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Software Engineering
1 What are Formal Methods?
- Formal methods is that area of computer science that is concerned with the application of mathematical techniques to the design and implementation of computer hardware and (more usually) software.
“That part of computer science concerned with the application of mathematical methods to the production of computer software”. (Jones, 1986)
- Why bother with formal methods?
- The correctnesss problem: - producing software that is “correct” is famously difficult; - by using rigorous mathematical techniques, it may be possible to make provably correct software.
- Programs are mathematical objects; - they are expressed in a formal language;
- they have a formal semantics; - programs can be treated as mathematical theories.
- Diller (1988) suggests there are two main parts to formal methods: 1. Formal specification. Using mathematics to specify the desired properties of a computer system. 2. Formal verification. Using mathematics to prove that a computer system satisfies its specification.
- To which many would add:
- Automated programming. Automating the process of program generation.
- Formal methods can eliminate ambiguity.
A key problem with informal specifications is the inherent ambiguity of textual descriptions; using mathematics can eliminate such ambiguity.
Complex properties can be expressed succinctly.
- Mathematics offers power.
There is little that cannot in some way be described and reasoned about using maths.
The ability to prove properties of a system is potentially very valuable.
- Formal specifications, etc., can be manipulated by computer. - CASE tools; - automated specification checkers (e.g., CADIZ); - automated programming.
- Formal methods lead to a deep understanding of systems. The precision and detail required brings a deep understanding of what’s going on.
- Formal methods eliminate the need for testing.
People can get get sums wrong!
- Formal methods eliminate the need for natural language. Ultimately, maths is just symbols: English is needed to relate these symbols to reality.
- You need a PhD to use formal methods.
All maths looks hard until you get used to it...
- There are two schools of thought on formal specification: 1. Property based; 2. Model based.
Property Based Specification
- In property based specification, you describe the operations you can perform on a system, and the relationships between operations.
- A property oriented specification consists of: - a signature part which defines the syntax of operations (what parameters they take and return); - an equations part, which define the semantics of the operations via a set of equations called axioms.
- algebraic specification of abstract data types (Hoare, 1969). - the OBJ language (Futatsugi et al., 1985).
Model Based Specification
- In model based specification, you use the tools of set theory, function theory and logic to build an abstact model of a system.
- You can then specify the operations that may be performed on your model, either explicitly, or implicitly (in terms of pre- and post-conditions).
- The model we construct is: - high-level; - idealized; - free of implementation bias (hopefully!)
- A model based specification consists of: - a definition of the set of states a system may be in; - definitions for the legal operations that may be performed on your system, indicating how these change current state.
- EXAMPLES. - the Z specification language (Abrial, 1980; Hayes 1987; Spivey 1988); - the VDM (Vienna Development Method) specification language (Jones 1980, 1986).
- The Z specification language is a semi-graphical notation for writing formal specifications.
- It was developed at Oxford University programming research group in the late 1970s.
- It has been adopted by IBM as their main formal specification tool (so it’s not just an academic toy!)
- It was used to specify the IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) — a major piece of software.
- There are at least three software tools for developing Z specifications: - FUZZ. Developed at Oxford by Spivey et al, in late 1980s. - CADIZ. Developed at York University, also in late 1980s (its what we have here); - ZED. Developed at Pennsylvania state University
- Briefly, CADIZ will: - take a Z specification in plain-text (ASCII) form; - perform some simple semantic checks on it; - typeset (‘pretty print’) it, so that the schemas can be printed out; - allow simple interactive browsing of specifications.