Download HTML and CSS - Introduction to Java Script - Lecture Slides and more Slides Javascript programming in PDF only on Docsity!
- What is the relationship between:
- JavaScript
- Markup
- Annotations instructing how the document should appear in print
- Word processors use different markup schemes
- IBM - Standard Generalized Markup Language
- Markup instructions stored with ASCII file
- Any computer could render document
- Lilly Example
- Tim Berners-Lee created HTML – subset of SGML
- Not platform or application specific
- Only server software needed to publish file s on the net
- Structure versus content
- Browser parses HTML file into a tree
- Sample HTML File
- Bryan Moore
- 1234 Sunset Ave.
- Walla Walla, WA 12345
- (123)123.4567
- Web Applications and Real World Design - Knuckles
Web Applications and Real World Design - Knuckles Browser parse tree
- Problems with extracting data
- Need to write a computer program to extract the names and addresses by selecting text strings following font tags
- Content and structure of document become intertwined
- Not the intention of SGML and original HTML
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Attempt to separate content and style
- Can alter the look of entire file with a simple coding change
- Can keep styles in an external file
- Increases the knowledge needed to code pages
- Initial rationale of HTML was to appeal to the masses
Parse tree using CSS Web Applications and Real World Design - Knuckles Still need to reference Information based on “second string after BR” Information is not meaningful
- Extensible Markup Language XML
- Extensible- can create own tags
- Complete separation of content and style Web Applications and Real World Design - Knuckles
- Releases
- HTML 4.0 1997
- XML 1.0 1998
- XML and HTML need to better cooperate
- Contains elements and attributes of HTML
- Elements must have closing tags
- Lowercase
- Attributes must have values
- Attributes in single or double quotes
HTML Forms and JavaScript
- Client Server Model
- Client Side Processing
- JavaScript downloaded from web page and processed by the client –
typically form checking
- JavaScript can interact directly with form data
- Server Side processing
- Information from a form sent to server for processing
- PHP Perl C++
- Server can interact directly with the form data
HTML Forms and JavaScript
- JavaScript
- HTML files are text files
- JavaScript is interpreted not compiled
- Object oriented
- HTML forms are objects and can be manipulated via JavaScript
- Dynamic HTML – merger of JavaScript and HTML
- Different implementations of DHTML by software companies
What is JavaScript
- Scripting language (object-oriented)
- Lightweight programming language developed by Netscape
- Interpreted, not compiled
- Designed to be embedded in browsers
- Ideal for adding interactivity to HTML pages
- Detect browser versions
- Work with info from user via HTML forms
- Create cookies
- Validate form data
- Read and write HTML elements
- Supported by all major browsers
- Internet Explorer has JScript (started in IE3)
- It’s free, no license required
What is JavaScript
- Syntax is similar to Java, but it’s not Java per se
- Usually JavaScript code is embedded within HTML code using the script tag:
- Can have more than one pair of script tags in a page
- Semicolons: C++ and JAVA require them but in JavaScript it’s optional
What is JavaScript
- HelloWorld example program…
- JavaScript HelloWorld!
- document.write('Javascript says "Hello World!"')
- Let’s open it in the browser
What is JavaScript
- Javascript can be located in the head, body or external file
- Head section
- Ensures script is loaded before trigger event
- Body section
- Script executes when body loads
- External
- Allows scripts to run on several pages
- Examples:
What is JavaScript
- JavaScript statements in head write to the beginning of the body section but don’t violate HTML code already there.
- JavaScript statements in body write based on their location
- JavaScript interpreted first then HTML interpreted second
- Document.write writes to the HTML document not the web page
What is JavaScript
- - - - - Now where does this print on the web page????
- - - - Lets See what the answer is!
What is JavaScript
- Now, let JavaScript generate HTML for us…
- JavaScript HelloWorld!
- document.write("
Javascript-Generated output:
This paragraph generated by JavaScript
It can even insert an image
- ")
- Let’s open it in the browser
Identifier Etiquette
- Identifier– The name of a variable (or function)
- Starts with a letter, can contains digits & underscores
- Case Sensitive!!
- Should be meaningful to someone reading your code
- Good: accountBalance, amountDue
- Bad: bal, due,
- Just plain wrong: 2bOrNotToBe, +var, total-value
- Must declare variables before they’re used in the program
- Declare at the top of the program & terminate each statement with ‘;’
- Intialize variables when appropriate
- Local variables (declared within a function) destroyed after function exit. - Can only be accessed within the function
- Example – Note Assignments
- var candyBarPrice = 2.50;
- var taxRate = .075;
- var candyBarsPurchased;
Assignment Operator
- Assignment ‘looks like’ equal sign but does NOT behave like it - subTotal = subTotal + 1.50 - subTotal ‘is assigned the value’ that is currently in subTotal plus the value of 1.50
- An expression is a statement that describes a computation
- Usually look like algebra formulas
- total = subTotal * taxRate
- Operators (+, - , *, /, etc.) have different levels of precedence, similar to algebra - Don’t rely on it! For clarity, use parentheses
- w3Schools operator reference page
Conditional Statements--if
if (some boolean expression is true){ execute the statements within the curly braces, otherwise skip to the first statement after the closing brace } Resume execution here in either case