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Physics Problem Set 2021: Solar System Planets and Moons - Prof. James Sowell, Assignments of Astronomy

This problem set covers various calculations related to the solar system planets jupiter and saturn, including their masses, volumes, wind velocities, and orbital periods of their moons. Students are expected to apply physics concepts such as kepler's third law and rotation periods.

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Download Physics Problem Set 2021: Solar System Planets and Moons - Prof. James Sowell and more Assignments Astronomy in PDF only on Docsity!


Physics 2021

  1. What percentage of all planetary material in the Solar System is contained in Jupiter?
  2. What is the ratio of Jupiter’s volume to the volume of the Earth?
  3. Using orbital data for a Galilean moon of your choice, calculate the mass of Jupiter. Give your answer in Earth masses.
  4. Use Jupiter’s equatorial diameter and the rotation period at Jupiter’s equator to calculate the speed at which an object at the cloud tops along Jupiter’s equator moves around the center of the planet.
  5. Estimate the wind velocities in the Great Red Spot, which rotates with a period of about six days.
  6. As seen from Earth, the intervals between successive edge-on presentations of Saturn’s rings alternate between about 13 years, 9 months to about 15 years, 9 months. Why do you think these two intervals are not equal?
  7. Use Newton’s form of Kepler’s Third Law to calculate the orbital period of particles in the outer edge of Saturn’s A ring and in the inner edge of the B ring.
  8. The Cassini division involves a 2-to-1 resonance with the moon Mimas. Does the location of the Encke gap – 133,500 km from Saturn’s center – correspond to a resonance with one of the other moons? If so, which one?