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JavaScript: Functions
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Program Modules in JavaScript
10.3 Programmer-Defined Functions
10.4 Function Definitions
10.5 Random-Number Generation
10.6 Example: Game of Chance
10.7 Another Example: Random Image Generator
10.8 Scope Rules
10.9 JavaScript Global Functions
10.10 Recursion
10.11 Recursion vs. Iteration
10.12 Web Resources
- In this tutorial, you will learn:
- To understand how to construct programs modularly from
small pieces called functions.
- To be able to create new functions.
- To understand the mechanisms used to pass information
between functions.
- To introduce simulation techniques that use random-number
- To understand how the visibility of identifiers is limited to
specific regions of programs.
10.1 Introduction
- Software design
- Break software up into modules
- Easier to maintain and debug
- Divide and conquer
10.2 Program Modules in JavaScript
- Modules in JavaScript
- Functions
- Methods
- JavaScript includes many useful pre-defined methods
- Combine with programmer-defined methods to make a
10.2 Program Modules in JavaScript
- Functions
- Started by function call
- Receive necessary information via arguments (parameters)
- Boss-Worker relationship
- Calling function
- Called function
- Return value when finished
- Can have many tiers
10.2 Program Modules in JavaScript
worker1 worker2 worker
worker4 worker
Fig. 10.1 Hierarchical boss-function/worker-function relationship.
10.2 Program Modules in JavaScript
- Function calls
- Name
- Left parenthesis
- Arguments separated by commas
- Constants, variables or expressions
- Right parenthesis
- Examples:
total += parseFloat( inputValue );
total += parseFloat( s1 + s2 );
10.3 Programmer-Defined Functions
- Defining functions
- All variables declared in function are called local
- Do not exist outside current function
- Parameters
- Promotes reusability
10.4 Function Definitions
- Format of a function definition
function function-name ( parameter-list )
declarations and statements
- Function name any valid identifier
- Parameter list names of variables that will receive arguments
- Must have same number as function call
- May be empty
- Declarations and statements
- Function body (“block” of code)
10.4 Function Definitions
- Returning control
- return statement
- Can return either nothing, or a value
return expression ;
- No return statement same as return;
- Not returning a value when expected is an error
10.4 Function Definitions
- Writing a function to square two numbers
- for loop from 1 to 10
- Pass each number as argument to square
- return value of argument multiplied by itself
- Display result
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 A Programmer-Defined square Function 11 12 32 33
34 SquareInt.html (2 of 2)
Variable y gets the value of variable x.
The return statement passes the value of y * y back to the calling function.
10.4 Function Definitions
Fig. 10.2 Using programmer-defined function square.
10.4 Function Definitions
- Finding the maximum of 3 numbers
- Prompt for 3 inputs
- Convert to numbers
- Pass to maximum
- Math.max
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 Finding the Maximum of Three Values 11 12 39 40 41 42 Click Refresh (or Reload) to run the script again
43 44 Maximum.html (2 of 2)
Call function maximum and pass it the value of variables value1, value2 and value3.
Variables x, y and z get the value of variables value1, value2 and value3, respectively.
Method max returns the larger of the two integers passed to it.
10.4 Function Definitions
Fig. 10.3 Programmer-defined maximum function (1 of 2).
10.4 Function Definitions
Fig. 10.3 Programmer-defined maximum function (2 of 2).
10.5 Random-Number Generation
- Random-number generation introduces element of
var randomValue = Math.random();
- Floating point value between 0 and 1
- Adjust range by scaling and shifting
- Math.floor
Math.floor( 1 + Math.random() * 6 )
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 Shifted and Scaled Random Integers 11 12 34 35 36 37 Click Refresh (or Reload) to run the script again
38 39 RandomInt.html (2 of 2) The for loop creates 20 table cells (4 rows x 5 columns).
Each cell is populated with a random number generated by method random.
Method floor rounds the number generated by method random down.
10.5 Random-Number Generation
Fig. 10.4 Random integers, shifting and scaling.
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 Roll a Six-Sided Die 6000 Times 11 12