Download Agenda Packet and more Lecture notes Design in PDF only on Docsity! Page 1 of 4 AGENDA CITY OF TULSA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Regularly Scheduled Meeting Tulsa City Council Chambers 175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 1:00 P.M. Meeting No. 1283 The City Board of Adjustment will be held in the Tulsa City Council Chambers and by videoconferencing and teleconferencing. Board of Adjustment applicants and members of the public may attend and participate in the in the Board of Adjustment meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing by joining from a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Attend in Person: 175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center Attend Virtually: Attend by Phone: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 843 1810 9026 If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Remember to reference the case number and include your name and address. Email:
[email protected] Mail or In Person: City of Tulsa BOA c/o INCOG, 2 W. 2nd St., Suite 800 Tulsa, OK 74103 INTRODUCTION AND NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC At this Meeting the Board of Adjustment, in accord with and pursuant to applicable Board of Adjustment Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, amend, modify, approve with amendment(s) or modification(s), deny, reject, or defer any action on any item listed on this Agenda. Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following: 1. Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2021 (Meeting No. 1281). Page 2 of 4 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following: 2. 23146—Wallace Engineering – Mike Thedford Special Exception to allow a Public, Civic & Institutional/Governmental Service or Similar Functions Use (Community Center/Caring Center Downtown) in the CBD District (Section 15.020, Table 15-2). LOCATION: 305 South Detroit Avenue East (CD 4) 3. 23187—Omar Ahmadieh Special Exception to increase the permitted driveway width in a Residential District (Section 55.090-F.3). LOCATION: 5508 South 30th West Avenue (CD 2) 4. 23193—Wallace Design Collective – Jim Beach Special Exception to modify a previously approved site plan for a university in a residential district (Section 5.020, Table 5-2 & Section 70.120); Variance to increase the maximum permitted height of 35 feet in an RS-3 District (Section 5.030, Table 5-3). LOCATION: 7777 South Lewis Avenue East (CD 2) NEW APPLICATIONS Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following: 5. 23194—Encinos 3D Custom Products & Signs Variance to permit a dynamic display sign within 20 feet of the driving surface (Section 60.100-E); Variance to permit a dynamic display sign within 200 feet of a residentially zoned lot (Section 60.100-F). LOCATION: 4424 East 11th Street South & 1116 South Toledo Avenue East (CD 4) 6. 23195—Seth & Jenni Hutchins Special Exception to permit an accessory dwelling unit in an AG District (Section 45.031). LOCATION: 4953 East 113th Street South (CD 8) 7. 23196—Vincent Travis Thornton Special Exception to permit an alternative compliance parking ratio for a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in an IM District to reduce the minimum parking requirements from seven parking spaces to zero parking spaces (Section 55.050-K & Section 55.020, Table 55-1). LOCATION: 1217 East Admiral Boulevard (CD 1) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -3 IM 9e 2 ?- U| 4 E IL e ^ 9 (/| I e 2 (n c I s \r,J 3 e h I (,| 6 (n (n I h (n s (n 9{ s e1 s SUBJECT TRACT $6 1 I e 0 s Feet 200 BOA-23146 0 400 19-12 01 4,1 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE REPORT Case Number: BOA-23146 STR:9201 GZM: 36 CD: 4 HEARTNG DATE = 10t26t2021 1:OO pM (continued fym 7/27/2021) Apptication was continued in ffit part of the right-of-way included in this application. APPLICANT: Mike Thedford ACTION REQUESTED: A Special Exception to allow a Public, civic & lnstitutional/Governmental service or similar Functions Use (community center/caring center Downtown) in the cBD District (Sec. 15.020, Table 15-2) LOCATION: 305 S DETROIT AV E ZONED: CBD PRESENT UsE: Governmental Service or Similar Functions TRAGT SlzE" 11199'32 SQ FT LEGAL DEScRrpfloN: LT g BLK 116, TULSA-oR|GrNAL TowN, city of rursa, Tutsa county, State of Oklahoma RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: None' RELAT|ONSH|P ro rHE C=OMPBEHENS|VE p.l=AN: The Tulsa comprehensive Plan identifies the " and an "Area of Growth"' Downtown Gore is Tulsa,s most intense regional center of commerce, housing, culture, and entertainment. lt is an urban environment oi primarily high-density employment and mixed-use residential uses, complemented oy regional-scale enteirtainment, conference, tourism, and educational institutions. Downtown 'core- is primarily a pedestrian-oriented area with generous sidewalks shaded by trees, in-town parks, open ,p".", and plazas. The area is a regional transit hub. New and refurbished buildings enhance the'pedestrian realm with ground-floor windows and storefronts that enliven the street.'- To support downtown's lively and walkable urban character' automobile parking ideally is located on-sireet and in structured garages, rather than in surface parking lots. The purpose of Areas of Growth is to direct the allocation of resources and channel growth to where it will be beneficial and can best impiove access to jobs, housing, and services with fewer and shorter auto trips. Areas of Growth are parts of the city where general igreement exists that development or redevelopment is beneficial. As steps are taken to plan-for, and, in some cases, develop or redevelop these areas, ensuring that existing residents will not be displaced is a h.igh priority' A major goal is to increase economic "ltiuity in the area to benefit existing residents and businesses, and where necessary, provide the stimulus to redevelop' IS OF The subject tract is located at the swc of E. 3'd Street and e,z S. Detroit Ave SURRO NDING REV|S1D LO/15/2027 GHUCK LANGE ZONING OFFICIAL PLANS EXAMINER TEL (918)596-9688 clange@cityoft u lsa. org LOD Number: I Mike Thedford 123 N MLK, Jr. Blvd Tulsa, OK74103 APPLICATION NO: Location Descri n: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I75 EAST 2'd STREET, SUITE 450 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74103 ZONING CLEARANCE PLAN REVIEW June 17,2021 Phone: 918.806.7352 2-88981 (PLEASE REFERENCE THIS NUMBERWHEN CONTACTING OUR OFFIC1 305 S Detroit Ave New buildi IN ABOUT SUBMITTI REVISIONS OUR REVIEW HAS IDENTIFIED THE FOLLOWING CODE OMISSIONS OR DEFICIENCIES IN THE PROJECT APPLICATION FORMS, DRAWINGS, AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS. THE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE REVISED TO COMPLY WITH THE REFERENCED CODE SECTIONS. 1. A COPY OF THIS DEFICIENCY LETTER 2. A WRITTEN RESPONSE AS TO HOW EACH REVIEW COMMENT HAS BEEN RESOLVED 3. THE COMPLETED REVISED/ADDITIONAL PLANS FORM (SEE ATTACHED) 4. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL DOCUMENTS, IF RELEVANT REVISIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE CITY OF TULSA PERMIT CENTER LOCATED AT 175 EAST 2"d STREET, SUITE 450, TULSA, OKLAHOM A 74103, PHONE (918) 596-960J. THE CITY OF TULSA WILL ASSESS A RESUBMITTAL FEE. DO NOT SUBMIT REVISIONS TO THE PLANS EXAMINERS. STTBMITTALS FNKED / EMAILED TO PLANS EXAMINERS WLL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REVISIONS NEED TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. IF A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IS INVOLVED, HIS/HER LETTERS, SKETCHES, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BEAR HIS/HER OKLAHOMA SEAL WITH SIGNATURE AND DATE. 2. SUBMTTTWO (2) SETS OF DRAWTNGS tF SUBMITTED USING PAPER, OR SUBMIT ELECTRONIC REVISIONS IN "SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS', IF ORIGINALLY SUBMITTED ON-LINE, FOR REVISED OR ADDITIONAL PLANS. REVISIONS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH CLOUDS AND REVISION MARKS. 3. INFORMATION ABOUT THE ZONING CODE, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (BOA), PLANNING coMMtsstoN (TMApc), AND THE TULSA PLANNING OFFICE AT INCOG CAN BE FOUND ONLTNE AT TULSAPLANNING.ORG; lN PERSON AT 2 W. 2ND ST., 8TH FLOOR, lN TULSA; OR BYcALLlNGmKlNGToSPEAKToSoMEoNEABoUTTHlSLETTERoF DEFICIENCY. 4. A COPY OF A'RECORD SEARCH't X IIS I IIS NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS LETTER. PLEASE PRESENT THE'RECORD SEARCH'NI-OTIC WITH THIS LETTER TO INCOG STAFF AT TIME OF APPLYING FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION AT INCOG. UPON APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, INCOG STAFF WILL PROVIDE THE APPROVAL DOCUMENTS TO you FoR |MMED|ATE SUBMTTTAL TO OUR OFFICE. (See revisions submittal procedure above.). (continued) a,5 REVIEW COMMENTS SECTIONS REFERENCED BELOW ARE FROM THE CITY OF TULSA ZONING CODE TITLE 42 AND CAN BE VIEWED AT Tulsa Zoning Code ( z-88981 June 17 2021305 S Detroit Ave Note: As provided for in Section 70.130 you may request the Board of Adjustment (BOA) to grant a variance from the terms of the Zoning Code requirements identified in the lefter of deficiency below. Please direct all questions concerning variances, special exceptions, appeals of an administrative official decision, Master Plan Developments Districts (MPD), Planned Unit Developments (PUD), Corridor (GO) zoned districts, zoning changes, platting, lot splits , lot combinations, alternative compliance landscape and screening plans and all questions regarding (BOA) or{TMAPC) application forms and fees to a representative atthe Tulsa Planning Office at9!.!!9& 7526 or
[email protected] . lt is your responsibility to submit to our office documentation of any appeal decisions Uy * "utfto.Eed decision making body affecting the status of your application so we may continue to process your application. INGOG does not act as your legal or responsible agent in submitting documents to the City of iulsa on your behalf. Staff review comments may sometimes identify compliance methods as provided in the Tulsa Zoning Gode. The permit applicant is responsible for exploring all or any options available to address the noncompliance and submit the selected compliance option for review. Staff review makes neither representation nor recommendation as to any optimal method of code solution for the proiect' Sec.15.020 Table 15-2: The proposed Family Outreach Center is designated a Public, Civic & lnstitutional/Government Service or similar Function use. lt is in the CBD zoning district. This will require a Special Exception approved by the BOA. Review comment: Submit a copy of the approved Special Exception, to allow a Public, Civic & lnstitutional/Government Service or similar Function use in the CBD zoning district, as a revision to this application. NOTE: Your boundary survey indicates an "Area to be closed". Provide documentation that this closure has received approval from the City of Tulsa Note: All references are to the City of Tulsa Zoning Code. Link to Zoning Code: http://tulsaplanninq'orq/plans/TulsaZoninoGode.pdf ptease notifv the reviewer via email when your revisions have been submitted This lefter of deficiencies covens Zoning plan review items only. You may receive additional lefters from other disciplines such as Building or Water/Sewer/Drainage for items not addressed in this letter. A hard copy of this letter is available upon request by the applicant. END - ZONING CODE REVIEW NOTE: THIS CONSTITUTES A PLAN REVIEW TO DATE IN RESPONSE TO THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WTH THE ABOVE REFERENCED APPLICATION. ADDITIONAL ISSUES MAY DEVELOPWHEN THE REVIEW CONTINUES UPON RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED IN THIS LETTER OR UPON ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL FROM THE APPLICANT. KEEP OUR OFFICE ADVISED OF ANY ACTION BY THE CITY OF TULSA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OR TULSA METROPOLITAN AREA PLANNING COMMISSION AFFECTING THE STATUS OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A ZONING CLEARANCE PERMIT. 2 &,v DOWNTOWN CARI NG CENTER - VISION STATEMENT First Baptist Church's Downtown Caring Center is an integral part of the ministry and life of the church, and serves as a place where members can practice the service to others that the Bible calls for. Our mission as a church is to "Glorify God in all we do." Serving the under-resourced by providing food, clothing, help with utility bills, and prayer, and doing so in the name of Jesus fulfills that mission by bringing glory to God. Our vision as a church is "To develop Jesus-followers who become difference makers for a world of people far from God." The ministry of the Caring Center allows our people to develop personally as lesus-followers, allows them to make a difference for one person or one family at a time, and draws others to know Jesus and become followers, too' FBC has five stated values-Worship, Community, Service, Scripture, and Transformation. The ministry of the Caring Center fulfills three of those values. There is real community that happens among those that volunteer on a regular basis. Deep friendships are formed, and the serving groups care for and pray for one another-community. Service is the value that is most exemplified by the work of the Caring Center in the Tulsa community, And we get to witness transformation in ourselves and others when we act more like Jesus through our service, and also when others' lives are radically transformed through meeting Jesus for the first time. The Caring Center helps with basic necessities for anyone that comes through the doors. That includes food, clothing, and utility assistance. We also help, as we are able, with transportation needs, reading glasses, obtaining identification cards, prescriptions, Bibles, and various other needs that arise. With every person that comes through the door, we offer to pray with and for them about their needs. The current location of the Caring Center Downtown, which has been in operation for more than 20 years, is not adequately sized to meet the current or future demand for services. There are two separate waiting rooms, both of which are cramped and don't allow for social distancing and comfort. This also cuts into the space used for clothing and food. The ministry rooms are cramped, and there is no place for a private conversation or a place to pray with someone out of the way of others. Some of our clients suffer from mental illness, while others deal with substance abuse. Some come from a fixed income and need help, while others are suffering temporary setbacks such as job loss or other circumstances that lead them to seek help. To all, we want to provide a welcoming environment that providesdignity,acertainlevelofanonymityiftheydesireit,andsomelevelofcomfort. Whileour people are certainly welcoming, none of those other things exist in our current space. We are seeking to build a building that is about 70%larger than the current space, and with that added space we can more effectively be the Church and minister to those that seek help in a number of ways' Also, the pending City of Tulsa right-of-way closure is an important factor in the decision to build a new facility. This will provide an additional L5 feet of buildable land and provide the extra space for a more effective layout. 4,1 Frcm: To: Cc: Subjectl Date: Attachments: Mike Thedford Chaoman. Austin Coutant, Kevin C. Rei 6/2212021 BOA Hearing Monday, June 21, 2021 2:38:48 PM imaoe001.ono f30N -Rs\L{ u Auslin. I{cgar.cli:rguoA-23 1,16. l,dlikc(orcquesrthisitenrbecontinuedkr1he.lu1,r 27.2021 I}OAhea: ing.'l'hco$rc-rncedstinrcto rcrlic* lhe oirnr.rship o1-tlrt light ol'lra) and it's pcnding corl\c\incc rts i1 pcrtititls to this application mike thedford land development planner 918.584.5858 o. 918.806.7352 d' 918.497.0627 c On Mon, Iun2l,202l at 9:36 AM Chapman, Austin <
[email protected]> wrote: you are receiving this email because you have a new Board of Adjustment application to be heard at the Jwrc 22nd Hearing' Below is a link to the agenda with information on attending the hearing remotely. It is encouraged for all applicants to attend in person if they are abie. If you have additional exhibits, you would like to be made available to the Board members please email those to me by 9:00 am tomorrow moming. Please make sure you or a representative is present at the hearing either in person or remotely. httn://tulsafl ann ustnrent/city-hoa-agenda/ TULSA lAustin Chapman, AICP lHunn"r, City olTulsa Board of Adjustment Iturcu pl"nning office I 2W.2nd St., 8th Floor I Tulsa, OK 74103 918.579.94',71
[email protected] Determining compliance to zoning or building code requirements is not a function of this office' The Building Permits Division will address compliance upon application for a building permit or occupancy permit. {(918) 596-9456} DLANXI}IG OFFICT 4.\0 6-2L-2r RE: 305 S Detroit Ave Tulsa, OK Case #BOA-23L46 To Whom lt May Concern: My name is Mark Larson. I am writing to oppose the Special Exception to allow a Public, Civic & lnstitutional/Governmental Service facility at 305 S Detroit Avenue. I own property at 315, 317 S Detroit (Grey Hound Bus Station),327 S Elgin Ave,401E 4th Street (Credit Union), and the East End Village Apartments located at 401S Elgin Avenue. All of us can agree that homelessness is a terrible problem. This problem should be solved as soon as possible and I feel we are all on the same page with this. However, when the solution is building a shelter in the heart of downtown Tulsa, where 100's of millions of dollars are being invested in a revitalization of downtown, I question the location. As a property owner downtown, I am constantly dealing with issues due to several of the area church's programs. The programs do not seem to provide housing or a place to camp, instead they provide the meals and clothing bags multiple times a day. This leaves the homeless population to wander around downtown all day and night between the distributions. We are having major issues with crime and vehicle break ins, trash from clothing being dumped when new clothing is issued, people sleeping in doorways or on people patio's, mentally unstable people yelling at our tenants (we just had a gentlemen carrying a dead cat walking around the apartment complex) and a unsafe feeling when we are walking potential tenants around our properties. lt does not make sense to revitalize a downtown and then allow it to become a place where parents don't feel their kids are safe' I have invested over 520,000,000 along with 15 years of my life in downtown Tulsa' I believe Tulsa is on the rise and will continue to trend that direction but if we continue to add homeless shelters to the areas we are investing in, this will negatively impact these areas. I would propose building a shelter outside of downtown where there is less development as well as a place to house or set up a camping site. Thank you for your time and consideration. si , \\ M Larson e Mr. Dwayne Wilkerson, Tulsa Planning Office Mr. Austin Chapman, Tulsa Planning Office Mr. Kendal Davis, Tulsa Planning Office Ms. Janet Sparger, Tulsa Planning Office Mr. Bond stated there is still a vacant seat on the Board, but the Mayor's office is working to fill the position. ln today's hearing the applicant must receive three affirmative votes to receive approvai for the relief requested. Mr. Bond asked if there was anyone who wants to continue their case until the fifth member is appointed to the Board. No one requested a continuance. MINUTES On MOTION of BROWN, the Board voted 4-0-0 (Barrientos, Bond, Brown, Radney "aye"; no "nays"; no "abstentions"; none absent) to APPROVE the Minutes of the June B,'21il Board of Adjustment meeting No. 1274 with one amendment in Case BOA- 23133legal description, change osage county to Tulsa county. NEW APPLICATIONS 23146-Wallace Enqineerinq - Mike Thedford TILE COPY Action uested: Special Exception to allow a Public, civic & lnstitutional/Governmental service or Similar District (cD 4) Functions Use (CommunitY Center/Caring Center Downtown) in the CBD (Section 15.020, Table 15-2) LOCATION: 305 South Detroit Avenue East Presentation: The applicant requests a continuance to July 27,2021 lntereste Parties There were no interested parties present. Comments a 06/22/202r-127s (2) None d Ouestions: e,lA in person if they are able. If you have aclditional exhibits, you would like to be made available to the Board members please email those to me by 9:00 arn tomorrow moming. Please make sure you or a lepresentative is present at the hearing either in person or remotely. http://tulsaplamrinq-org/boards-commissions/city-of-tulsa-board-of-adiustrnent/city-boa-agendd TULSA lAustin Chapman, AICP L,u*.r, City of Tulsa Board of Adjustment Itut" pl"nning office I 2 W . 2nd St., 8th Floor I Tulsa, OK 74103 918.s'79.9471
[email protected] Dllt{xll.c oFact Determining compliance to zoning or building code requirements is not a function of this office The Building Permits Division will address compliance upon application for a building permit or occupancy permit. {(918) s96-94s6) d?,lg THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK RS-3 W SKELLY DR CS CH CS IL RS IL oRS-1 RS-3 SUBJECT TRACT ]- RM.O !euo-sst I I I I I I I -J q 3PUD L t I I I I AG LEGEND Tulsa CorPorate LimitsI I PUD.375ERS.3 ITIII 400 Feet 2000 l# BOA-23187 19-12 34 3,1 N s a Subject to the following conditions (including time limitation, if any) o Sugge sted Condition: Appticant to obtain permit for construction in the right-of'way' The Board finds that the requested special Exception will be in harmony with the spirit.and intent of the code and will not be injurious to tne neighborhood or othenrvise detrimental to the public welfare' 3,\ REVTSED 9/2O/2O21, Chapter 45 | Accessory Uses and Structures Section 45.130 | Parking and Storage of Commercial Trucks AS,1ZO-COf1ce support services must have internal access from the subject office building' External entrances are also allowed. Section 45.130 Parking and storage of commercial Trucks No vehicle required to be registered as a "commercial truck" pursuant to OAC 710:60-3-91 may be parked or stored on a lotwithin a residential zoning district. This provision is not intended to prohibit deliveries and pickups by common carrier deliveryvehicles (e.g., postal service, united parcel service, FedEx, et al.) of the type typically used in residential neighborhoods Section 45.140 parking and Storage of lnoperable or Unlicensed Motor Vehicles ln R or AG-R districts, parking or storage of inoperable or unlicensed motor vehicles is prohibited within street Yards. Section 45.150 Parking and Storage of Recreational Vehicles 45.150-AOther than for purposes of loading and unloading, which must take place within a 48-hour period, recreational vehicles located in an AG, AG-R, R or MX district may be parked or stored only in the following locations: 1. Within a garage; z. Within a rear building setback, provided it is set back at least 3 feet from all lot lines; 3. Within a side yard but not within a required side building setback; 4. Within a side building setback if the recreationalvehicle is no more than 6 feet in height, excluding the height of any outboard motor or windshield, and the recreational vehicle is screened along the lot line nearest to the vehicle and extending for the vehicle's the full length by an F1 screening fence or wall in accordance with 565,Q70:.e; or S. Within the street yard, provided that the development administrator determines that all of the following conditions exist: a. Space is not available or there is no reasonable access to either the side yard or rear yard; b. Parking inside the garage is not possible due to the height or width of the recreational vehicle; c. The recreational vehicle is parked perpendicular to the street lot line; d, The body of the recreational vehicle is at least 12 feet from the face of the curb or travel lanes of the street and does not extend over a sidewalk; and e. No more than one recreational vehicle is parked or stored in the street yard. 6. For purposes of these provisions: a. A corner lot is always deemed to have reasonable access to the rear yard; b. A fence does not necessarily prevent reasonable access to a yard; and c. A boat loaded on a boat trailer is considered one recreational vehicle. TULSA ZONING CODE I August 31' 2021 Page 45-1 3 3,5 Chapter 45 | Accessory Uses and Structures Section 45.160 | Residential Support Service 45.1sg-BThe parking and storage of recreational vehicles in an R or AG-R district is permitted in accordance with 54-5,1-5Q:A' provided that: L. The vehicle is not used for dwelling purposes; 2. The vehicle is not permanently connected to sewer lines, water lines, or electricity; and 3. The vehicle is not used for storage of goods, materials, or equipment other than those items considered to be a part of the recreationalvehicle or essential for its use as a recreational vehicle' 45.150-C tf the siting regulations of 54-5.1 50-A cannot be met, parking or storage of recreational vehicles in the street yard requires approval in accordance with the special exception procedures of Sectiqn 7q.120. Section 45.160 Residential Support Service 45.160-A Residential support services include restaurants and retail sales of convenience goods provided primarily to serve the needs of residents of residential buildings. 45.160-8 Residential support services are allowed in the RM-3 district and all MX districts as an accessory use to any principal group living use and in apartment/condo buildings. 45.160-C Residential support services must be located in the same building as the principal residential use, and occupy, in aggregate, floor area of no more than 4,000 square feet or 1oo/o of the floor area of the principal residential use, whichever is less. 45.160-DResidential support services must have internal access from the principal residential building' External entrances are also allowed' Section 45.170 Rooming Units Rooming units that are accessory to household living uses are allowed, provided that the total number of unrelated persons residing on the property does not exceed the number permitted in the household. Section 45.180 satellite Dish Antennas 4s.180-A Where Allowed 1. Satellite dish antennas up to 40 inches in diameter are permitted as of right as an accessory use to all lawfully established principal uses in all zoning districts. They are subject to all applicable accessory structure setback regulations. 2. Satellite dish antennas over 40 inches in diameter, up to 120 inches in diameter, are permitted as of right as an accessory use to all lawfully established principal uses in mixed-use and nonresidential zoning districts. They are subject to all applicable accessory structure setback regulations. TULSA ZONING CODE I August 31,2021 Page 45-14 3,v q *sEN6 @!ar€ ruverAt lto te?ssa@) 69r!N6 @NAretuLL@ @ Fo?se@Er) d5rt{6 @{e.E s!(s! @fr@
[email protected]\.tta v. @t!6 (Mr*iroNtftdo{ df!i6 @@o e'r L{ftr es.t\6 ^nM.. @M. Eef ti6@laft Atu! (.o?eft ndtr @sr!!6 o!d* @ Fo tr?sn4rr I tr) I " ^,,*,*" r | &'qq'*q r.. I ls i".-v,.c.r*. G {.} s <s <Q =2Fd 9e qa '5 o € I+) <( ; --1- Fo c(\ \r, oo \s, rn it I*l s il s 3i Fl s $3 5t o gs i ii l il I L L .? L ,11 l I 15,OA' 15.00 :qr I 45\o' 1-- t u strqct i I I I I I I I l I I i r3 l' I I I I I I I I '-4-A', L l 3 s,t 't liry A'MION ,&t*b--"e'n*'-*s'h' ..r1 I i1 ry 1.b.uz1 9E SIIE: u Vg"'1!o'E:Iqr$$qT! r!i.Ns!o!t Ai? L6r t€ft dr! t tufr6a\frLae.a tue. *EEr Nu@* /i451-rNA'A5_9uILT 5rr€ ?LAN 4000 Feet 200 Subject Tract BOA-23187 Note: Graphic overtays may not Necisety -L align with physical features on the gn Aeilat Photo Date: 2020/2021 Jt' \Ol# 19-12 34 0 Feet 50 100 Subject Tract BOA-23187 Note: Gnphic oveilays may not precisely align with physical features on the gr' Aeriat PhotoDate: 2020/2021 J . \l# 19-12 34 L BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE REPORT STR: 8308 CZM:52 CD:. 2 Case Number: BOA-23193 HEARTNG DATE : 10126t2021 1.00 pM (continued from 10/12/21, applicant not present) APPLI CANT: Jim Beach ACTION REQUESTED: Special Exception to modify a previously approved site plan for a university in a residential oliltrnt (dec.b.020, iable 5-2, Sec. 70.120) Variance to increase the maximum permitted height of 35-feet in an RS-3 District (Sec' 5'030, Table 5-3) LOCATION: 7777 S LEWIS AV E ZONED: RS-3 TRACT SIZE: 6527954.47 SQ FT N22 SE31 .19 W22 POB, ORAL ROBERTS PRESE USE : University L DESCRIPTION: BLK 1 LESS BEG SWC TH UNIVERSITY HGTS REL TPR IOUS ONS: FJC,A,23170; On 0g.10.21 the board approved a special Exception to modify a nlevlo-ysJy approved site plan for a university in a residential district (bec.5.020, Table 5-2, Sec' 70'120) Variance to increase the maximum pbrmitted height of 3S-feet in an RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030, Table 5-3) BOA-17g31-A; On 12.0g.2015 the board approved a modification to a previously approved plan for a digital sign. BOA-21495; On 11.13.12 the Board approved a variance to allow 2 wall signs in an R district. BOA-214gg; On 10.23.2012 the Board approved a variance to allow a wall sign in an R district' BOA-17g31; On 0g.23.97 the Board approved an amendment to a previously approved exception for a sponsor sign and a variance of the maximum square feet for a sponsor sign' BOA-g273; On 11.04.76 the Board voted to uphold the appeal to the building inspector from decision of the building inspector for refusing to issue a zoning clearance permit to construct quarters on the University Cam-pus io be operated in Lonjunction with the University Medical Campus. BOA-g1g7; on 11.04.76 the Board approved an exception to permit the use of the property for university uses per the development standards submitted and the plot plan "F-2" ' 80A-7769; on 02.01.73 the Board approved an exception to operate a community service, cultural and recreation facility (Mabee Center) in an R district' BoA-7221; on 1 1.30.72the Board approved a Minor variance to modify the allowed height and size of a sign in an RS-3 District. t*\,fu REVTSED 10/15/2O2r 80A-3260; On 02.14.192the Board approved the subject property for school purposes. Surrou ndi ng proPerties : 80A-7964; on 07.050.73 the Board approved an Exception for Athletic facilities for Oral Roberts University. property Located lmmediately East of the subject Tract. RELATI SHIP TO THE COMPREHENSIV E PLAN : The Tulsa Comprehensive Plan identifies the subject property as part of a "Regional Center " and an "Area of Growth" Regional Centers are mid-rise mixed-use areas for large-scale employment, retail, and civic or educational uses. These areas attract workers and visitors from around the region and are key transit hubs; station areas can include housing, retail, entertainment, and other amenities. Automobile parking is provided on-street and in shared lots. Most Regional Centers include a parking management district. The purpose of Areas of Growth is to direct the allocation of resources and channel growth to where it wili be beneficial and can best improve access to jobs, housing, and services with fewer and shorter auto trips. Areas of Growth are parts of the city where general agreement exists that development or redeveiopment is beneficial. As steps are taken to plan for, and, in some cases, develop or redevelop these areas, ensuring that existing residents will not be displaced is a high priority. A major goal is to increase economic ""tiuity in the irea to benefit existing residents and businesses, and where necessary, provide the stimulus to redevelop. ANALYS|S OF SU NDING AREA: The subject tract is located at the NE/c or E. 81't Street South and S. Lewis Ave. STAFF COMMENTS: ffiestingaSpecialExceptiontomodifyapreviouslyapprovedsiteplanfora universiiy in a residential distriit 1Sec.s.020, Table 5-2, Sec. 70.120) Variance to increase the maximum permitted height of 3s-feet in an RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030, Table 5-3) to allow an addition for a training center. BOA-23170 was the most recent Board case involving the University site plan. lncluded in your packet is a copy of that approved plan. The Board may also wish to refer the applicant to re-zone the property to a zoning classification that would allow the Use by right. Currently the Land Use Designation as Regional Center would support a higher intensity zoning lirtrict. The lbwest intensity Zoning Category that would allow this use by right would be OM (Office-Medium). SAMPLE MOTION: Specral Exception: Move to (approve/deny) a Special Exception to modify a previously approved site plan for a univensity in a residential district (Sec.5.020, Table 5-2, Sec. 70.120) o Per the Conceptual Plan(s) shown on page(s) - of the agenda packet' . Subject to the following conditions (including time limitation, if any): 4,3 REVTSED 10/4/2O2i, The Board finds that the requested Special Exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code and will not be injurious to the neighboihood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare' Variance: Move to in an RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030, Table 5-3) Finding the hardshiP(s) to be- (approve/deny) a Variance to increase the maximum permitted height of 35-feet a Per the Conceptual Plan(s) shown on page(s) - of the agenda packet' Subject to the following conditions ln granting the Variance the Board finds that the following facts, favorable to the property owner, have been established a. That the physical surroundings, shape, or topographicat conditions .of the subiect property would resuit in unnece.ssary hardships or practical difficulties for the propefty owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict tetter of the regulations were carried out; b. That titerat enforcement of the subject zoning code provision is not necessary to achieve the p rovi sion's i nte nded P urqo se ; c. That the conditions teading to the need of the requested variance are unique to the subiect property and not applicabte, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification; d. That the atteged practical difficutty or unnecessary hardship was not created or self-imposed by the current ProPertY owner; e. That the variance to be granted is the minimum variance that will afford relief; f. That the variance to be granted witt not alter fhe essential character of the neighborhood in which the subject prope-rty is located, nor substantiatty or permanently impair use or development of adiacent property; and g. That the variance to be granted wilt not cause substantial detriment to the public good or 'impair the purposes, spirit, ind intent of this zoning code or the comprehensive plan." 4.q o REVTSED 70/4/2O2r L'h ,Llz qxrew :opo olotld leuav B0 e l-8 I li{,il!,'o","i"nlii,':;:i,!T:'!'ii;j:{ ::::; V' L t I / L -V O g lceJ! pa{qng t+t 009 00e ]aaf 0 t i d a Ia=\rz"' { rt .. t, ,/' ":ff I , I e ' \r": 4 ti. rl t ti a ta , a tr '! L I : ?' rL --! t! ,, ?l , .d.'rt i?al l"', ! .: I .:rd{ I I iF i, t, t 1 T; * # I J. v I t f I t |: t,t # i., al ,| F f"l 81 .r*11 t- .ti b :_ .rl , tl , l( ,/ ty'f :-* ,t" t'i - '-'' .t .:.t I 'i -'# -.: :.J t.h r r! +t!tr " llo,,to-r ' .,r: ri.\F - ,c, rn l.:P ,. rn 'fr,,*. ' 0 ) I +.i i*l',' L ),,f, ?I F tl f,'.- t h.r I :l I ',tt:,\ .t' 1 :, LT 1 BLK 13, sUNsET TERRACE, clw oF TULSA, TULSA couNw, STATE oF OKLAHOMA .'t "a il 21495-Mark Braoq ffio(2)wallsigrrsinanRSDistrict(Section4o2.B.4).LOGATloN:ffiuth Lewis Avenue (cD 2) Presentatlon: ffre apPticant was not Present' lnterested Parties: ffisted parties Present' Comments and Questions: None. :,J € trft#ffif vAN DE wrELE, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Henke, snyder, Tidwett, van De Wiele, White 'aye"; no "nays"; no 'iOstentions"; none absent) to Affigg the request for a Vari#c.l'to Lllow'twb fZl *"fl *ig"t i111 RS District (Section 402'B'4'; subject to concept,ilGit" plan on p"gl, 6li3, p"g" 9.14, and page 9'15' Finding that the signage in quesiion i" ne."ssary io guide ituO.ent and visitor traffic on the campus' By reason of extraordinary or "*t"Jtiin"l conditions or circumstances' which are peculiar to the l"nolJiiu"trtL oi oJirai"i i;t y"o,.the literal enforcement of the terms of the code would result in unnecesr"w'i"io"nip; inrt such extraordinary or exceptional conditions or circumst"n.", do not dppry g.enbraily to- olher property in the same use district; and that ffre variance to be griniei wiil not cause substantiar detriment to the public good or impair the purpos"t, tpitii,-"na intent of the Code' or the Comprehensive ittan; for the following ProPertY: BLK 1 LESS BEG SWC TH N22 SE31.19 W22 POB' ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY HGTS, CITY OF TUIbA, iUUSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOI/IA OTHER BUSINESS &equestfor Tutsa Zonino Code lnteroretation: A. where, and when, is serving and sale of intoxicating bever.a.ges and/or low point beer allowed ", "r."Jrory or customary to an indentified use? t/t3l2ot2-t082 (t6) 4.9 1940s era home was built before the code went into effect, and the unique orientation of the home on the totnJi nr poses a hardship justifying..the approval of .the variance' Finding by reason of extraordinary or "*""piioit"t cbnditions or circumstances' which are peculiar to theltnO,- ttir.ture or OuitOing involved' the literal enforcement of the terms of the Code *ouid result in unnecesjary hardship; that such extraordinary or exceptional conditions or circumstanceJ Oo not ipply generally to other property in the same use district; "nJ that the uari"nc" to b;'glranteo wiil not cause substantial detriment to the prOfT"'go;Jorimpair tne purposes,lpirit, and intent of the Code' or the Comprehensive Plan; for the following property: LT-I-BL2, LOUISE ADDN OF Ll J P HARTERS SUB' CITY OF TULSA' TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA 1012312012-1081 (16) 21488-Mark Brgqo Action Reouested: Variance to attoffiwall sign in a Residential District (Section 4A2'B'4)' LOGATION: ZOO'| East 81't Street (CD 2) Presentationi Mark Bragg, KSQ Architects, 1624 South Detroit, Tulsa, oK; stated oral Roberts University had remod"r"a tnu subject nrituing and wourd like to have a building sign honoring the donor. in- sign wiil 6e on in" s-outhwest face of the subject building and will not be illuminated, lnterested Parties: There were no interested parties present' Comments and Queatlons: None. Bof,rd Action: onMoTloNofVANDEwlELE,theBoardvoted4-0.0(Snyo-"rJl{rll,VanDeWiele' White "aye"; no "n"yr'; no ;aOstintionsl'; ienke absentfto AppnOVg the request for a Variance to allow "'*i1 rign in a Residential District (bection aozB.4), subject to site plan on pages ti.ia," anO p lZ. Finding tnit for identification and location purposes the university sign is necessary eV .*i1"n,of extraordinary or exceptional conditions or circumstances, which ;d pe"rti., to the land, structure or building involved, the literal ent-t"tbnt of the terms of the Code would result in unnecessary hardship; that such extraordinary or exceptional cond'ttions or circumstances do not appty generatty to om"i il;t"try 11 tne same use district; and that the variance to be granted wilt not ."rr" t.iO.dantiif detriment to the public,Soo.d ol impair the- purposes' lpiiii, *J i.ient orine cooe, ortne comprehensive Plan; for the following property: 4.q Po'A ' \t+Yl F^F AF ! i . BLK { LESS BEG swc TH N22 sFL1'19W22 POB', oRAL ROBERT HGTS, CITY OF rUi-S."i, iiJiSI COUNTY' STATE OF OKLAHOMA t, 2{489-Mark BrasE Avenue East (CD 4) ffi-thepermitte1flog,areafrom1,0o6Squarefeet(40%)to1,188 square teet {47a/o)i#i; ; oi; v"ri@:? ff accessory building height and coverrgu "r"r'in -iequireO rear ya?l-lrcE- 1 =19y- to 2 story and increase maximum covered area in ihe rear y.tO ttotn 300 square feet (30%) to 540 square feet (54%) (SectionlTo e.s."j in the nS-i oi"tiiti' lbCanOUi 1621 South Detroit S UNIVERSITY 10t2312012-1081 (l?) Prgsgntation: , ^-..4L n^!,^i+ Trrtca 6K, c,tated he lives across the Mark Bragg, KSQ Architects, 1624 South Detroit, Tulsa, o ; stat i street from the subject property ano nas-iiv"J tn*iu for four years. when he first moved into the neighborh'Jol -i[-*i" "ntii"rv'i"ni"t -prop*rty and over th.e years the neighborhood has'ti".tly lrnpro.ugg. in'r,t'" interim the neighborhood has achieved historic zoning, He purchased the ttni""t prgqqrty,acrosi the street because he wanted to downsize *iinout moving o,i of it'" neilnndrnood' Currently the house does not have a garage, but it did nau" "i'on; tiril. - Mr. Bragg w.ould like to^replace the previous garage witn anotner larger g"itJ", f"tger than t'"inlt tne zoning code allows' The foundation of the previo* grr"il =iflt fr;-,F .. Ml: Bragg has a letter from the previous owner "t"iin-g ffii;hd snE-moveo into the nousJine garage had burned down, and that the previous gara-ge,-had been a two-story garage' Mr' Bragg has trip"tt Jhii applicaiion from 17 of his neighbors' Mr. Van De Wiele asked Mr. Bragg if the footprint of what he was proposing to build is the same as the previous garage.. lt'itld.g'; stated it is basicaliy the same but not exactly. The new fit;G;ii U"l-littl" wider io accommodate today's cars' Mr. white asked Mr. Bragg if he had received his certificate of Appropriateness' Mr' Bragg stated thai he-ilad o"*n '"pp.""q and^does have' a certificate of Appropriateness. irrr. ei"gg ,trt"O tnaifrJ a6o has a Certificate of Appropriateness for the house. Mr.VanDeWieleaskedMr.Braggifheintendedforthesecondstoryofthegarageto be a future garage apartment. Mr, er;g';!;ajn3l h" had no intentions of using the second story as a garage apartment "iinL tir", but he willfile an application dnd come back before the Board to ask permission lf he wants to have a rental unit' lntereeted Parties: ffisted Parties Present' 4. t& Gase No. 17830 10023 East 39th Place South' Prgsgntatlon: Lr^ ^aan nrinr rn iha hl The applicant, Rick L' Frie' withdrew his c se prior to t e earing Case No..:l7Qll ffi perrl:.y,91:,?:,n,!':p^"g,;l;t5"T',1,*J,'l"f 't usE uNtr {7. AurS;iiiirve o'iro-nii-rEo'ncttvlrles; use conditions' located F!!-t 0$FY ffindment]9-1lfyjouslyapprw99:r"inlexception.sEcTloN 40{. PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 'N i;,SdiNTIAL DISTRICTS - USE UNit 2 ANd a Variance of the ,;;;ffi 15 sF "f ;";;;;isn. iicnoN 1202'c'{2 usE uNlT 2 AREA'WIDE sPEclAL EXGEPTION U;$t G; Conditions' located East side of South Lewis Avenue, North of East 8'l"tStreet' Eresentelisn: The applicant, charles E. Norman, 2900 Mid-contirrent Tower' representing oral Roberts university (,oRu'), submitted ;;i" ilt (ixhibit.L-1), a computer generated photograph (Exhioi Li1'and pnotog;aiilr['t t-g). 'l'/r' Norman stated the existingmessagesignulasapprovedasanaccessoryusetotheUniversity25years ago. He indicateo lnat the messag* ig;'h"r n**r*,obsolete and worn out' He proposes to reptace ine etactronir.omioli"nfcent"r and leaving the stone columns in ptace. Mr. Normai i"q*rt-o ,^" uo#ii.";ilil;i.oi tn"-n"* electronic component as an amendment to the previously ,ppi*i special^exception. The message sign is adjacent to the 1ruil**'L[nier, wh'lch ii Lcated on 40 acres of the 200 acres of oRU campus. frnr, Normun describect tne focaiUusinesses located across the street from theoRUcampus.whichhadueen-const'ucteosincetheMabeeCenterwas constructed, r-ru Joni*Lnt"O that when the ordinance was written dealing with signs associated with educational institutions, ;hd'ri*it tnt.sign of the sponsor name and togo to onty 15 SF, was actually ,uppo,i*lo nu r sy" of the size of the sign' He stated that he suspects that every stadium- scorenoaro and sponsor logo in the city are considerably larger than the 15 SF. Mi.- Nor*"n indicated that the proposal replacementwirlhavefour(4)Sponsorro.'tion'.Heexplainedthatthereplacement cost of the message board is in exces$ g+oo,ooo ancl obviously it is necessary for ORU to secure mJre than one (lltpontot to'ofrtain the contribution for the facility' The sponso, togo.-"ir 5l x g' o, +'s sF'ior tn* totur of 180 sF' which when compared ro the size of the sign (approxirnat"d i;;0 srr i. 157o of the face of the sign' Mr' Norman indicated tnattne height ott|",e'sign wilibe recluced approximately 2'and the total size of the ,t*;; "ppro"i*utety fO' l6ss than its present configuration' 0t):21:9'7 :735{ 17\ 4.[' Case No. 17831 (continued) Cg$Eenlg 3nd.gge5!l9xg: , ..^-c lha nnn{:erns of the staff that the video Mr. White asked tGlppfi"unt to. ad.clress the concerns c display might u* u'ciri;rtion to tne traffic'l Mr, Norman stated that experience has Droven that the changeable signs are -"iJi-t6-ting in a^oanqerous way' The Board recen'y approvecl u ii*id, si{n for,nr'l#oiti"j nttg CentJr' much smaller in size' but has rapidty changing messages r^i h";;;tuitiur for displays to reflect the event thatisgoingon.-tnisproposed'signwillbeoperated,inaccordancewith considerations of tiability, which.nas nJ#',riu"r*uutr Lv onu' The sign will not be operated in u w"y tilai',iriff n* Oistractive to drivers a1:ng south Lewis' There will not be any live victeos ilh; ;"ti"ities goingln-' except mayoe a one (1) or two (2) second reptay of a basketn"ri."i"g intg a h"d.;;";;J*O in* eoarO that there wlll not be a message ,o*pon*ni i'frat ivift have a continual message' which woulcl attract driver's attention as they drive by the sign' ln response to lhe Boarcl's cullcerlls wirh the video image compon'ents creating a traffic probtem oi"Olri*.lion' Mr' ruo'*u"-stateJ that tlie typical driving speed is approximately 30 rnph and tfre messaO; ilt; will,not be v'rsible for morc than two (2) or three (3) second's by any pa*icutaiuetiicte oriving oy' He commented that you rarerysee rhe *ni?iri* *i."ugu rrom'trre tvpicar trlrrii speecr. He concruded that rire messagu to"iri'*iil be prirnaliry ;;;; io aovertise the next event taking place itt the Mabee cenler. lf there are any pruiL*u urith the operation' he is sure that there will be discussion with the traffic ""git";t ttA'bnU'o lnnu'un"" uncleryriters abot-tt the oPeration of ihe sign' -eiiirt#"i of DUNHAM, the Board ':,u,:r :":*^f-?i:l(':. cooper' Du'rhatn' rurtrbt;' wtrite. ,,ayr:i,.,no ,,rr;ty$,,*r.r ,,nligie:rrtl,r,l,u:', ,ion* "abserit"),to AP-PRQyE an atnen(lnrent to a previctrsly rrl-rnrovr:l'J l?:"i:l^*cup*tio" irclror* aot ' pntUClPAL usEs PkRMITTEA lN R'ESIDENTIAL nfSinfiiS -' tJsc t)nit 2 ancl a Variance of tho max.imum 15 sF of sponsor *ign' s;;;1olr rz'az-"'11"IJSE urul'r 2 AREA-wIDE' SPEcIA.LEXcEPT!0NUSES;g,'*g6nrJilionsiperpi*rrstllrmittetJ,firrclingthattlre requirements tor "luri"n""'in S*"'-'itiOr'C" 'ttou*: bcen mst' ot the fr:ll'wir-rr-l described ProPertY: N200.,Sl000,,tslockl,oralRobertsUniversityHeightsAddition,Cityof -fulsa, TLrlsa CountY, Cklanoma \,:'| ):. '.t. |.,.t : \ 4. lL{ \ 9120 (conttnued) 9L97 *=.ffiicanr, Eart Revnolds, .was "::-l:::::t:^ru:::::iH"::T::n:"t bytheChairr't["-it"festatedrnu"ppii"antandp(oEedtant'George 0""r,", both were notlfied of this meeting' PrOteS tS : -_- - !L^ .,-Jara t-andl ns Of the G."tgeOr'tens'repreSentatlvestatedltwastheunderscandlngofth( protestant ttt"t-it'f" caae \tas Eo be continued' Board ActLon:' -- LL- n^^-r /2-o\ r^nt{nued aoplicatton 9L20 co onMoTIoNotJOLLY,theBoard(3.0)ccntin11aall Januarv 6, !g77,1:30 p'rn" ""'iitli"i* -etOito:1l*' citv Hall' Tulsa Clvts Center' The Staff !'tas- tt[t tttea by the.Board to wrlte the appticant "oiiryi"g-ttit or tnu Jonti"*t'*" daee; and to also notlfy ln wrlttns tit-i'"i"-tants and ;;;il;;;;; of the followlns cage numbers thar Ehelr "Jrtilliir"l'"iri'i"-il.,tr.'".4 from November 18, 1e76 eo January6,L|TT,toallowcheSupreneCourt,t'omakeadecisioninvotving rhem: 846L, alio' arf's, 9058' 9120' and 9L42' %ffi#ecrion 410 - principal uees permi.::9 t" ResldenLiat Distrlct's;SectionLIaS.coarr'runityServices,CulturalandRecrea- tional Factllties) for permisslon !o uu" proPerty for university PurPoses,ro*.t.a,southandeascofT5thStreetandLewl.sAvenue. %Char1esNormanrepresentedcheapplicant,0ralRoberts universl-ty.Ilegtstedehtsappllcatlonwascontl.nuedfromaprevlous rneeting ao putria readvertlsfng'to-i""lude addltlonal properEy and fot further conslderation of p.oporJi petimec"r developmenE sEandards that were submiEted al the eartiet *t"ting' An' additional copy of the proposed perl_meEer developmenc""t""alras which was presented (Exhibtt rrA-1rr) and wae glven to the Board by Mr' Norman' followed by hls re- view of rh.;;pii;.ii"i wtich-was presenred at the last Board meeting' He noted the applicanE is "t*''i!-flt approvat of the north 165r as welL as the righr-of-way of two"streeE; belng closed by the ctEy com- misslon whlch lncludes propert| s""tt of 75th StfeeL on Birmlngham Avenue "oa .ioif-iO.t,-Str"Lr bL approygg.ft: universitv purPose'' The applic"rrr-"?.o-."qu".t" ct" "'a!t 165t of Ehe 40 acres rthlch has beenprevlouslyapprovedforethleticpurposesalsobeapprovedfor general univer-siry'use' It vas noted 6y it' Norman Ehat slnce 1962' al_L the buildings consrrucred ;";;;-Ehe'orlglnal approval of the Board were submirtea lo the Butldt"g-ii"p""aor without belng submiEced to the Board on an indlvidual u""l"l The appticant is requesting the same proceaure ue applted co tl;-rernar.talr of the camPus whlch is belng Urougti-U.ioi"'.t" Board this date for approval, subject to the propoeed perimeEer developrnent standards (Exhibit 'rA-1rr) ' Board l"Iember Tom Jolly polnted out !1r' Norman met with hitn slnee the tasuBoardmeeEing'cornplyingwithhisrequegt,andresolvedhisques- Eions regerding tf,e development standards' LL,4.76:,223 (3) A.l'Z 9197 (contlnued) DavldPaullngofcheLegalDePartmenc_felttheaddittonof'|6bove the top platerr followlng ';ti"!"iing t5 feet'r at the end of the first sentence of Ehe propoeed peii*ecer*development stsndards was needed for clarltY, Protests: None. b%*ffi of J.LLy rhe Board (3-0) approved an_Exceptlon (section 410 - princrpii"fr"""--p.*rrtr"d r"'negidenctal DlstrlccE - section 1205 - Co*,r.iiy";;;"i;;", cultural and Recreattonal Facilities) for pernission co o!. the property for univereicy Purposes, per plot plan (Exhtbit "y-2"1, 'oU*fic"i ac meeting 11220' Septenber 16' 1976 and aubJecc to the';,.;ril;; p.rrur"iiunt'st""attae' gubnltted, in Rs-t and RS-3 Dtstricts on the following described tracE: The North 155t and the Esst 165t of the SW/4 of SecEion 8' Town- shlp 18 North, Range 13- East' Tulsa County' oklahoma; and che\.1/2ofthewl|otti'.-ssia-"i-i"*.io"--6,Townehlp18North, Range13Easl,Tulsacoo"tll'Oftitttt*";andthevacatedrlghc-of' way of io"it' nirmlngharn l*'""t'" from the South Boundary of East T5thStreetSouthtother.'"'.r'Bo.,ndaryofT6tltstreeESouEh, created in Part, by dedlc;;i;" in plat-of Southern 1t111s Egtates' a aubdlvlsltn of the S/2;;-;;t Nll/4 of Sectlon 8' T-18-N' R-13-E' Tulea county' Oklahoms' fii"a on Auguet 3' 1950 and being numbered 1626.Alsocreated'lnp;;;;ivatii"ttloninPletofLaVelle Helghcs, a subdtvtaton ";-;;; iiz'-oi-tt,u NW/4 of secclon 8, T-18-N' R-13-E,TulsaCounty'Otiui"*"'-ffftaonAorll28'L924(subJecc tocloelngbycheBoatdofCommisslonersoict'uCLEyofTulsaand vacationbylheDlstrletco''tofTulsacounty,oklahoma);and Ehevacatedtighc-of.*^voiEastT6thstreeEsouthfromtheEastern Boundarv of South Lewie A;;";;' created"by dedlcation on Plat of Laielte Helshrs, a subdrJi;;;'";-;;; sl2 ot the s/2 of the Nsr/4 of secrion g, T-rg-N, n-ti-g, fired on Aprrr zg, rgzh. Enlarged uyaeaicittononPlatNolteie,so.'chernHlltsEstates,filedon Auguer 3, 1950, and_plat N".-i5so oral Robercs unLversity Heights' flled February 9' il962 tt"i:"ti to closlng by Ehe Board of Commls- slonersoftheCltyofrulsiandvacaEfonbytheDlstrictCourtof TuleaCountv'0klahorna)t-;;;;il"Sourh430'ofl-otsl'2'3'and 4andthesouEh3Tgtofr'lt"i'g'7'and8inBlock3ofsouthern Httls Estaree Addltion .i-.["-cr.i oi t,rt"", Tutsa county, okta'; and Lots 31 4, 5' o' t'lni"e'-irltk 4' Lavellt Helghts' a subdi- vislon of a part of the ;i';t tttt r'rwli of secrion 8' T-18-N' R-13-E'TulsaCounty'Otlaio*tlandtheSouth3Tg)ofthevacated right-of-wayofSouth.n"ii*"'".lvenuefromtheSouthBoundaryof Eaec 75th street South;;_;;. North Line of the S/2 f SecEi n 8, T-18-N, R-13-Et Tulsa County' Oklahoma' accotding to Ehe recorded Platchereof(subJec.."_.iiii..gbytheBoardofCorrrnissionersof the city of Tulsa; tna iti"-i3'"14'' L5 and 16' Block 4' Lavelle HelghEs, a subdivl'ion oi-" p"it oi-the S/2 of the Nll/4 of Section s, t-iil}.I, R-13-8, Tulsa county' oktahoma' L1.4. 76 2223(4) 4. l8 I r4j I 77-4Q (conFlnuedl ,Iiceresrecl Partv: Bggld Actton: 77.2L Cornmunlcation: 7769 Acclon Requegted: Robert Scott, 2930 l'test 51st Street' advleed the illii-rlii-it"t" lg a h(11 one 1or. fron the pro- ffi; io""aro" of the cllnlc' whlch rvlll create l"iiltiil-;;;;';-d;i *'" cr'inrc is constructed' ff"-""gg"taed that'ti" f""ftfc Englneer check lhe trafflc 81tuatlon agaln before the applicstlon is aPProved ' l{rg.Glenltalford,2823l|egt5letStreet,advised. that the traffic ift""lf"" in thls area ls bsd and thatthehtrrcausesaergtrtproblemwhendriving. il:-.;;.d that t'he clinic will generat'e oore trafftc ln the "t;; ;;;-;dd to tle safetv hazard thet nct exlgts. Mr. Reece advised the {nteresced Partles End the Board thet the ft"tfi" Englneer has checked th€ traffic sltuatron-iii-appi"t"a the locat{on of the cltnic, alatlng rf'ei if'" d"luetey. ls establlehed at the flest end "i-it* property, there would be no slght Problem. on MotrIoN of REEDs, the-soard (o'91"*.,-,1ffiT**tilil, the Clcy-Councy Health Clinlc' I cc ie tncludea in uee-uirt s and approved an Exceptlon ' (410 - Prlnclgal'ir**"-i"ttitred' in Regldential Dis- lii.."t-co peirnit "-irtv-cooltv lte?lth Clinic as a Conmuntty Servtce, Use ilnlt 5' on the following described tract: Beginnlng at a point 35 feec South of the Northwegc "ot"tt of Ehe nn/4.' M/4' of Section 34, iownentp t9 North' Range 12 Eest, TuLaa Councy,-Ofclahorna; thence Easc 100 feet; $outh e16 feeul west 100 fe€E; Uoittt efO feec Eo the polnt of beginnlng' This conmunication for interpretation of ttri'Ordinance wae conrln.r.a ttot if'" 'r"o*ty 18' 1973 meeting' Exceptlon (Section 4l-0 - Principal Ueee Permltted i"-nlria""ii"1 nt"tricts) for pernission to operete a community s.tvtte,-culiural.and recreetlon facility Lr,-i r..ialntiaL district, and Variance(Section420.2(d)(1).A-ecesgotyUsestn Residentlel utstrtcts - li"""ttory-Uae Gondltions - ;;;;t .. varv the requiremento of the constant llght requtlementt lo petmlt 1 tlett for the John t"lsbee Center in aicora'with plans and specifications submitted, ln an ni-S pf"ettcg located at 81st St" and Levqis Avenue. 2.L,732130(3) q.lq 30 Case No. 3160-A' Oral Roberts Evangel- istic Association, Inc' Pt. SW, of Section 8-18-13 Case No. 3?61-e t/ Prattville Methodist Church - Part of the Ht,j[*lu$:'?' 8. The present use increases the vatuation of the property as "ott"g efse is compatibte to this strip of land' Mr. Seth Hughes stated he I'eased the lropelty Lot.10 years for a par 3 goU "o:.Ir* *nA tf,"t the Boarcf of AAiustment had sranted a perrnlt io" * gog cours-e on this property' That rffi;p;r:ti'n"li'iien-u-sea as a drivins ranse at nlght. Mr. Luther Lane stated he was i-n favor of the gffcourse that it was an asset to the City of Tulsa' Mrs, $yyder who lives aeross the street from the$olf ;;;;;"bjeeted to tne noise and the ,niniature gou eourse o"f "t"t"ashe had no obiecHon to a putting course. Mr.Cassidyobjectedstrenorrslytotheminiaturegolfcourse and stated it was'aimost impossible to live next to the course in it" summer tirne because of the noise' Alter considerable discussion it was' MOVED by $ublett (Avery) ttqt this application be appmved subiect to a tettei;; ;#";{ lod ihe o*ners of the soU course tlrat they *iii "6t* at 11:00 p' M' and that they be slven perrnissiott io op""*te until their lease expires on iecember 31, 1966. All members noting Yea' Carried' Thisbeingthedategetdownforpublichearingontheappli. cation of the oral-nouerts E angelistic Association, Inc, for permission to ;;;iltotlow-tng described propertv for schoollPurposesi The Southwest Quarter of Seetion 8' Town:t'ip 19 North' Ranee t3 East, riit"-C"""iy, oklahoma' less the North 165-feet and the Eagt 165 feet' There appeared Mr. SauI A' Yager on behaU of the appli- cant. No Protest was offered' IVioVEDbyGalbreath(Shault)thatthismatterbeapproved. Al,l rnembers voting Yea' Caried' Thisbeingthedatesetdownforpublichearingontheappli. cation of the piJwil" Methodis[ church for permisgion to erect a church on ttt" tollowing described pr'operty: 4.:e r. sr I rrr\,ii rrrrrr:ti,. th' ":11:l- I,..*fffi#,li.u .-- -...,..,, aSriLiilil il'r' i'rlilcrId ":-:l:::il,ll;l';;;;rii"rn' st"rt"" r'i'i' r''n'inuni'|v ;:,1:;ll':',"11, i l,';: ;'.o,r tt n " t' n'rr t, t l":l i i li; I " :",,,.- -:-.. r ! ni, r!,rtLd li,r 'ritr 'r..r,,'t',i{,trl r% .... r lrt.irrirt ilil lln. innt l,.rrsrs llrrlvrrrllr rrr nil ta_ r,,tt,.,,i'r" l"s,r ihi trr' I i 'r,,. ,.,,:, r.,. ,,.,, ,': ,',':,.:,1.,'li ;l:ll,i': ,11,;'; 1,t' '-rli I:l'r1"il' {'| lrwrr':i'!lr i,,,,' "" ' |'il:rrr!t rrl l'l'tilnr' ,".Fxrl,,n ((L(rlrtrt nl{r ' l'(itrclprl U r' Ptr''irL"d ';i'l,lili.,.:,,i,'i'i,,"(riLt$ sucriort i'|1:' rir -,!'"( i::l:ruli:, i :''i:;ii':; l-::rt, rl';: i l:iii'::i "' ,$r: l{!:t,.dlsdil ):.:''-'.t'ltl;"',ll li:';:ll::'.lli'lilll,:I"Yil :::' ;l:fi'"i: ilil' "::,,;"ir"'".. sr,'.,"'"*l.l',lll,li"n.",r,:,,, i^..",r" .r,,,n *,r, td r,c i.'..,,, r,,li,i.'n'i "i i_". i...'r,"* r.,, I" ;l.j,i::i, l,:l' lill,J"ll., :;i ;:" l'""., . /.''.ilrli:'(l) l-d-i:'JJl!['i:r!!! Ircirn[n i i ltnr l9 "? |!-1, intr ltL'!tre i''d: l!g|!stglt]!: ijr!.r:i'"t'! rll lrril lkil)rfl:i Untvr'rll! (:lnj !r' li'slt rt:l nr( t'it..c!ls (cnilGrill,:'t rr l(x l{rl,:r.'t rIl!| ,:itrrr l!. ilrrl'i l'rrir( irrl t1:'': l\'il"I tr'l . i' rrbil lrl'r - l'{il4nrrr\ ,ilrrt r.rrl l'rrilr''r:) r" .,,,i' li' l"r ltr'rl lls'l l\rtlrr(| ldr'tlilrl rl IlrlgEJX! ndrrl lil lgr!! l:rr'r'lt i'rr l:n{ ! t'{l i lit _ ,,r l,.rirtrll r.rt lri:rr '( r'r 'i.':r,',. r'r,lrilrul rrt'l rl' ,,..r !r,I,{r'rf r"r irlrlrl i' Irtrr rtr l'rr',rl:irv ill rlr rl!l Slii t'r ''ilJ ll'ln*rtI'' nxd r h{r t lD l;" i 4,eg 23170-Jim Beach Action Requested: _"ci,alE*"eptiontomodifyapreviouslyappro-ved'siteplanforauniversityina re$denttal dtstrict lSection 5.020, Table 5^2 & Section 7O.12O); Variance to increase the maximum permitted height of 35-feet in an RS-3 District (Section 5.030, Table 5-3). LOCATION: 7777 South Lewis Avenue East (CD 2) Presentation: Jirnffi/allaceDesignCollective,123NorthMartinLutherKing,Jr.Boulevard, Tulsa, OK; stated this appiication is for the ORU Welcome Center and Library which will oe nuitt near the praying hands which is the main entry from Lewis Avenue; the library will be to the east of the welcome center. The two subject buildings are being planned and the Special Exception to modify the previous site plan will allow the two buildings' Mr. Brown asked Mr. Beach to state the hardship for the Variance request. Mr. Chapman explained his staff report, there are several approvals on the,subject site. Some aie convo[uted on what was approved. Mr. Chapman stated that he included a previous aerial that he felt reflected what was approved previously. All the previous approvals the height seemed to be taken by the Board as approval of th9 site plan. On a new application slaff felt the applicant needed a Variance on the height for the proposed buildings. Mr. Beach stated the overall height is approxim ately 42 feet and it might be 50 feet if the screening of the roof top units is addeo. tne height limit in the RS-3 District is 35 feet and this is not a typical RS-3 use. There are many buildings on campus that are far taller than S0 feei.'tne scale of the site, the scale of the buildings on the site, the appropriate character of the buildings and proportions call for it to be the proposed nbigni. This wilt be a possible three-story library building with a research facility within. The welcome center is below the 35-foot height' Ms. Radney asked Mr. Beach to state the hardship for the Variance request. Mr. Beach stated the hardship lies in the fact that the zoning is RS-3, and it poses a height limit which is uncharacteristic of a use of this sort. Mr. Wilkerson asked Mr. Beach if there had been any discussions with ORU about rezoning the site. ln 1g6g this may have been the best option but at some point it seems that it w-ould be beneficial to ORU to consider IMX zoning that would this by right. Mr. Beach stated that he understands Mr. Wilkerson's point, it has been discussed but the prolect was so far along that it was necessary to follow the same pattern of requesting a bpeciat Exception for tfie scheduling. Mr. Beach stated that he has advised the architect working on the project that it would be worth a discussion in considering future projects. Mr. Wilkerson stated that same conversation has been going on for 50 years and the idea of changes in the Code would be beneficial to ORU. This site has incrementally changed so iruch over time that he thinks it would be a more honest representation of whatls expected for the future growth of the campus to consider rezoning. 081101202t-1278 (14) 4.44 /",f,,s<4 th 8o4- 23 /c/t o T) \J .tr D -I ,.) I :i lr * f *t t s llr* r!.! F s t i{ ,'l I .t. , :! x b. iri -tr I .'t-{; i;reE ORU TRAINING CENTER CAMPUS SITE PLAN SEPTEMBER 9, 202,1 iW"NXlrl'' i cord6tle l"ll;i:t,;iI"" " '' ' OAE CAUTION frE I@fuN AND ELEVANS S EFING UffiES € SHM ON THES PWS ARE SASED s RECO6 0F frE v ROUS !r ANO MSU*MENre TreN N frE FIEIO. OF frE UTtrMES OESCRPNON gts'h {J"tr I -----€ --o -o --o aoc-lI m fif i 6z lN ) A I r.t-\ =m@ i m fi- oz \ >) -o !k 6 r \ .F a I 6 b I *i 6 $ :l j --€ --- {") - --o I ---- o I k 8 It iEff66 s 4E b $ g 8 # o "E* 6 i{ 6 l iirlliliiifl EiiEfl riill1 ;ri11t*ia[l g q 3 o F ai fi8 =o Ed is :g lcl Elslslslt[t =t*tFtitt:t 9114 t- lt5t 6tEl t. l,l gl]il$l ll'llll P N lffil 1 PROGRESS SET. FOR REVIEW ONLY lwlw bah 5 J',t m o -----o e E i $ ,I F o !b 13 E I € ma-t m-m { oz i\ t/ -------o --- -o it-\ -'-o \ I jE + tk 't*t$6e tk I ielE d{&+ -l ---o --o o o ---o zon+- mr m i 6 =) ------ o '---o m aI mr m J oz nt -o E a --o E fr\ k d; + I *llo .F e 'll6 at 6 e + l.l,rl'lii: g q 7 l*fl afffllffill 1 liFfiElsliFiiElipFIiEliltFiiElil TEiifl tE:iE 5 lEl I 'iull "'ll iill ';Fll .'ill i gll PROGRESS SET. FOR REVIEW ONLY ii l** lwl@ I BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE REPORT Case Number: BOA-23194STR: 9309 CZM= 37 CD: 4 HEARING DATE: 1012612021 1:00 PM APPLICANT: Christian Ortiz ACTI REOUE TE Surface (Sec. 60.100-E) zoned lot (Sec. 60.100-F) LocATtON: 1116 S ToLEDO AV E;4424 E 11 ST S; 1116 S TOLDEO AV E ZONED: RS-3,CH PRESENT USE: Church TRAC T SIZE: 55386.77 SQ FT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LTS 2223 & 24 LESS 2OX2O IN NWC BLK 4; LTS 1 23 & 4 BLK 4;LT 21 BLK 4, BEVERLY HILL ADDN RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: Subject proPertY: BOA-14941: On the Board approved a special Exception to expand the existing church and variances of the frontage and setback requirements, the lot and area requirements and to allow off-site parking for the church. 80A-3765: On 01 .1}.62the Board approved a request to expand the church use' BOA-lggg: on 0g.11.4g the Board approved a request to expand the church use into an existing house for Sunday School Purposes. BOA-1726: On 08.21.45 the church approved a request to allow the church' Su rrounding proPerties : BOA-5g20: On 06/04/6g the Board allowed off-street parking for the Church at the SE/c of 11th St. and Toledo Ave. RELATIONSHIP THE COM HENSIVE PLAN : The Tulsa Comprehensive Plan identifies the subject propertY as Part of a " Main Street" and an "Area of Growth" Main Streets are Tulsa's classic linear centers. They are comprised of residential, commercial, and entertainment uses along a transit-rich street usually two to four lanes wide and includes much lower intensity residential neig6borhoods situated behind. Main Streets are pedestrian-oriented places with !"n"rour sidewalks, st6refronts on the ground floor of buildings, and street trees and other amenities' Visitors from outside the surrounding nelghborhoods can travelto Main Streets by bike, transit, or car' parking is provided on street, small private off street lots, or in shared lots or structures. 5, a- REVTSED 10/15l2021 Variance to permit a Dynamic Display sign within 2o-feet of the driving Variance to permit a dynimic display sign within 200-feet of a residentially The purpose of Areas of Growth is to direct the allocation of resources and channel growth to where it will be beneficial and can best improve access to jobs, housing, and services with fewer and shorter auto trips. Areas of Growth are parts of the city where general agreement exists that development or redevelopment is beneficial. As steps are taken to plan for, and, in some cases, develop or redevelop these areas, ensuring that existing residents will not be displaced is a high priority. A Tajgr goal is to increase economic "itiuity in the irea to benefit existing residents and businesses, and where necessary, provide the stimulus to redevelop' ANALYSIS oF SURROUNDING AREA: The subject tract is located at the swc of S. Toledo and E. 11th St. s. STAFF COMMENTS: The Applicant is requesting Variance to permit a Dynamic Display sign within 2g-feet of the drivrng Surface'(bec. 60.100-E) Variance to permit a dynamic display sign within 200- feet of a residentially zoned lot (Sec. 60.100-F) Section 60'100 DYnamic DisPlaYs Tl-re sr-rltltlerleptal regltl.rtions of ttris sectior-t altply to.rll signs witlr clynar-rlic dislllays' Except as otherlvise expressly statecl, these regulatior-rs .rlrply wlrether incorporatecl into oft-prenlise otttdoor aclvertisirrg tignu oi on-prentise sigr-rs tlrat are allowed to it-rclucle a dyrralllic display' 60,100-AThe irllages ancl r]lessages rlisltlayed orr a clytrattric display ttrrtst have.r tltitrittlrtt-t.t clwell tirlle of at le,rst B secorrcls arrcl rilay Iiot.ontaitl any rlloverllelrt, anirtiatiott, auclirr, video, pyrotecl-rlrics r:r otlrer special effects' 60,100-BTlre transitiorl ot clratrge frottl otre lllessage to anothet-llltlst occLlr in one second or less atrd itrvolve rro anittlatiott or special effects' 60.100-CThe inrages .rncl t'i€ssclges clisplayecl rnust be corrlplete irr arlcl of thelrlselves within tlre lecluirecl dwell tinre. 60,100-DDynanric clispl.rys nt.ry not be l,rcatecl within 50 feet of tlre clrivitrg su:'face of a signalizecl isiersecrion, nreasured horizontally irr a straight litre frotlr tlre nearest point of tlre sigt'l stt'Llctltre to tlre nearest pr)int of the itrtersectiotr. 60,100-E Dynarnic displays nlay not be locatecl within or within 20 feet of the driving surface of a srreet, *""rur.J horizontally irr a straight line fronr the nearest point of the sign structure to the nearest point of tlre street curb or edge of the traveled roadway marked or utrderstood as such' 60.100-F Dynanric displays may nor be locatecl withilt 200 feet of any of the following: (1) an R or AG-R clistrict {other than Street, highway or freeway right.of-way); (2) a resiclential developmerrt area, This separatiorr distance does not apply if the dynamic display is not visible from the referenced district, area or lot' and the requirernents may be moclifiecl in R. AG, and AG-R districts if approved through the special exception process, Required separation distances must be nreasured horizontallyin a siraight line fronr the nearest point on a sign structure to the nearest point of an R or AG-R clistrict or residential developnrent area boundary. 60,100-GDynarlic clispl.rys rl]r-rsr be equiPPecl with a clefault tnechanistll that freezes the clisplay irr one positiorr or Presents a static or blar-rk display if a :Ialfr-rrrctiorl occurs' The subject sign is 17.5 from the driving surface per the applicant. lt should be noted that the sign could be moved to alternative locations 6n the site that would meet the zoning code standards. Staff is not aware of any topographical conditions on the site that would prevent it from being moved' lt should be noted tnit trrislign rras been granted funds through the Neon sign Grant Program to fund a portion of the sign, but no funds are b;ing granted to fund the dynamic display portion of the sign' The property is inlhe Route 66 overlay ani ihe sign would be permitted by right were it not for the dynamic display portion of the sign. pioperties in the Route 66 overlay are granted additional sign allowances when the sign incorporates exposed neon, thpugh Dynamic Display signage is not granted the same allowarices. Beiow is the stated intent of the Route 66 overlay: - -5,C REVTSED rO/t5/2O27 Section 20.070 20.070-A a Route 66 OverlaY General 1. Purpose and lntent The Route 66 Overlay establishes zoning regulations and incentives intended to ensure the enhancement, development, and revitalization of the authentic Route 66 through the promotion of historic and historically inspired signage, especially neon, along and adjacent to the two alignments of Route 66 in Tulsa' The regulations are generally intended to guide the character of both public and private development as it occurs along Route 65' sTATEMENT OF HARDSHIp: The church needs to be able to communicate efficiently with the Food Bank and comm*-nv outre"ch program, this is an undue hardship caused by the topographical conditions that are not self-imposed. sAMPLE MOTION: Move to - (anpr_ovefeny) a variance to permit a Dynamic Display @tneorivingSurrace1Sec.60.1o0-E)Variancetopermitadynamicdisplaysign *i-tnin 200-feet of a residentially zoned lot (Sec. 60.100-F) . Finding the hardshiP(s) to be o Per the Conceptual Plan(s) shown on page(s) - of the agenda packet' Subject to the following conditions ln granting the Variance the Board finds that the following facts, favorable to the property owner, have been established a. That the physical surroundings, shape, or topographicat conditions ,of the subiect property would result in unnecessary hardships or practicat difficulties for the properiy own9r, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out; b. That titeral enforcement of the subject zoning code provision is not necessary to achieve the p rov i sion' s i ntended Pu rqo se ; c. That the conditions leading to the need of the requested variance are unique to the subiect property and not applicabte, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification; d. That the atteged practicat difficutty or unnece.ssa4/ hardship was not created or self-imposed by the current ProPettY owner; e. That the variance to be granted is the minimum variance that will afford relief; f. That the variance to be granted witt not alter fhe essential character of the neighborhood in which the subject propelrty is located, nor substantially or permanently impair use or development of adiacent property; and g. That the variance to be granted witt not cause substantial detriment to the public good or 'impair the purposes, spirit, ind intent of this zoning code or the comprehensive plan'" 5.q REVTSED 10/15l2021 REVIEW COMMENTS SECTIONS REFERENCED BELOWARE FROM THE CITY OF TULSAZONING CODE TITLE 42 AND CAN BE VIEWED AT \ A A/V.INCOG.ORG No. 5-2300 This letter of deficiencies covers Sign Plan Review items only' For ground, monument, pole & outdoor advertising structure sign applications ol.lJy-,..yo, may receive additional letters from other disciplines such as waterlseweildiainage for additionat deRciincies regarding uiitity easement placement which are not addressed in this letter. l. Section 60.100-E Dynamic displays may not be located within or within 20 feet of the driving surface of a street, measured horizontally in a straight line from the nearest point of the sign structure to the nearest point of the street curb or edge ofthe traveled roadway marked or understood as such' Review Comments: No distance is shown from the dynamic display portion of the sign to the curbs of E' 1 I th St. or S. Toledo Ave. Show the distance from the sign to these two curbs, to show that the leading edge of the dynamic display portion of the sign is at least 20 feet from both curbs. Alternatively, you may pursue a variance from the BoA to permiia dynamic display sign to be located closer than 20 feetto the driving surface ofa street. 2. Section 60.100-F Dynamic displays may not be located within 200 feet of any of the following: (1) an R or AG-R district (other than street, highwuy oi f.."*uy right-of-way); (2) a residential development area. This separation distance does not apptyTf tne Aynamic display is nol visible from the referenced district, area or loi, and the requirements may'be modified in R, AG, and AG-R districts if approved through the special exception process. Required separation distances must be measured horizontally in a straight line from the nearest point on a sign structure to the nearest point of an R or AG-R district or residential development area boundary. Review Comments: The proposed sign appears to be within 200 feet of an RS-3 residential zoned lot to the south. you may change th'e sign type io non-dynamic display, or you may seek a variance from the Board of Adjustment to iermit i sign wi-tfr a dynamic diiplay to be within 200 feet of a residential zoned lot. NOTE: please direct all questions concerning variances, special exceptions, appeals of an administrative officiat, ptanned Unit Oevefopments (PUD), CJrridor (CO) zoned districts, zoning changes- platting, 19!-s-plt^s: lot combinations, atternative compliance iandscape'ptans and all questions regarding (BOA) or (TIttlAPC) "pprii"trn iorms'and fees to an truboG representativ e aI584-7526. lt is your responsibility to send the decision oilnv jctions by the eon or TMApc affecting the status of your application for.a Sign Permit to our office so we may continue to process your applicationi. INCOG does not act as your legal or responsible agent in submitting documents to the City of Tulsa on your behalf. END zoN NG cLEARANCE AND SIGN coDE REVIEW NOTE: THIS CONSTITUTES A PLAN REVIEWTO DATE IN RESPONSE TO THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WTH THE ABovE REFERENcED AppLtcATtoN. ADDIIoNAL rssuEs MAy DEVELoP wHEN THE REVIEW CONTINUES uPoN RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATIOru RTQUCSTCO IN THIS LETTER OR UPON ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL FROM THE APPLICANT, KEEP OUR OFFICE ADVISED OF ANY ACTION BY THE CITY OF TULSA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OR TULSA METROPOLITAN AREA PLANNING COMMISSION AFFECTING THE STATUS OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR A CITY OF TULSA SIGN PERMIT' 2 5,7 :,. FruCtruob !ffirmitiiffimo Sk^-r 9810 E 58th St Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 286 8535 a-lrU LLCCTRODTOMcusDo]NENDANIEcTHENETEDEAC HNEEHANEEAGTIUNLLC,U CToTOMcusDNOSc1NERTRO PAI NNoNCEREREELISNSIGDTHI 4'-3" 3'-5" CO _tt N cv) I $ =O) _t O N € I lr) = r I $ N SANDUSKY AVENUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH :tr *-s$ ,i ; 14'.-10" 11'-0" O cusToMEk Sandusky Avenue Christian 1101 S sandusky Ave, Tulsa, oK74712 DMWN BY: Martha Hernandez SOLD BY: Christian Ortiz DMWING NUMBER: sAcco6221-004 APFROVED BY: Church CITY AND STATE: o DATE APPROVED: Pleare proohead all information caretully fot accuraq before signinq check names, numbeE, spelling, ounduaron as well as the qeneral iavout. RevEions rcquesed afrer strond p;oofarc not included in ihe oilginal quoted pice and will be chaqed accordinst. Any rypographical and or layout errors not lound now will be tbe customec Pylon Signs Casino Signs Monument Signs Neon Signs Blade Signs WallSigns Channel Lefrers lnterior Signs way finding Signs Pos & Panel LED Display commercial & Architectural Signs ltt ul ENCI|\loc l- arffiftTnm rJ Si<^^. 9810 E 58th St Tulsa OK 74146 (9i8) 286 8sl5 Neon Coverage k 0.8x1.6= 1.3 Sq ft *, 2.qx2.5= 6 Sq ft o 102', 37" 3x0.6= 1-.9 Sq ft o 8.5x2.5= 21-.25 Sq ft F-sz'---J F- Total: 59.7 Sq ft D A A 9.75x3= 29.25 Sq ft LrcU CToCU3DoCINENANNLIETHNEEETWEACNASNTREILcTsDUPROsToCUDosINENRTYPEoAIREONNCFERERFOLEsoISESlGNIS Sign face calculation 178" b,tc! Shape L4.8x20.7 = 307.1 Sq ft O DATE APPROVED: Please prcot€ad all information €ctully foraccuraq beforc signing Ch4l names, numb6, spellinq, punduaton aswell s the gen€ral layout Rd6ions requend afur *cond prcofarc nol included in$e onginal quoted pnce and will be daqed accordinqV. Any typqraphiel and or layouteroB 6ot found mw will be the custome6 r€sponsibiljty. CUSTOMER Sandusky Avenue Christian church CITV AND STATE: 1101 S Sandusky Ave, Tulsa, oK 74112 DRAWN BY: Martha Hernandez SOLD BY: Christian Ortiz DRAwll'|(i NUMBERI sAcco6221-006 APPROVED BY: Pylon Signs Casino Signs Monument Sighs Neon signs Blade Siqns Wall Signs Channel LefieR Intedor Sighs Way finding Signs Pos & Panel LED Display Commercial & Architedural Siqns 0 !n _D 4000 Feet 200 BOA-23194 Nole: Craphic oveilaF may not precbely atign with phpical leaturs on tho grcund' Aerlal Photo Date: 2020/2021 Subject Tract l# 19-13 09 5. l& Feet 0 50 100 l# BOA-23194 Nole: Graphic overlays may nol precisely align with phy€,ical features on the ground' Aefial Photo Dale: 2020/2021 Subject Tract 19-13 09 5, 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SAMPLE MOTION: Move to (approve/deny) a Special Exception to permit an Accessory Dwelling Unit in an AG District (Sec. 45.031) o Per the Conceptual Plan(s) shown on page(s) - of the agenda packet o Subject to the following conditions (including time limitation, if any): The Board finds that the requested Special Exception will be in harmony with the spirit. and intent of the Code and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare' U,3 RW\SED Lo/!5/2O2r -'i .: iJ Subject ProPertY U,4 Existing Detached Accessory Building on subiect property REVTSED 10/15/2021
Facing West on 113" St
& SB
REVISED 10/16/2021.
rtrix ; 381 42 9/9/21, 10:30 AM liil p ) Page 1 of 2 :p5:// rr r,..Ajll BggAAAABMwoGcQAAAAExDRSGcgAAAAExDQsGcwAAAAUwWTgNTQ0ccw)) (r,8 9/9/21, 10:30 AM latrix 39142 i$p > :tps://tulsa.mlsmatrix.comlMatrix/Resulls.aspx?c=AAEAAAD"'...AillBggAAAABMwoGcQAAAAExDRSGcgAAAAExDQsGcwAAAAUwwTgNTQ0ccw)) Page I of 2 b.q 9/9i21, 10:31 AM atrix '. 4Ll42 i!!lg> rps://"'...AillBggAAAABMwoGcQAAAAExDRBGcgAAAAExDQsGcwAAAAUwwTgNTQ0ccw)) Page 1 of 2 (", tO 1 /4' = 1'-0" A3 9t15/2\ FOOTACES FIRST FLoOR: 1,333 SF IOTAL: 1,333 Sf PROJECI+ AODRESs STONEBRIDGE ADDITION LOT 3, BLOCK 1 4953E. ll3rHSl.S. r!6A. OK /4137 RITA'S A.D.U. NSA PUN DSIGNER o wAtLsEcJlo$llIElcAL) Lit @ ROOT TRAMING DETAIL ""* """"'i,;x'*iliL \-f.*,**l M i -#l---re D d-{r ,rt.Fi O FOOIING SECIION DETAIL H'f-Jil' u{hm^-.filBl,!P ' @ THICKENED STAE DEIAIL DETAILS REAR ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION :i IEFT ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION ELEVATIONS I (p :f J T + ,,y b A SITE+ORAINAGE PLA A- BUILDER/GC ,Eft^' *"arr".*..,a"."r'"". toccoool,.om/MC:Clionbme5 IOOTAGS FIRST FLOORi 1.333 SF TOTAU 1.333 lf PROJECT+ADORESS STONEBRIDGE ADDITION LOT 3, BLOCK I 4953 E. I l3n Sr. s. TU6A, OK 74137 RITA'S A,D,U, AI l /16" = l'-0" 9lt 5/2t 0 200 400 Feet Subject Tract B O A- 23 1 I 5 :;;;' ;i:#:;i:"7i:{f,x'.i':,i'ff::;:!, l# 18-13 34 Aertal Pholo Date: 2020/2021 b,19 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE REPORT Case Number: BOA-23{96STR: 9201 CZM: 36 GD: 1 HEARING DATE: 1012612021 1:00 PM APPLICANT: Vincent Travis Thornton ACTION REQUESTED: Special Exception to permit an alternative compliance parking ratio for a Medical Mariluana-DGf,ensary in an lM oistrict to reduce the minimum parking requirements from seven parking spaces to zero parking spaces (Section 55.050-K; Section 55.020 Table 55-1)) LO TION: 1217 E ADMIRAL BV ZONED: lM PRESENT USE: Medical Marijuana Dispensary TRACT SIZE: 21000.36 SQ FT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LTS 25 THRU 30 BLK 4, BERRY ADDN RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: Subject ProPertY: BOA-24S5; On 0g.23.53 the Board granted permission to erect a building in line with the other existing buildings. Surrounding proPerties : BOA-21g31; On 01.27.15 the Board approved a variance to reduce the off-street parking requirement to 0 space. in " CH District. property located NWc of E Admiral Boulevard and N. Peoria Ave. RELATIONSHIP To THE COMPREHENSIYE PLAN: The Tulsa co.mprehensive Plan identifies the esignation and an "Area of Growth"' Employment areas contain office, warehousing, light manufacturing and high tech uses such as clean manufacturing or information technology. Sometimes big-box retail or warehouse retail clubs are found in these areas. These areas are dislinguished from mixed-use centers in that they have few residences and typically have more extensive commercial activity. Employment areas require access to major arteriais or interstates. Those areas, with manufacturing and warehousing uses must be able to accommodate extensive truck traffic, and rail in some instances. Due to the special transportation requirements of these districts, attention to design, screening and open space buffering is necessary when employment districts are near other districts that include moderate residential use. The purpose of Areas of Growth is to direct the allocation of resources and channel growth to where it will be beneficial and can best improve access to jobs, housing, and services with fewer and shorter auto trips. Areas of Growth are parts of the city where general agreement exists that development or redevelopment is beneficial. As steps are taken to plan-for, and, in some cases, develop or redevelop r(, L RWTSED LO/15/2O2r these areas, ensuring that existing residents will not be displaced is a high priority. A majgr goal is to increase economic "itiuity in the area to benefit existing residents and businesses, and where necessary, provide the stimulus to redevelop. AREA: The subject tract is located west of the NWc of s. PeoriaANALYSIS OF SU NDING Ave. and E. Admiral Boulevard STAFF COMME NTS: The applicant is requesting a Special Exception to permit an alternative compl iance parking ratio for a Medical Marij uana Dispensary in an lM District to reduce the minimum parking requirements from seven parking spaces to zero parking spaces (Section 55.050-K; Section 55.020 Table 55-1)) 55.050-K Alterrt*tirrc eern'Plianee The motor vehicle parking ratios of this chapter are not intended to prevent development and redevelopment or to make development and redevelopment economically impractical. ln order to allow for flexibility in addressing the actual expected parking demand of specific uses, alternative compliance parking ratios may be approved through the special exception procedures of -Sec-!i'o-n-7Q,1-?9- only if: r. The applicant submits a parking study demonstratint that the motor vehicle parking ratios of 59-c-tign-55,9-29 do not accurately reflect the actual day-to- Oay pait<ing demand that can reasonably be anticipated for the proposed use based on field surveys of observed parking demand for similar use within the city or on external data from credible research organizations, such as the Urban Land lnstitute (ULl) or the lnstitute of Transportation Engineers (lTE); z. The board of adjustment determines that the other allowed parking reduction alternatives of -Ses-tiqn-55.9-5-Q are infeasible or do not apply; and g. The board of adjustment determines that the reduced parking ratios proposed are not likely to cause material adverse impacts on traffic circulation and safety or on the general welfare of property owners and residents in the surrounding area. r(3 As of the the writing of this report the applicant has not provided any type of study demonstrating that the required parkini does noi reflect the actual dayto-day parking demand of the business. There is an existing parkingiot immediately East of the dispensary located on the same parcel, staff is unaware 6t'any re-ason why that could not be used to satisfy the parking requirements of the dispensary. I ) t" I Eristing Farhing Lat RWTSED !O/r5/2O2I SAMPLE MOTION: Move to _ (approve/deny) a special Exception to permit an alternative compliance parking ratio for a Medical tvtariluana Dispensary in an lM Diitrict to reduce the minimum parking requirements from seven parking rp"."r to zero parking spaces (section 55.050-K; section 55'020 Table 55-1)) a a per the conceptual Plan(s) shown on page(s) - of the agenda packet. subject to the following conditions (including time limitation, if any): The Board finds that the requested special Exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the code and will not be injurious to the neighboihood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare, that the other allowed p"riing alternative of Section 55.050 are infeasible or do not apply and the reduced parking ratios proposed are not likely to cause material adverse impacts on traffic circulation anJsateiy o, oi tne g;eral welfare of property owners and residents in the surrounding area' 1,4 REVTSED 10/1512021