arch/ Example: archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era Definition: chief, first, rule Root Word: aster, astr/ Example: aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut Definition: star Root Word: aud, aus/ Example: audiology, auditorium, audio, audition, ausculate Definition: hear, listen Root Word: aug, auc/ Example: augur, augment, auction Definition: increase Root Word: auto, aut/ Example: automobile, autograph, automatic Definition: self Root Word: belli/ Example: rebellion, belligerent, casus belli, bellicose Definition: war Root Word: bibl/ Example: Bible, bibliography, bibliomania Definition: book Root Word: bio/ Example: biology, biometrics, biome, biosphere Definition: life Root Word: brev/ Example: abbreviate, brief Definition: short Root Word: cad, cas/ Example: cadaver, cadence, cascade Definition: to fall Root Word: calor/ Example: calorie, caloric, calorimeter Definition: heat Root Word: cap, cip, cept/ Example: capable, intercept, forceps, capture, except, reciprocate Definition: take Root Word: capit, capt/ Example: decapitate, capital, captain, caption Definition: head Root Word: carn/ Example: carnivorous, incarnate, reincarnation, carnal Definition: flesh Root Word: caus, caut/ Example: caustic, cauldron, cauterize Definition: burn, heat Root Word: cause, cuse, cus/ Example: because, excuse, accusation Definition: cause, motive Root Word: ced, ceed, cede, cess/ Example: procedure, proceed, cede, concede, recede, precede, accede, success Definition: move, yield, go, surrender Root Word: cenetri/ Example: concentric, centrifugal, centripetal, eccentric Definition: center Root Word: chrom/ Example: chrome, chromosome, polychrome, chromatic Definition: color Root Word: chron/ Example: chronology, chronometer, synchronize Definition: time Root Word: cide, cise/ Example: homicide, exorcise, germicide, incision, scissors Definition: cut down, kill Root Word: cit/ Example: incite, citation, cite Definition: call, start Root Word: civ/ Example: civic, civil, civilian, civilization Definition: citizen Root Word: fila, fili/ Example: filigree, filament, filter, filet, filibuster Definition: thread Root Word: fin/ Example: final, finite, finish, confine, fine, refine, define, finale Definition: end, ended, finished Root Word: fix/ Example: fix, fixation, fixture, affix, prefix, suffix Definition: fix Root Word: flex, flect/ Example: flex, reflex, flexible, flexor, inflexibility, reflect, deflect Definition: bend Root Word: flu, fluc, fluv/ Example: influence, fluid, flue, flush, fluently, fluctuate Definition: flowing Root Word: form/ Example: form, uniform, conform, formulary, perform, formal, formula Definition: form, shape Root Word: fort, forc/ Example: fort, fortress, fortify, forte, fortitude Definition: strong Root Word: fract, frag/ Example: fracture, infraction, fragile, fraction, refract Definition: break Root Word: gam/ Example: bigamy, monogamy, polygamy Definition: marriage Root Word: gastr (o)/ Example: gastric, gastronomic, gastritis, gastropod Definition: stomach Root Word: gen/ Example: genesis, genetics, eugenics, genealogy, generate, genetic, antigen, pathogen Definition: birth, race, produce Root Word: geo/ Example: geometry, geography, geocentric, geology Definition: earth Root Word: germ/ Example: germination, germ, germane Definition: vital part Root Word: gest/ Example: congest, gestation Definition: carry, bear Root Word: gloss, glot/ Example: glossary, polyglot, epiglottis Definition: tongue Root Word: glu, glo/ Example: glue, agglutinate, conglomerate Definition: lump, bond, glue Root Word: grad, gress/ Example: grade, gradual, graduate, progress, graduated, egress Definition: step, go Root Word: graph, gram/ Example: graph, graphic, autograph, photography, graphite, telegram Definition: write, written Root Word: grat/ Example: congratulate, gratuity, grateful, ingrate Definition: pleasing Root Word: grav/ Example: grave, gravity, aggravate, gravitate Definition: heavy, weighty Root Word: greg/ Example: gregarious, congregation, segregate, gregarian Definition: herd Root Word: hypn/ Example: hypnosis, hypnotherapy Definition: sleep Root Word: helio/ Example: heliograph, heliotrope, heliocentric Definition: sun Root Word: hema, hemo/ Example: hemorrhage, hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemostat Definition: blood Root Word: here, hes/ Example: adhere, cohere, cohesion, inherent, hereditary Definition: stick Root Word: hetero/ Example: heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodox Definition: different Root Word: homo/ Example: homogeneous, homonym, homogenize Definition: same Root Word: hum, human/ Example: humus, exhume, humane Definition: earth, ground, man Root Word: hydr, hydra, hydro/ Example: dehydrate, hydrant, hydraulic, hydraulics, hydrogen, hydrophobia Definition: water Root Word: ignis/ Example: ignite, igneous, ignition Definition: fire Root Word: ject/ Example: deject, inject, project, eject, interject Definition: throw Root Word: join, junct/ Example: adjoining, enjoin, juncture, conjunction, injunction, conjunction Definition: join Root Word: juven/ Example: juvenile, rejuvenate Definition: young Root Word: lau, lav, lot, lut/ Example: launder, lavatory, lotion, ablution, dilute Definition: wash Root Word: leg/ Example: legal, legislate, legislature, legitimize Definition: law Root Word: levi/ Example: alleviate, levitate, levity Definition: light Root Word: liber, liver/ Example: liberty, liberal, liberalize, deliverance Definition: free Root Word: liter/ Example: literary, literature, literal, alliteration, obliterate Definition: letters Root Word: loc, loco/ Example: locality, allocate, locomotion Definition: place Root Word: log, logo, ology/ Example: catalog, prologue, dialogue, logogram (symbol representing a word), zoology Definition: word, study, speech Root Word: loqu, locut/ Example: eloquent, loquacious, colloquial, circumlocution Definition: talk, speak Root Word: luc, lum, lus, lun/ Example: translucent, luminary, luster, luna (moon goddess) Definition: light Root Word: macr-, macer/ Example: emaciated, meager Definition: lean Root Word: magn/ Example: magnify, magnificent, magnanimous, magnate, magnitude, magnum Definition: great Root Word: man/ Example: manual, manage, manufacture, manacle, manicure, manifest, maneuver, emancipate Definition: hand Root Word: mand/ Example: mandatory, remand, mandate Definition: command Root Word: mania/ Example: mania, maniac, kleptomania, pyromania Definition: madness Root Word: mar, mari, mer/ Example: marine, marsh, maritime, mermaid Definition: sea, pool Root Word: matri/ Example: matrimony, maternal, matriarchate, matron Definition: mother Root Word: medi/ Example: mediate, medieval, Mediterranean, mediocre, medium Definition: half, middle, between, halfway Root Word: mega/ Example: megaphone, megalopolis, megacycle (a million cycles), megaton Definition: great Root Word: mem/ Example: memo, commemoration, memento, memoir, memorable Definition: remember Root Word: meter/ Example: meter, voltammeter, barometer, thermometer Definition: measure Root Word: micro/ Example: microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer Root Word: plu, plur, plus/ Example: plural, pluralist, plus Definition: more Root Word: pneuma, pneumon/ Example: pneumatic, pneumonia, Definition: breath Root Word: pod (see ped)/ Example: pedal, impede (get feet in a trap), pedestrian, centipede, tripod, podiatry, antipode Definition: foot Root Word: poli/ Example: metropolis, police, politics, Indianapolis, megalopolis, acropolis Definition: city Root Word: poly/ Example: polysaccharide, polyandrous, polytheistic Definition: many Root Word: pos, pon, pound/ Example: postpone, component, opponent, proponent, expose, impose, deposit, posture, position, expound, impound Definition: place, put Root Word: pop/ Example: population, populous, popular Definition: people Root Word: port/ Example: porter, portable, transport, report, export, import, support, transportation Definition: carry Root Word: portion/ Example: portion, proportion Definition: part, share Root Word: pot/ Example: potential, potentate, impotent Definition: power Root Word: prehendere/ Example: apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, prehensile Definition: seize, grasp Root Word: prim, prime/ Example: primacy, prima donna, primitive, primary, primal, primeval Definition: first Root Word: proto/ Example: prototype, protocol, protagonist, protozoan, Proterozoic, protoindustrial Definition: first Root Word: psych/ Example: psyche, psychiatry, psychology, psychosis Definition: mind, soul Root Word: punct/ Example: punctual, punctuation, puncture, acupuncture, punctuation Definition: point, dot Root Word: reg, recti/ Example: regiment, regular, rectify, correct, direct, rectangle Definition: straighten Root Word: ri, ridi, risi/ Example: deride, ridicule, ridiculous, derision, risible Definition: laughter Root Word: rog, roga/ Example: prerogative, interrogation, derogatory Definition: ask Root Word: rupt/ Example: rupture, interrupt, abrupt, disrupt, ruptible Definition: break Root Word: sacr, sanc, secr/ Example: sacred, sacrosanct, sanction, consecrate, desecrate Definition: sacred Root Word: salv, salu/ Example: salvation, salvage, salutation Definition: safe, healthy Root Word: sat, satis/ Example: satient (giving pleasure, satisfying), saturate, satisfy Definition: enough Root Word: sci, scientia/ Example: science, conscious, omniscient, cognocienti Definition: know Root Word: scope/ Example: telescope, microscope, kaleidoscope, periscope, stethoscope Definition: see, watch Root Word: scrib, script/ Example: scribe, scribble, inscribe, describe, subscribe, prescribe, manuscript Definition: write Root Word: sed, sess, sid/ Example: sediment, session, obsession, possess, preside, president, reside, subside Definition: sit Root Word: sen/ Example: senior, senator, senile Definition: old Root Word: sent, sens/ Example: sentiment, consent, resent, dissent, sentimental, sense, sensation, sensitive, sensory, dissension Definition: feel Root Word: sequ, secu, sue/ Example: sequence, consequence, sequel, subsequent, prosecute, consecutive, second, ensue, pursue Definition: follow Root Word: serv/ Example: servant, service, subservient, servitude, preserve, conserve, reservation, deserve, conservation, observe Definition: save, serve Root Word: sign, signi/ Example: signal, signature, design, insignia, significant Definition: sign, mark, seal Root Word: simil, simul/ Example: similar, assimilate, simulate, simulacrum, simultaneous Definition: like, resembling Root Word: sist, sta, stit/ Example: assist, persist, circumstance, stamina, status, state, static, stable, stationary, substitute Definition: stand Root Word: sol, solus/ Example: solo, soliloquy, solitaire, solitude Definition: alone Root Word: solv, solu/ Example: solvent, solve, absolve, resolve, soluble, solution, resolution, resolute, dissolute Definition: loosen Root Word: somnus/ Example: insomnia, somnambulist Definition: sleep Root Word: soph/ Example: sophomore (wise fool), philosophy, sophisticated Definition: wise Root Word: spec, spect, spic/ Example: specimen, specific, spectator, spectacle, aspect, speculate, inspect, respect, prospect, retrospective, introspective, expect, conspicuous Definition: look Root Word: sphere/ Example: sphere, stratosphere, hemisphere, spheroid Definition: ball, sphere Root Word: spir/ Example: spirit, conspire, inspire, aspire, expire, perspire, respiration Definition: breath Root Word: string, strict/ Example: stringent, strict, restrict, constrict, boa constrictor Definition: draw tight Root Word: stru, struct/ Example: construe (build in the mind, interpret), structure, construct, instruct, obstruct, destruction, destroy Definition: build Root Word: sume, sump/ Example: consume, assume (to take, to use), sump pump presumption (to take or use before knowing all the facts Definition: take, use, waste Root Word: tact, tang, tag, tig, ting/ Example: tactile, contact, intact, intangible, tangible, contagious, contiguous Definition: touch Root Word: tele/ Example: telephone, telegraph, telegram, telescope, television, telephoto, telecast, telepathy Definition: far Root Word: tempo/ Example: tempo, temporary, extemporaneously, contemporary, pro tem, temporal Definition: time