Download 6 Motivation Worksheets Combined and more Exercises Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! Worksheet # 1 – “What is Motivation?” “Creating a Fire” - A Way to Define Motivation Directions. Read the following definitions of ‘Motivation,’ and highlight the words and phrases that resonates the closest to how you would define the term. Motivation Definitions: Providing a reason to act in a certain way Desire, interest, incentive or drive to do The process that arouses, sustains and regulates behavior The reason one has for acting or behaving in a particular way Aroused to take to action toward a desired goal The process that initiates, guides and maintains That which causes us to act Needs, desires, wants or drives within an individual The process of stimulating people to action Factors that stimulate desire To be continually interested and committed to make an effort Inner power or energy that pushes us toward action Worksheet # 2 – “My Motivational Sparks” Directions: 1) Thinking about your responses to the Motivational Sparks images you reviewed, rate each common motivator according to how strongly it motivates you. Circle the number of “sparks” the motivator has for you. 2) Write down additional personal motivators on the bottom of the worksheet. 3) Identify your top 3 and put a 1, 2, and 3 in the space to the left. Not Motivating Somewhat Motivating Highly Motivating 1. Challenge 2. Impact 3. Power 4. Wealth 5. Recognition 6. Fear 7. Sense of Accomplishment 8. Creating 9. Learning 10. Contribution Other strong motivators for me include:1. 2. Worksheet #5—“The Steps of Rekindling” In the space provided, please take notes on the steps of the rekindling process. Step 1: Restate the Goal Step 2: Acknowledge its Importance Step 3: Determine Your Motivator(s) Step 4: Acknowledge Progress Step 5: Select Supports Step 6: Determine Action Step 7: Lock it In with Benefits Worksheet #6 – “A Personal Rekindling” Step 1: Reclaim your goal: What was my last goal? What is my new goal? Step 2: Acknowledge its importance: Why is it important now? What has changed? How have I changed? What have I learned from my prior attempt that will benefit me this time? Step 3: Determine your motivators: What is motivating me to complete my goal? Step 4: Acknowledge progress: What progress did I make? Where am I starting from now? Step 5: Select supports: How will I keep motivation high this time? What supports can I put into place to support me in my success? Step 6: Determine action: What is my first step? What next steps will keep me moving forward? Step 7: Lock it In with the benefits: How will my life be different when I achieve my goal?