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Table of Contents p. 3 7. Put your memory to the test 1. Memory and studying, what’s the link? 3. Memorization techniques for students 4. Photographic memory 2. Memory 1.1 What are memory techniques? 2.2 Sensations and emotions: roads to our memory 3.2 Memorizing numbers and names 6. Curiosity: did you know that..? 1.2 Why are they important? 2.1 Different types of memory 3.1 Memorizing speeches 3.3 Memorizing complex concepts 4.1 How to make the most of it when studying 5. Memorize with Docsity p. 16 p. 5 p. 8 p. 12 p. 14 8. Bibliography and useful contacts p. 15 p. 11 5 Memory Chapter Two Your memory’s job is to select and archive all information considered important. Once chosen, the information remains stored in your memory until it is time to be recalled. The memorization process is made up of three phases: Codification, or taking in information Retention, or storing of the information Recuperation of the information from your memory. 2.1 Different types of memory Types of memory differ mainly by duration: •Short term memory ➡ lasts about 20 seconds and holds just a small amount of information •Long term memory ➡ can last also for many years and can contain great amounts of information ...and based on sensory stimulus... •Sensory memory ➡ stores the information transmitted by the five senses for short intervals of time. Visual memory is part of this category. It is important to use all types of memory while studying, but particularly the long term! Find and download free study notes 6 Memory 2.2 Sensations and emotions: roads to our memory Losing yourself in memories while listening to a song… Why does this happen? The answer is sensory stimulation and the information we receive through our five senses; these are stored in our mind thanks to our sensory memory. This is how a smell, a sound, a taste, a photo or certain textures can become real doors to our memories. They are like life jackets thrown to memories keeping them afloat and allowing us to access quickly the information stored in our memory. Emotions leave a permanent mark on our memory, finding an emotional connection, with simple triggers, you’ll be able to remember absolutely anything! The 5 senses: •sight •smell •hearing •taste •touch Find and download free study notes 7 Memorization techniques for students Chapter Three Most people can only manage to remember up to 7 things without applying a memorization technique. If you put into practice these techniques you can considerably increase the number of things you can remember, and send to your long term memory, without excessive effort Ready to start? Find and download free study notes 10 3.3 Memorizing complex concepts Memorization techniques If you are struggling with managing complex concepts the technique you need to apply is that of «mental notes». The note is a reference of one or more pieces of information, described in just one word. What does it consist of? Let’s say you want to memorize how the central nervous system works: • Create a mental note or rather a reference to the concept that you need to remember(E.g. the note «nervous system chapter") • Associate a label to the note that makes reference to an element of the topic (E.g. Brain) • Think of a funny image to associate to the note and label (E.g. A neuron that explains how it works singing and jumping from one lobe to another). Do you remember the cartoon “Exploring the human body”? This is a perfect example! • Create an image for every key concept (E.g. the neuron from before that takes you for a trip around the brain showing you it’s different parts and their relative functions). The brain represented in the cartoon “Exploring the human body”. Find and download free study notes 11 Photographic memory Chapter Four Photographic memory can be your best ally and it is especially great for revising! Photographic memory, is a particular type of sensory memory linked to sight. Its function is simple: through sight, this type of memory associates an image of information to store in memory. 4.1 How to make the most of it when studying 1. Relax (this will help you concentrate) 2. Create a list of keywords, or concepts: it will be easier to remember an image of a list rather than a dense paragraph 3. Allow your fantasy to run wild, creating mental images linked to the topic (they can be coherent or abstract) 4. Train your brain as much as possible, recalling these images and visualizing all your concepts. Creating mental maps can help you a lot with the organization of topics while studying and making the most of your visual memory! Use highlighters or pens of different colors to identify the various chapters of a text, this way you can link the colors to the concept Find and download free study notes 12 The memorization techniques that we have just gone through will be a great help during your studies, but should you find yourself in difficulty in approaching a subject or topic you can at any moment count on the support of Docsity. You can find thousands of notes, concept maps, summaries, and more to help you study for your next exam. Memorize with Docsity Chapter Five Find and download free study notes 15 Try out your memory Exercise 3 • You have 1 minute • Read this list just once • Cover the list and write the words that you have memorized in order • Book • Breakfast • Neurologist • Ribbon • Cassette • Killer whale •Scissors •Bin •Strawberry • Roof • Ear • Sheets • Mobile • Jeans • Water Bottle • Stick • Helicopter • Poison • Ivy • Mirror Reply to the following questions: 1. How many pine trees are there in the first row? 2. Which types of flowers are in the image? 3. Are there more nuts or chestnuts? 4. Which type of fresh fruit is visible? 5. Is the side on which the composition is placed grey? 6. How many yellow daisies are there? 7. How many pieces of grain are there? 8. Are there raspberries? 9. How many chestnut shells can you see in the first place? 10. How many pears are there in the picture? Results: • <15 points: You have some holes in your memory, keep training! •15-20 points: Starting off on a good level, with our techniques you can only get better! • >20 points Wow! Now you are invincible! Find and download free study notes 16 Bibliography and useful links Chapter Eight Bibliography For the content: •The definitive study guide [download] •General Psychology , Anolli L., Legrenzi P, Il Mulino: 2012 •The Art of Memory, Yates F. A., Bodley Head: 2014 •Working Memory, Baddeley A., Laterza: 1984 For the images: •Canva Free Graphics Contacts If you have any questions or comments send an email to
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