Pobierz Tryby warunkowe (conditionals) i więcej Notatki w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! neeaennuedoiéttiisonnaatss if + present simple , present simpleZEROWY uzycie→ fakty , prawanatury , sytvacjeniezmienne ex . If you mix yellow and red , you get orange PIERWSZY if + present simple , will + bezokolicznitr UZ-gcie-sytuacjewprugsztos.ci.ieteliostaniespe-nionywarunekp.my' if ' ex . If we have time , we will visit you DRUG I If + past simple , would t bewkolicznitr uzycie → sytuacjehipotetgczne ,prauenierealnejwaruneknaobecnqchwilqniemozliaeg.despénieeri ex . If we lived in England, we could speak English better If I were you . . . TRZECI if + past perfect, would have + 3rd form uzycie → sytuaojepnesieskto-remogty.by nyglgdacr inacaj, ex . If I had learnt more, I would have passed the exam gdyby spetoiono clang uarusek If he had forgotten to buy sugar, he would have had to go to the shop again if If lwi☒ wyigtek : forma gnecwosciovawill / would to a ex . If you will take a seat , I'll see if the boss is available unless/ if not , on condition can /could when [tryozewwy] may / might suppose/ supposing [ Zgi & 3ci try6] should / should mixed If he hadn't bought the car , he wouldn't be short of money now 3+2 ↳ czynnosiwyknanawpnesios.ci, ale ma konkretny wptyw naterazñiejswsé LVB na pngsztosc If she had passed her exam last week , If I had won the lottery , I would be rich she would be going with us tomorrow for a trip If I hadn't taken that job, I wouldn't be the president of the company now 2 t 3 If I had a lot of money , I would have bought that Mercedes I saw yesterday If Mary spoke French , she would have helped you with that translation ↳ ooecna sytuacja, ktora mogta umenidiekgssytvay.ee w pnesztoiu