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Software Engineering
1 Introduction
- Recall that one goal of software engineering is reuse: instead of designing and implementing all software from scratch, make use of existing, developed software.
- Design patterns are about reuse in design.
- The idea is that certain stereotypical design problems arise again and again.
- Rather than develop solutions anew every time we are presented with a problem, we can make use of design patterns that others have used.
- We will look at the following design patterns: - interfaces & templates; - observers; - proxies.
2 Interfaces
- Suppose we have classes Square, Circle, Triangle, Hexagon, and so on for implementing shapes. We want to build a vector of shapes, and we want to process the vector to get the total area of all shapes. This is what we want to write. Vector v = new Vector(); // add shapes to the vector ... float totalArea = 0.0; Enumeration e = v.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { totalArea += e.nextElement().area(); }
This will cause a problem, since the compiler does not know that each object in the array implements the area() method.
- One possibility: define a class Shape, with a default method area(), and get each sub-class (Triangle, Square,... ) to overwrite this method. But what if the method is not overwritten?
- Solution is to implement an interface for shapes.
- The interface a number of methods, without providing an implementation for them.
- Any class that implements the interface must provide an implementation for these methods.
- Here is the interface for Shapes:
public interface Shape { public float area() ; } // end interface Shape
- And here is how we state that Rectangle implements the Shape interface: public class Rectangle implements Shape { ... public float area() { return (float)(width * height); } ... } // end class Rectangle
- Similarly for Circles:
public class Circle implements Shape { ... public float area() { return Math.PI * (radius * radius); } ... } // end class Circle
- The code to process the vector of Shapes is then: Vector v = new Vector(); // add shapes to the vector ... float totalArea = 0.0; Enumeration e = v.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { totalArea += ((Shape)e.nextElement()).area(); }
- We cast the Object returned by nextElement() to a Shape — the compiler knows that any class implementing Shape has a float valued method area(), and so is happy.
- This means that at design time, we can write code that needn’t worry about the implementation of any class that implements Shape. We can treat the implementation as a black box, and rest safe in the knowledge that it must provide area().
- Interfaces are thus like certificates, which say “I provide these services”.
- You can’t make an instance of an interface:
Shape s = new Shape(); // ERROR!
2.1 Abstract Methods & Classes
- With interfaces, the entire functionality of the interface is left unspecified.
- But suppose you want to provide some of the functionality of a class, but leave some of it unspecified.
- Use abstract methods.
public abstract class Shape { public abstract float area () ; }
- As with interfaces, you can’t make an instance of an abstract class directly. You must sub-class it and provide an implementation for the abstract methods. public class Rectangle extends Shape { ... public float area() { return (float)(width * height); } ... } // end class Rectangle
2.2 Notes...
- If you don’t provide any implementation, then use an interface in preference to an abstract class.
- A class can implement many interfaces, but extend only one super-class;
- Interfaces are thus how Java provides (a kind of) multiple inheritance.
- If even one method in a class is declared to be abstract, then the whole class must be declared abstract.
- Both abstract classes and interfaces can contain constants, which will be inherited by classes that extend or implement them respectively.
3 Observers
- Suppose a collection of objects (observers) all want to monitor a particular object (subject), and be notified when a particular event happens within this object.
- EXAMPLE. A collection of applications (word processors, spreadsheets... ) want to know when a printer handled by a Printer object becomes available.
- Bad solution:
Each observer repeatedly polls the subject to see if event has occurred.
Subject notifies observers when the event occurs.
- Subject s and observer objects o1,... on are created.
- Each observer oi invokes register method on subject, passing itself as an argument:
- The register method causes the object passed as a parameter to be added to a list of observers of the subject. (This list is held within the subject.)
- When the relevant event occurs inside s, the object s gets the list of registered observers and for each object oi, invokes a method notify on oi, passing itself as an argument.
public interface Subject {
// adds the calling object to // the list of observers
public void register(Object o)
// removes the calling object // from the list of observers
public void deRegister(Object o) ;
public interface Observer {
// notify observer that the event // has occurred
public void notify(Object o) ;
4 Proxies
- Particularly in distributed systems, it is useful for objects to “pretend” they are talking to objects that are actually distributed across the network.
- Standard method for doing this:
proxy objects
- In distributed object systems, a proxy object p to an ordinary object o provides all the methods that o does. When a method m is invoked on p, by object q, the proxy p communicates across the network to a program that is managing o. This program then invokes the method m on o, collects any return parameters, and sends them back to p. Then p returns the arguments to q. As far as q is concerned, p actually executed the method itself.
- Clients need not be aware of where objects actually are.