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Download Its good notes for diploma computer science and more Study notes Science education in PDF only on Docsity! GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA BOARD OF TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS First/Second SemesterDiploma APPLIED SCIENCE (COMMON TO ALL COURSES) SUBJECT CODE: CURRICULAUM contact Hours -5Hrs/week Unit No Name of the chapter No of Hr 01 Units, Dimensions & Measurements 06 Hrs 02 Basics of Dynamics 06 Hrs 03 Basics of Statics 06 Hrs 04 Properties of solids & liquids 10 Hrs 05 Heat & Properties of gases 05Hrs 06 Wave Motion 12 Hrs 07 Physical Optics 12 Hrs 08 Modern Physics 09 Hrs 09 Engg. Chemistry 08 Hrs Test & Assignments 06 Hrs TOTAL 80 Hrs Note: For setting of question paper, Unit No. 01, 02 and 03 ------------- Section A Unit No.04, 05 and 06 --------------- Section B Unit No.07, 08 and 09 ---------------- Section C Also refer table of specification APPLIED SCIENCE (COMMON TO ALL COURSES) SUBJECT CODE: CONTENTS Unit No 01 Units, Dimensions & Measurements : ( 6 Hrs) Physical quantity, Fundamental & derived Physical quantities, Unit of physical quantity, systems of units, fundamental & derived units, S.I units, Basic quantities , their S.I units, & symbols, supplementary quantities, their S.I units & symbols, Prefixes for multiples & sub multiples with their symbols, Advantages of S.I units. Dimensions of a physical quantity examples:- Steps to write dimensions, Dimensional formula Dimensional equation, Applications of dimensional equation, Limitations ( Disadvantages) of dimensional equations ( analysis). Measurement:- Principle of vernier, Neat diagram of slide calipers & its parts, Zero error & its correction, Least count, Reading MSR & VSR (CVD), use of vernier calipers for measurements, problems on vernier calipers. Principle of screw & nut ( Micrometer principle ), Neat diagram of screw gauge & its parts, Zero error, zero correction, Pitch, least count, reading PSR & HSR, use of screw gauge for measurements, problems on screw gauge. Unit No 02 Basics of Dynamics ( 6 Hrs) Recapitulation of equations of motion, Newton’s Ist law of motion, Force, basic forces in motion, gravitational force, electrostatic force, electromagnetic force, nuclear force, Difference between strong interaction & weak interaction, Inertia, types of inertia ( inertia of rest, inertia of motion, inertial of direction ), Momentum, Newton’s IInd law of motion, measurement of force using second law, simple problems on F = ma and equations of motion, Impulse of force, Impulse as the product of force and time, also impulse as the difference of momentum, examples of impulse, simple problems on impulse, Newtons IIIrd law of motion and its examples. Law of conservation of momentum, Statement, proof of this law using Newton’s laws, simple problems Friction:- Cause of friction, types of friction, static friction, limiting friction, kinetic friction, rolling friction, sliding friction,, laws of limiting friction ,coefficient of friction advantages and disadvantages of friction, preventive methods of friction, Unit No 07 Physical Optics (12 Hrs) Introduction to theories of light, Newton’s corpuscular theory, Huygens wave theory, Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, Planck’s quantum theory, Dual nature of radiation. Interference, theory of interference, Amplitude of resultant wave, condition for constructive interference, condition for destructive interference, condition for sustained interference, Young’s double slit experiment, expressions for path difference and fringe width, intensity distribution in interference fringe, simple problem on fringe width & path difference. Diffraction, classification diffraction, Fresenel’s diffraction, Fraunhoffer diffraction, difference between them, Huygen’s principal, wave front, diffraction with white light, difference between Interference and Diffraction, Concept of resolving power of an optical instrument, Rayleigh criteria, Resolving power of a microscope, and its expressions in terms of wave length, resolving power of telescope, expression for resolving power of in terms of wave length, simple problems. Polarisation:-Introduction, experiment to demonstrate the transverse nature of light. Representation of polarized and un-polarized light. Plane of vibration and plane of polarization. Methods of producing plane polarized light. Polarization by reflection, Brewster’s law, Brewster’s angle, formula for refractive index in terms of Brewster’s angle. Polarization by refraction. Polaroids, uses of polaroids . Unit No 08 Modern physics (9Hrs) Methods of electronic emission Thermo ionic emission, photoelectric emission, field emission, and secondary emission. Experiment to study photoelectric effect, Experimental results ( four results). Four laws of photoelectric emission, Einstein’s photoelectric equation. Photoelectric cells, Photo emissive cells, Photo voltaic cells, Photo conductive cells. Applications of photo electric cells. Electron microscope Principal of electron microscope, focusing by magnetic lens, construction and working, uses of electron microscope, Atomic forced microscope simple working of atomic forced microscope, advantages of atomic forced microscope over electron microscope Scattering of light:- Coherent scattering and incoherent scattering. Explanation of scattering. Blue color of the sky. Blue color of water. Red color of sun during sun rise and sun set. White color of clouds. Raman effect. Applications of Raman effect . Lasers:- Induced absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission. Principal of laser, population inversion, optical pumping. Properties of lasers. Applications of lasers. Radio activity:- Introduction, experiment to demonstrate three types of radiations. Properties of three types of radiations. Applications of radio activity in the field of agriculture, medicine, biology and geology. Unit No 09 Engineering chemistry (8 Hrs) Pollution:- Air pollution, air pollutants ( SO2 , H2S,HF,NO2, CO, dust), harmful effects. Acid rain and its effects ( basic ideas). Other effects of air pollution, Green house effect, global warming, effects of global warming, basic ideas, ozone layer, importance , causes of depletion of ozone layers (no equation). Effects of ozone layer depletion control of air pollution Water pollution, causes ( sewage, effluents, algae, micro organisms), their harmful effects. Their control. Sewage problem and disposals Corrosion, electrochemical theory of corrosion, formation of galvanic cells, concentration cells. Methods of prevention of corrosion-Alloying, surfaced coating, galvanizing , electroplating, anodizing, cathodic protection. PH of a solution, water as weak electrolyte, Hydrogen ions, hydroxyl ions. Acidic solution, basic solution and neutral solution, concentration of H+ ions. Ionic product of pure of water, ionic product of acidic, basic and neutral solution. PH scale. PH for neutral acidic and basic solution, PH values of some important solutions. Applications of PH First/Second Semister Subject:APPLIED SCIENCE code no: Contact Hours:05Hrs/week Contact Hrs/Semister:80 Unit No.01 UNITS,DIMENSIONS AND MEASUREMENTS (6 Hrs) GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1.1 To understand the concept of Physical Quantities and their units. 1.2 To understand the characteristics of different physical quantities. 1.3 To use appropriate measuring instruments SPECIFIC OBJECTIVESS 1.1.1 Define a physical quantity 1.1.2 Distinguish between fundamental and derived physical quantity. 1.1.3 Define unit of a physical quantity. 1.1.4 List different system of units. 1.1.5 List the fundamental units . 1.1.6 List the derived units. 1.1.7 Define S.I units. 1.1.8 List the basic quantities. 1.1.9 Write the basic units and symbols for them. 1.1.10 List the supplementary units and symbols for them. 1.1.11 Write the supplementary units and symbols for them. 1.1.12 Write the prefix for multiples and submultiples in S.I system. 1.1.13 State the advantages of S.I units. 1.2.1 Define dimensions of physical quantity. 1.2.2 Write the examples of dimensions of physical quantities. 1.2.3 State the steps used for writing the dimension of a physical quantity. 1.2.4 Define dimensional equation (dimensional formula) for a physical quantity. 1.2.5 State the advantages of dimensional equation. 1.2.6 State the disadvantages (limitations) of dimensional equation. 1.3.1 Define measurement 1.3.2 List the instruments used to measure accurately. 1.3.3 Define the Least Count of measuring instruments. 1.3.4 Define principle of vernier. 1.3.5 Identify the parts of a slide calipers. 1.3.6 Explain about zero error and its correction in the case of slide calipers. 1.3.7 Define least count of vernier calipers. 1.3.8 Describe the measurement of MSR and VSR (CVD). 1.3.9 State the uses of vernier calipers 1.3.10 Solve measurement problems on vernier calipers. 1.3.11 Define principle of screw and nut (micrometer principle). . 1.3.12 Identify the parts of screw gauge and label its parts. 3.2.9 Explain the condition of equilibrium of number of coplanar parallel forces. 3.2.10 Describe an experiment to verify the conditions of equilibrium of parallel coplanar forces. 3.2.11 Solve problems on parallel forces. Unit No.04 PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS 10 Hrs GENERAL OBJECTIVES 4.1 To understand the properties of solids. 4.2 To understand the properties of liquids. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 4.1.1 Explain solid as a state of matter. 4.1.2 Explain meaning of “deformation “ with examples. 4.1.3 Define elasticity with examples. 4.1.4 Explain the meaning of elastic limit. 4.1.5 Define plasticity with examples. 4.1.6 Define stress. 4.1.7 Write S.I unit and dimensions of stress. 4.1.8 Define Tensile stress with examples. 4.1.9 Define Volume stress with examples. 4.1.10 Define Shear stress with examples. 4.1.11 Define strain. 4.1.12 Define Tensile strain with examples. 4.1.13 Define Volume strain with examples. 4.1.14 Define Shear strain with examples. 4.1.15 State Hooke’s law. 4.1.16 Explain limitations of Hooke’s law. 4.1.17 Draw stress versus strain graph. 4.1.18 Explain the features of the graph. 4.1.19 Define coefficient of elasticity,(Modulus of elasticity) 4.1.20 Write formula of modulus of elasticity. 4.1.21 Define Young’s modulus and write its formula. 4.1.22 Write its S.I unit and dimensions. 4.1.23 Define Bulk modulus and write its formula .Write its SI unit and dimensions. 4.1.24 Define Rigidity modulus and write its formula. 4.1.25 Write its SI unit and dimensions. 4.1.26 Define factor of safety. 4.1.27 Write its formula. 4.1.28 Describe an experiment to determine Young’s modulus of a material using Searle’s apparatus. 4.1.29 Solve problems. 4.2.1 Explain liquid as a state of matter. 4.2.2 Define Thrust and write its SI unit. 4.2.3 Define pressure and write its SI unit. 4.2.4 Derive an expression for the pressure at a point inside a liquid at rest. 4.2.5 Solve problems. 4.2.6 Define adhesive forces with example. 4.2.7 Define cohesive forces with an example. 4.2.8 Explain the nature of meniscus with examples. 4.2.9 Define angle of contact with examples. 4.2.10 Explain surface tension on the basis of molecular theory. 4.2.11 Define surface tension. 4.2.12 Write the formula,SI unit and dimensions of it. 4.2.13 Give examples for the existence of surface tension. 4.2.14 Explain the factors affecting the surface tension. 4.2.15 Write the applications of surface tension. 4.2.16 Define capillary rise and capillarity. 4.2.17 Obtain an equation for surface tension in case of capillary rise. 4.2.18 Describe an experiment to determine surface tension of water by capillary rise method. 4.2.19 Solve problems. 4.2.20 Explain the concept of friction in a liquid flow 4.2.21 Explain viscous force. 4.2.22 Define viscosity. 4.2.23 Explain the factors affecting viscous force. 4.2.24 Define coefficient of viscosity. 4.2.25 Write SI unit and dimensions of coefficient of viscosity. 4.2.26 Discuss the effect of temperature on viscosity of liquids and gases. 4.2.27 List the applications of viscosity. 4.2.28 Describe an experiment to determine viscosity of water by poissulle’s method. Unit No.05 HEAT AND PROPERTIES OF GASES 05Hrs GENERAL OBJECTIVES 5.1 To understand Heat and Temperature. 5.2 To study modes and Transmission of heat and their applications. 5.3 To study the specific heat of a substances. 5.4 To study gas laws and specific heat of gas. 5.5 To understand laws of Thermodynamics. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 5.1.1 Define heat. 5.1.2 List the sources of heat. 5.1.3 Define temperature. 5.1.4 Explain different scales of temperature. 5.1.5 Write the differences between heat and temperature. 5.1.6 Define calorie. 5.1.7 Define SI unit of heat - joule. 5.2.1 List the different modes of transmission of heat. 5.2.2 Define conduction. 5.2.3 List the applications of conduction. 5.2.4 Define good conductors of heat and insulators. 5.2.5 List the uses of good conductors and insulators, 5.2.6 Define convection. 5.2.7 Explain two types of convection. 5.2.8 List the applications of convection. 5.2.9 Define radiation. 5.2.10 List the applications of radiation. 5.3.1 Define and explain specific heat of substance. 5.3.2 Obtain the equation for specific heat of substance and write its SI unit. 5.3.3 List the values for specific heats of few materials commonly used. 5.3.4 Solve simple numerical problems on equation for specific heat. 5.4.1 State Boyle’s law. 5.4.2 Write the expressions of Boyle’s law. 5.4.3 State Charle’s law and write its mathematical expression. 5.4.4 State Gay-Lussac’s law and write its mathematical expression. 5.4.5 Explain the Absolute scale of temperature on the basis of Charle’s law ,give its graphical representation. 5.4.6 Obtain combined gas equation and perfect gas equation. 5.4.7 Solve problems 5.4.8 Define specific heat of a gas at constant volume( Cv). 5.4.9 Define specific heat of a gas at constant pressure (Cp). 5.4.10 Write the relation between Cp and Cv ( i)ratio of specific heat. (ii) Meyer’s relation ( no derivation.) 5.5.1 Define Isothermal process and Adiabatic process with reference to gas. 5.5.2 State First law of thermodynamics. 5.5.3 Write the mathematical expression of First law of thermodynamics. 5.5.4 State the Second law of thermodynamics. 5.5.5 List the application of Second law of thermodynamics. Unit No.06 WAVE MOTION 12 Hrs GNERAL OBJECTIVES 6.1 To understand Simple Hormonic Motion. 6.2 To understand wave motion. 6.3 To understand stationary waves ,resonance and beats. 6.4 To study transverse vibrations of stretched strings. 6.5 To know musical note and noise. 6.6 To study acoustics of buildings. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 6.1.1 Define vibratory motion with examples. 6.1.2 Define periodic motion with examples. 6.1.3 Explain and define Simple Hormonic Motion. 6.1.4 Obtain an expression for displacement,velocity and acceleration or a particle executing SHM 6.1.5 Define period,frequency,amplitude in the case of vibrating particle. 6.2.1 Explain wave and wave motion with example. 6.2.2 Explain mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves with examples. 6.2.3 Define transverse waves with example. Unit No.08 MODERN PHYSICS 09 Hrs GENERAL OBJECTIVES 8.1 To understand the emission of electrons. 8.2 To know the scattering of light. 8.3 To understand Lasers. 8.4 To understand radio-activity. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 8.1.1 Explain thermionic emission. 8.1.2 Explain photoelectric emission. 8.1.3 Explain Field emission. 8.1.4 Explain secondary emission. 8.1.5 Define photoelectric effect. 8.1.6 Describe an experiment to study photoelectric effect. Explain experimental results. 8.1.7 State four laws of photoelectric emission. 8.1.8 Write photoelectric equation. 8.1.9 Explain the quantities involved in it. 8.1.10 Explain photoemissive cell. 8.1.11 Explain photovoltaic cell. 8.1.12 Explain photoconductive cell. 8.1.13 List the applications of photoelectric cells. 8.1.14 Explain the principle of electrons microscope. 8.1.15 Explain the method of focusing by magnetic lens. 8.1.16 Explain the construction and working. 8.1.17 List the uses of electron microscope. 8.1.18 Explain the working of Atomic Focus Microscope. 8.1.19 Write the advantages of Atomic Focus Microscope. 8.2.1 Explain coherent scattering. 8.2.2 Explain incoherent scattering. 8.2.3 Explain the blue colour of the sky and blue colour of water. 8.2.4 Explain the red colour of sun during sunrise and sunset. 8.2.5 Explain the white colour of cloud. 8.2.6 Explain Raman Effect. 8.2.7 Write the applications of Raman Effect 8.3.1 Define laser . 8.3.2 Explain Induced absorption. 8.3.3 Explain spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. 8.3.4 State the principle of Laser. 8.3.5 Explain population inversion and optical pumping. 8.3.6 List the properties of laser. 8.3.7 Write the applications of laser. 8.4.1 Explain radioactivity with examples. 8.4.2 Describe an experiment to demonstrate three types of radiations. 8.4.3 Write the properties of alpha,beta and gamma rays. 8.4.4 List the agricultural ,medical,biological and geological applications of lasers. Unit No.09 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY 08 Hrs GENERAL OBJECTIVES 9.1 To understand pollution, its harm full effects and preventive measures. 9.2 To comprehend water pollution, its harm full effects and preventive measures. 9.3 To understand different types of corrosion and preventive measures. 9.4 To comprehend pH of solution , pH scale and applications of pH. . SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 9.1.1 Define pollution. 9.1.2 List air pollutants. 9.1.3 Write the harmfull effects of air pollution. 9.1.4 Explain acid rain and its effects. 9.1.5 Explain green house effect. 9.1.6 Explain global warming. 9.1.7 List the effects of global warming. 9.1.8 Explain ozone layer and its importance. 9.1.9 List the cause of depletion of ozone layer(without any equation). 9.1.10 List the effects of ozone layer. 9.1.11 Discuss the control of air pollution. 9.2.1 Explain water pollution, 9.2.2 Discuss the causes of water pollution.(seweage,effluents,algai,micro-organisms). 9.2.3 Explain methods of control of sewage problems and disposals. 9.3.1 Define corrosion. 9.3.2 Explain the causes of corrosion. 9.3.3 Describe different types of corrosion.(i)electrochemical theory of corrosion. (ii) Formation of galvanic cells.(iii)concentration cells 9.3.4 Explain the preventive measures of corrosion. alloying surface coating galvanizing electroplating anodizing cathodic protection. 9.4.1 Explain water as a weak electrolyte. 9.4.2 Explain nature of solution on the basis of (H+) ion and (OH¯) ion concentrations. 9.4.3 Explain ionic product of pure water. 9.4.4 Define neutral,basic and acidic solutions. 9.4.5 Define pH of a solution. 9.4.6 Define neutral basic and acidic solution by using pH. 9.4.7 Give the pH values some solutions 9.4.8 Write the applications of pH solution. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Applied Science –By W.R. Neelakanta , Sapna Publications 2. Applied Science –By N N Banavasi, S Chand Publications 3. First PUC and Second PUC Physics Text Books – by different authors.. 4. Text book of physical chemistry by P.L.Soni publisher S.Chand and Co. 5. Essentials of physical chemistry by B.S.Bhal and G.B.Tuli, 6. Text bookof physical chemistry by K.K.Sharma and L.K.Sharma, Vikas publication house. 7. Applied Science for polytechnics- by different authors. APPLIED SCIENCE TABLE OF SPECIFICATION FOR QUESTION PAPER SETTING Unit No No Hrs in curriculum No of subdivisions of 5 marks each to be answered Total marks to be answered No of subdivisions of 5 marks to be set Total marks to be set Section A 01 06 05 25 07 35 02 06 03 06 Section B 04 10 07 35 11 55 05 05 06 12 Section C 07 12 08 40 12 60 08 09 09 08 Total 20 100 30 150 BOARD OF TECHNICAL EXAMINATION- KARNATAKA MODEL QUESTION PAPER APPLIED SCIENCE Time:3Hrs Max Marks:100 Note: 1) Answer any 05 subdivisions from Section A, any 07 sub divisions from Section B and any 08 subdivisions from Section C 2) Each subdivision carries 5 marks. Section A (Answer any 05 subdivisions) 1. a) What is meant by Least count of a measuring instrument Write dimensions of density Write the S.I. unit of a acceleration 2 + 2 + 1 b) State and prove the law of conservation of momentum 2 + 3 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA BOARD OF TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS First/Second SemesterDiploma APPLIED SCIENCE LAB (COMMON TO ALL COURSES) SUBJECT CODE: Group A Experiment No Aim of the experiment 01 To determine the volume of the given solid cylinder using Slide calipers 02 To determine the volume of the given Hollow cylinder using Slide calipers 03 To determine the thickness of the glass and metal plate using Screw gauge 04 To determine the volume of thin wire using Screw gauge & sample wire 05 To determine the volume of small rigid ball using Screw gauge 06 To verify the law of Parallelogram of vectors 07 To verify the converse of law of triangle of vectors 08 To verify the Lami’s theorem 09 To verify two conditions of equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces Group B 10 To determine Young’s Modulus of the material of the wire using Searle’s App 11 To determine Surface Tension of water by capillary rise method 12 To determine the frequency of the given tuning fork using sonometer by comparison method 13 To determine the frequency of the given tuning fork using sonometer by absolute method 14 To determine velocity of sound in air at room temperature & at 0°C a by Resonance Air Column method 15 To determine coefficient of Viscosity of water by Poisulle’s method Most Important instructions to examiners i) While setting two experiments in the examination for each candidate, one experiment should be chosen from group A and another must be from group B ii) While setting two experiments, large number of combinations to be made covering most of the experiments iii) The scheme of valuation given below must be strictly followed. Scheme of valuation Record 05 Marks Oral 15 Marks Planning ( Includes observation, Tabular column, Formula) 20 Marks ( 10 marks x 2 expt) Conducting ( Includes skill in arrangement, handling of app, & readings) 40 Marks ( 20 marks x 2 expt) Calculation and result 20 Marks ( 10 marks x 2 expt) Total 100 Marks bcs topics Page 1 of 6 Contact hrs/Week: 06 Total Contact Hrs / SEM:96 1 Concept of Hardware & Software……………………….. 05 Hrs 2 Word processing (M S Word)……………………………… 18 Hrs 3 Spreadsheet and Charts (M S Excel)……………………… 18 Hrs 4 Dataprocessing (M S Access)……………………………… 10 Hrs 5 Presentation (M S Power Point)…………………………… 08 Hrs 6 Internet Basics……………………………………………. 05 Hrs Total 64 Hrs Course Content All Diploma Courses I Semester Subject: Basic Computer Skills bcs_geos_sios Page 4 of 6 2 Utilities 2.1 WORD PROCESSING 2.1.1 2.1.2 Create a new document - edit, save, close 2.1.3 Page setup (Layout) 2.1.4 2.1.5 Creating documents with Multiple columns 2.1.6 Inserting symbols,file, hyperlink,cliparts and pictures into the document 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9 Creating drawings and charts using drawing toolbar 2.1.10 Creating tables and borders 2.1.11 Creating templates, envelopes & labels 2.1.12 Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) 2.1.13 Taking printout of the document 2.1.14 Mail-merging 2.1.15 Creating Macros and customizing Word 2.1.16 Exiting Word 2.2 SPREADSHEET AND CHARTS 2.2.1 2.2.2 Creating an excel book 2.2.3 2.2.4 Entering data - numeric, text and formula 2.2.5 2.2.6 Formatting rows and columns 2.2.7 Understand Filling series 2.2.8 Selecting cells, rows or columns 2.2.9 Clearing contents and formats of the cells selected 2.2.10 Creating different types of graphs for given data 2.2.11 Formatting charts 2.2.12 Dealing with formulas, functions related with text, logical, mathematical, etc 2.2.13 Manipulating Data - Sorting, filtering, validation, importing & exporting data 2.2.14 Working with windows - Splitting, freezing and setting the print area 2.2.15 Creating an excel report 2.2.16 Printing an excel sheet/part of an excel sheet 2.2.17 Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) 2.2.18 Creating Macros and customizing Excel 2.2.19 Exiting Excel 2.3 DATAPROCESSING 2.3.1 2.3.2 Creating a database,tables,view,forms,query,report,index,etc 2.3.3 Use of wizards to create tables 2.3.4 Create a report and take the printout 2.3.5 Creating Macros and customizing Access 2.3.6 Exiting Access 2.4 PRESENTATION 2.4.1 Invoking word application and understand the different parts - titlebar,Menubar,Toolbar,Scrollbar,Control button, etc Text formatting - Selection of Fonts, fontsize, alignments, line spacing, paragraph alignment, indents & tabs Page formatting - Inserting page numbers, date,time, fields,header and footer,footnote, comments,etc Practicing the utilities like find, replace, goto, spell check, grammer check, thesaurus, wordcount,autotext and autocorrect Formatting a cell - number, date,time,text, alignment, border, font,pattern, protection, etc. Starting Access and understanding the concept of data,field, record, table and database Invoking Powerpoint application and understand - titlebar,Menubar,Toolbar,Scrollbar,control window, etc Understanding the excel sheet,cell,rows&columns, sheet size, navigating the workbook Invoking Excel application and understand the different parts - titlebar, Menubar, Toolbar, Scrollbar, control window, etc bcs_geos_sios Page 5 of 6 2.4.2 2.4.3 Opening, saving,closing a presentation 2.4.4 2.4.5 Slide show - manual, auto 2.4.6 Printing handouts 2.4.7 Creating Macros and customizing Powerpoint 2.4.8 Exiting Powerpoint 3 INTERNET 3.1 Understand the meaning of : 3.2 3.3 3.4 Chatting 4 Practice on any Kannada Software Package WORD PROCESSING 1. Create a business or personal letter 2. Create a company letterhead 3. Create a simple newsletter 4. Create a memo 5. Create a resume 6. Create an Invitation/Greeting Card 7. Create the cover page of a project report 8. Create a mailmerged letter/Invitation 9. Create a Macro which inserts a picture and formats the text SPREADSHEET 1. Create a worksheet with 4 columns. Enter 10 records and find the sum of all columns 2. Create a report containing the pay details of the employees 3. Create a results sheet containing Candidate's Register No., Name, Marks for all subjects, Total and result. Total and result must be calculated as below: Total is sum of marks in all subjects Result is Distinction if Total >= 70 % First Class if Total > = 60 % and < 70 % Second Class if Total >= 50 % and < 60 % Pass if Total >= 35 % and < 50 % provided the candidate has secured atleast 35 marks in each subject. Fail otherwise. 4. Create a simple Bar chart to highlight the sales of a company for 3 different periods 5. Create a pie-chart - give legends 6. Create a worksheet importing data from a database and calculate sum of all the columns 7. Create a Macro which creates a line chart using the data in the worksheet DATABASE 1.Create a simple table for result processing 2.Design a query table for the same table 3.Design a form to update/modify the table contents SAMPLE EXERCISES Creating an E-Mail ID, Sending and Receiving E-Mails, voicemail,video mail, video conferencing, etc Creating a presentation using auto context wizard, Design Templates and Blank presentation Working with slides - Inserting pictures, tables,sound files, outline,slide transitions Network,Internet,intranet,internet server, internet browser,Webpage, Website,URL's, Search engines, http,www,HTML,DHTML and Outlook Logging on to internet, browsing the net, using search engines, Downloading a file bcs_geos_sios Page 6 of 6 4.Design a report to print the result sheet and marks card for the above table. PRESENTATION 1.Create a simple presentation to list simple DOS commands,Hardwares, Softwares etc. INTERNET BASICS 1.Practice browsing of different sites using search engine 2.Practice Understanding different e-mail services-Outlook, Yahoomail, rediffmail etc. 3.Practice creating e-mail account, Sending Receiving & Storing of mails Duration: 3 Hrs Max Marks 100 1 Record 5 2 Viva 20 3 One question each on any two of the following 30 x2 =60 3.1 M S Word 3.2 M S Excel 3.2 M S Access 3.4 M S Power Point 4 Internet Basics 15 Total 40 1 Record 5 2 Viva 10 3 One question to be set from any 2 of the 4 combination 3.1 Writing 10 3.2 Execution 15 3.3 Printout 5 30x 2=60 4 Two or Three Questions to be asked on Internet Basics 15 Total 100 Reference Books Scheme of Examination Scheme of Evaluation Part D 5 X 03 = 15 04 03 Total = 100 CONTENTS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS – I ALGEBRA UNIT – 1: DETERMINANTS. 2 Hr. Definition, Order, Expansion of 2nd & 3rd order Determinants by means of examples. Problems on finding unknown quantity in a 2nd & 3rd determinant using using expansion. Solving simultaneous linear equations by determinant method ( Cramer’s rule). Problems. UNIT – 2: MATRICES. 4 Hr. Determinant value of a square matrix. Singular and non singular matrices with examples. Minor and co factor of an element of a matrix. Adjoint of a matrix. Problems. Characteristics equations of a square matrix and its roots. Problems. Cayley – Hamilton’s theorem (statement only). Problems. Find inverse of a matrix using the theorem. UNIT – 3: BINOMIAL THEOREM. 3 Hr. Meaning of nCr and its value. Binomial theorem for (x + a) n, where n ia a positive integer. Expansion. Finding constant term, co-efficient of xn , particular term and middle term(s). Problems. UNIT – 4: LOGARITHEMS. 2 Hr. Defination of common and natural logarithems. Laws of logarithems. Problems on laws. UNIT – 5: VECTOR ALGEBRA. 6 Hr. Defination of vector. Representation of a vector as a directed line segment. Magnitude of a vector. Types of vectors. Position vector. Vector can be expressed in terms of end points of position vector. Addition and subtraction of vector in terms of line segment. Vector in a plane and vector in a space in terms of unit vector i, j and k respectively. Product of vectors. Scalar and vector product. Geometrical meaning of scalar and vector product. Applications of dot(scalar) and cross(vector) product: Projection of a vector on another vector. Area of parallelogram and area of triangle. Work done by a force and moment of force TRIGONOMETRY UNIT – 6: UNITS AND MEASUREMENT OF AN ANGLE 3 Hr Defination of an angle. Systems of unit of an angle. Defination of radian. Radian is a constant angle. Relation between degree & radian and problems. Derivation of l = rθ & A = ½ r2θ. Problems. UNIT –7: TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF AN ACUTE ANGLE. 6 Hr Defination of Trigonometric ratios in terms of sides of a triangle for an acute angle. Proof of Trigonometric identities. Trigonometric ratios of standard angles: The numerical value of trigonometric ratios of standard angles like 00, 300, 450, 600 and 900. Problems. UNIT – 8: ALLIED ANGLES. 4 Hr. Angle of any magnitude, sign of the trigonometric ratios. Meaning of allied angles. Trigonometric ratios of allied angles in terms of θ. Problems. Complimentary angles and relation between trigonometric ratios of complimentary angles. Problems. UNIT – 9: HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. 2 Hr. Defination of angle of elevation and depression. Problems. UNIT -10: COMPOUND ANGLES. 3 Hr. Geometrical proof of Sin( A + B) and Cos(A + B). Find Tan( A + B) using Sin( A + B) and Cos(A + B). Write the formulae for Sin( A - B), Cos(A - B) and tan( A - B). Problems. UNIT -11: MULTIPLE ANGLES. 3 Hr. Derive ratios of multiple angles of 2A and 3A. Problems. Obtain sub multiple angle formulae. Problems. UNIT-12: TRANSFORMATION FORMULAE. 4 Hr. Express sum or difference of Sine and Cosine of an angles in to product form. Express product of Sine and Cosine of angles in to sum or difference form. Problems. UNIT-13: PROPERTIES AND SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 4 Hr. The relation between sides of a triangle and Sines, Cosines and Tangents of any angle(Sine rule, Cosine rule and Tangent rule), Projection rule. Half angle formulae in terms of sides of a triangle. Problems. Problems on solution of triangles (four types). UNIT- 14: INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. 2 Hr. Defination. Principle values of inverse trigonometric functions. Derivation of results like sin-1x + cos-1x =Л/2 =tan-1x + cot-1x = cosec-1x + sec-1x, tan-1x + tan-1y = tan-1 Problems. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY UNIT-15: BASIC CONCEPTS OF ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. 6 Hr. Defination of a point in a plane, Specification of a point using co-ordinate system. Points on X-axis and Y-axis. Derivation of distance formula. Problems. Section formulae. Derivation of co-ordinate of a point which divide the line internally in the given ratio( No derivation for external division). Mid point formula. Problems. Centroid, area of a triangle and collinear points. Problems. Locus of a point with respect to a fixed point and with respect to two fixed points and its equations. Problems. UNIT-16: STRAIGHT LINES. 6 Hr. Inclination of a line with horizontal line and its slope. Intercept of a straight line. Slope of a line parallel to X-axis and Y-axis. Derivation of conditions for two lines to be parallel and perpendicular. Problems. Derivations equations of straight lines y = mx + c, y – y1 = m (x – x1 ), y – y1 = (y2 – y1 / x2 – x1 ) (x – x1 ), (x / a ) + (y / b) = 1 and x cosα + y sinα = P. General equation of a line ax +by + c = 0 and problems. Equation of lines through a point and parallel or perpendicular to a given line. Problems. Angle between two lines. Problems. Point of intersection of lines. Equation of a line through the point of intersection which is parallel or perpendicular to the given line. Problems. ******************* 5.1.3 Write different types of vectors. 5.1.4 Write addition and subtraction of vectors in terms of the segment. 5.1.5 Explain the position vector of a point with reference to a point. 5.1.6 Write the conclusion of difference of two vectors with same initial point as position vector of a point. 5.1.7 Define vector in a plane and vector in a space in terms of unit vectors i, j and k respectively. 5.2.1 Write types of vector product (a)Scalar product (b)Vector product 5.2.2 Define scalar product and vector product. 5.2.3 Interpret product of vectors geometrically. 5.2.4 Design the product of vectors to find angle between them and unit vector 5.2.5 Apply product of vectors to find ( i.) projection of a vector on another vector (ii) Area of triangle and parallelogram (iii) work done by a Force (application of scalar product) (iv) moment of a force (application of vector product) TRIGONOMETRY UNIT – 6: UNIT AND MEASUREMENT OF ANGLE 3 Hr GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 6.1 To understand the concept of angle, unit and its measurement. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 6.1.1 Define an angle. 6.1.2 Define a right angle in different systems. 6.1.3 Define radian. 6.1.4 Obtain relations between radian and degree. 6.1.5 Solve problems. 6.1.6 Prove the radian as a constant angle. 6.1.7 Derive l = rө 6.1.8 Derive area of sector = (r2ө ) /2. 6.1.9 Solve related problems. UNIT – 7: TRIGNOMETRIC RATIOS 4 Hr GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 7.1 To understand trigonometric ratios. 7.2 To comprehend trigonometric ratios of standard angles. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 7.1.1 Define trigonometric ratios for an acute angle. 7.1.2 Derive important formulae (identities) 7.1.3 Solve problems using identities. 7.1.4 Obtain trigonometric ratios of standard angles 0°, 30° , 45° , 60°,90° 7.1.5 Solve problems using standard values. UNIT – 8: ALLIED ANGLES 4 Hr GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 8.1 To understand allied angles of the type ( nπ/2 ± ө). SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 8.1.1 Define positive and negative angles. 8.1.2 Give examples to differentiate positive and negative angles. 8.1.3 Explain trigonometric ratios in different quadrants and assign signs. 8.1.4 Define allied angles in different quadrants. 8.1.5 Write formulae of 90± Ө, 180± Ө, 270± Ө, 360± Ө and (-Ө) 8.1.6 Solve problems on allied angles. UNIT - 9: HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES 2 Hr GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 9.1 To understand the measurement of Heights and Distances using trigonometry. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 9.1.1 Define angle of elevation and angle of depression. 9.1.2 Define the “Height” and “Distance” 9.1.3 Solve problems on height and distance. UNIT – 10: COMPOUND ANGLES 3 Hr GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 10.1 To understand compound angles. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 10.1.1 Define a compound angle. 10.1.2 Give examples for compound angles. 10.1.3 Derive the formula of sin(A+B) and cos(A+B) geometrically. 10.1.4 Obtain tan(A+B) interms of tanA and tanB using sin(A+B) and cos(A+B). 10.1.5 Obtain formula for sin(A-B) ,cos(A-B) and tan(A-B). 10.1.6 Solve the problems on compound angles. UNIT – 11: MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES. 3 Hr GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 11.1 To understand multiple and sub multiple angles. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 11.1.1 Define multiple and submultiple angle with example. 11.1.2 Derive the formulae for trigonometric ratios of 2A and 3A using compound angle formulae. 11.1.3 Deduce half angle formulae from the ratio of 2A formulae. 11.1.4 Solve problems. UNIT – 12: TRANSFORMATION FORMULAE 4 Hr GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 12.1 To understand transformation formulae. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 12.1.1 Obtain expressions for sinC ± sinD and cosC ± cosD interms of Product of trigonometric ratios. 12.1.2 Derive expressions for sinAcosB, cosAsinB, cosAcosB and sinAsinB interms of the sum and difference of trigonometric ratios. 12.1.3 Solve problems. UNIT – 13: PROPERTIES AND SOLUTIONS OF TRIANGLES 4Hr GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 13.1 To understand the properties of triangles in order to solve them. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 13.1.1 Obtain sine rule ,cosine rule and tangent rule for any angle of a triangle. 13.1.2 Write half angle formulae interms of sides of a triangle (no proof). 13.1.3 Solve simple problems on above rules. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. First and Second PUC mathematics Text Books of different authors. 2. Text Book of mathematics –I for polytechnic-by different authors 3. Text Book of mathematics-II for polytechnic- by different authors ******************************************************* BOARD OF TECHNICAL EXAMINATION – KARANATAKA MODEL QUESTION PAPER Code: APPLED MATHEMATICS –I ( FOR ALL COURSES) Time: 3 Hrs Max.m marks:100 NOTE: i) Answer any 10 questions in section A, 5 questions in section B 8 questions in section C, & 3 questions in D ii) Each question carries 2 marks in section A ii) Each question carries 5 marks in remaining section SECTION – A 1. Find x if 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 x = 2. If A = 1 2 3 5 −      , Find A. adj(A) 3. Find the 5th term in 83x x  +   4. If a  = 2i + 3 j – 2 k and b  = i + 2k, find .a  b  5. If p  = i + J -2k, Find unit vector in the direction of p  6. If sinθ + cosecθ = ½ , find sin2θ + cosec2θ 7. If sec θ = cosec3θ, find θ. 8. Find the value of tan15° without using table or calculator. 9. Show that tan 2 θ = sin 1 cos θ θ+ 10. Show that cos17 sin17 tan 28 cos17 sin17 ° − ° = ° ° + ° 11. Show that ( ) ( )tan 2 ( ) A s b s c s s a − − = − 12. Show that 1 1cos ( ) cosx xπ− −− = − 13. Find the locus of a point which moves at a equal distances from the axis 14. Find the inclination and Y-intercept of the line √3x + y = 3 15. Find the angle between the lines who’s slopes are √3 and 1/√3 SECTION – B 1. Solve the following equations by cramer’s rule 2x + y = 1, y + 2z = 7 and 3z – 2x =11 2. Find the inverse of the matrix A = 1 2 5 0 1 3 3 1 2    −     3. Verify Caylay-Hamilton Theorem for the matrix A = 2 1 1 5 −      4. Find the co-efficient of x18 in 15 2 3ax x  +    5. If loga (bc) = x , logb (ac) = y and logc(a b) = z. Show that 1 1 1 1 1 1 1x y z + + = + + + 6. Find the sin of the angle between the vectors ( 3,2,-1) and ( 2,-1,4) 7. If the position vectors of A, B,C are respectively i + 2j + 3k, 2i + 5j – k and –i + j +2k, find the area of triangle ABC 8. Find the projection of vector 2i + 3j + 2k on 4i + 5j + 3k SECTION – C 1. Circular wheel is rotating at the rate of 450 r.p.m. If the radius of the wheel 70cm, find the distance covered by a point on the rim in 1 second. 2 Prove that tan sec 1 1 sin tan sec 1 cos θ θ θ θ θ θ + − + = − + 3. Show that sin 1 cos 2cos 1 cos ec sin θ θ θ θ θ + + = + 4. Show that sin420°cos390° + cos(- 300°) sin(- 330°) = 1 5. Simplify cos( )sec( ) tan( ) 2 sec(2 )sin( ) cot( ) 2 π θ θ π θ ππ θ π θ θ + − − − + + 6. The angles of elevation of the top of a tower from the base and top of building are 60° and 45°. The building is 20m high. Find the height of the tower. 7. Prove that sin( ) sin sin A B A B −∑ = 0 8. Prove that cos3 sin 3 cos sin A A A A + − = 1 + sin2A 9.Prove that sin sin 3 sin 5 sin 7 cos cos3 cos5 cos 7 A A A A A A A A + + + + + + = tan4A 10.In a triangle ABC show that 2 2 2 2 cos 2 cos 2 1 1A B a b a b − = − 11. Solve the triangle ABC if a = 2 , C = √3 – 1 , B = 120° 12. Prove that 1 1 11 1 12 tan tan 2 tan 8 7 5 4 π− − −+ + = SECTION – D 1. Find the point on the x-axis which is equidistant form the points (7,6) and (–3,4) 2. Find the co-ordinates of the point of trisection of the median AB of the triangle ABC whose vertices are A(– 2, 2 ) ,B (– 1, –3 ) and C (5,7) 3. Find the equation of the line passing through (– 2, 6 ) and the sum of intercepts on the co-ordinate axes is 5. 4. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to 3x – 2y + 1 = 0 and passes through(1,–2). 0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0 me_science Page 3 of 7 10.6 Introduction to Soldering and Brazing 10.7 Comparison of welding with Soldering and Brazing General Objectives 1 To know the different solar energy sources and their applications 2 To know the different uses of metals with their properties 3 To know ferrous metals and their preparation and types 4 To know the different nonferrous metals and their types with applications 5 To know the importance of heat treatment and its proceses 6 To know about the friction and lubrication proceses 7 To know the diferent modes of transmission of power and applications 8 To know the different fastening members and their applications 9 To know the importance of bearings and their types 10 To understand the proceses of welding, brazing and solding and their applications 1 appreciate the uses of different sources of energy 1.1 define renewable and non- renewable energy sources 1.2 differentiate renewable and non-renewable sources of energy 1.3 list the advantages and limitations of the above 1.4 explain solar energy 1.5 state application of solar energy 1.6 explain wind energy and state its application 1.7 list advantages and disadvantages of wind energy 1.8 explain the application of hydro energy 1.9 explain the application of tidal energy 1.10 expalin the application of geo- thermal energy 2 2.1 name the metals used in industries 2.2 2.3 know the importance of the above properties 3 appreciate the use of ferrous metals in industries 3.1 list the principal ferrous metals 3.2 sketch and explain cupola 3.3 know the manufacturing of cast iron 3.4 3.5 know the manufacturing of steel by Bessemmer converter process 3.6 state the composition and uses of various grades of steel 3.7 define alloying and state its purpose 3.8 4 appreciate the use of non-ferrous metals in industries 4.1 list different non-ferrous metals used in industries 4.2 4.3 state the composition, properties & uses of 4.3.1 copper alloys- brass & bronze 4.3.2 brass- montz metal, white brass, yellow brass 4.3.3 bronze- bell metal, gun metal & phosphor bronze 4.3.4 aluminium alloys- aluminium bronze, duralumin 4.3.5 magnesium alloys- dove metal & electron metal 4.3.6 nickel alloys- monel metal, nichrome specific instructional objectives: state the composition, properties and uses of nickel steel, chromium steel, 18/8 state the properties and uses of copper, zinc, aluminium, lead, tin, cobalt, nickel and appreciate the use of different metals in mechanical engineering define chemical, magnetic, electrical, thermal & mechanical properties of metals list the types of cast iron with composition, properties and uses me_science Page 4 of 7 4.3.7 lead base alloys 4.3.8 tin base alloys- babitt metal 4.3.9 zinc base alloys- bearing metals 4.3.10 5 state the objectives of heat treatment of steel 5.1 6 know the role of friction and lubrication in machine elements 6.1 define force of friction 6.2 state laws of solid friction 6.3 identify the need for lubrication 6.4 list types of lubrication 6.5 list the properties of lubricants 6.6 list the types of lubricators 6.7 7 understand transmission of power in machines 7.1 list the types of transmission of power 7.2 explain open and cross belt drive 7.3 define velocity ratio 7.4 state the effect belt thickness and slip on velocity ratio 7.5 7.6 explain the advantages of v-belt drive over flat belt drive 7.7 list the advantages and disadvantages of rope drive 7.8 list the advantages and disadvantages of chain drive 7.9 list the types of gear drives 7.10 7.11 8 appreciate the application of fasteners 8.1 define fastener and fastening 8.2 classify fasteners 8.3 classify threaded fasteners 8.4 explain screw thread terminology 8.5 8.6 explain single and multi start thread 8.7 explain right and left hand thread 8.8 explain the principle of lock nut 8.9 9 discuss the importance of bearings in industries 9.1 classify bearings 9.2 explain bush bearings and state its industrial application 9.3 explain plummer block and state its industrial application 9.4 explain foot step bearing 9.5 10 Explain the welding and its concepts 10.1 Classification on the basis of fusion and non fusion ,pressure and non pressure . 10.2 Different areas of use of welding 10.3 Principle of Arc welding(with sketch) including all equipments ,preparation ,precautions and procedure 10.4 Principle of Gas welding(with sketch) including all equipments ,preparation ,precautions and procedure explain wick lubricator, splash lubrication, screw cap lubricator, needle lubricator explain the use of cone pulle, idler pulley and fast & loose pulley in belt drive discuss the engineering application of the above non-ferrous alloys explain annealing, normalising, hardening, tempering, nitriding, cyaniding with its discuss the types of antifriction bearings with engineering application expain the use of spur, helical, bevel, worm & worm wheel, rack & pinion types of gear drives solve simple problems on velocity ratio and slip in flat belt drives explain application of v -thread, metric thread, square thread & acme thread in the field of engineering explain the locking of nut using split pin, screw pin, plate and spring washer me_science Page 5 of 7 10.5 Explain the clear concepts of soldering and brazing 10.6 Comparison of welding ,soldering and brazing Reference books 1 mechanical Engineering science- K. R. Gopala Krishna 2 3 elements of mechanical engineering- K.R.Gopala Krishna 4 engineering materials- Hajra Choudary 5 engineering materials- Rangawala 6 engineering materials- Roy & Choudary 7 Materials & metallurgy- J.K. gupta Sl. No. COURSES Hrs allote d Total marks for questions to be asked Total marks for questions to be attempt UNIT- I four fill in the blanks has to be set, each carrying one mark 4 4 UNIT- II 1 Sources of energy 3 2 Properties of metals 3 3 Ferrrous metals 8 4 Non ferrous metals 6 UNIT- III 5 Heat treatment of steels 6 6 Friction and lubrication 6 7 Transmission of power 8 UNIT- IV 8 Fasteners 6 9 Bearings 6 10 Welding, Soldering and Brazing 8 48 32 Total 148 100 Board of Technical examinations, Bangalore Mechanical Engineering science 32 32 48 48 elements of mechanical engineering- K.P. Roy & Hajra Choudary QUESTION PAPER PATTERN AND MARKS DISTRIBUTION Subject Title: Mechanical Engineering Science First Semester Model Question Paper Sl.No Chapters Hrs 1 Introduction and concepts 8 2 Natural cellulosic fibres: 12 3 Natural Protein Fibres 10 4 Regenerated fibres 10 5 Synthetic fibres 10 6 High Performance fibres 8 Tests 6 Total 64 Content of Syllabus 1 Introduction and concepts 1.1 Classification of textile fibres 1.2 Essential and desirable properties. 1.3 Types of yarns 1.4 Concepts of poymersisation 2 Natural cellulosic fibres: 2.1 Cotton 2.1.1 Names of major cotton producing countries. 2.1.2 Study of environment and soil necessary for the growth of cotton plant, 2.1.3 cotton cultivation and harvesting. 2.1.4 Botanical and commercial classification of world cottons with general details of their fineness, colour and spinnability. 2.1.5 Important cotton varieties grown in India, their areas of growth and chief characteristics 2.1.5 Chemical Structure of cotton 2.1.6 Physical and Chemical properties 2.1.7 Outline sequence of spinning machines. 2.2 Bast Fibres 2.2.1 Varieties of bast fibres, 2.2.2 Important bast fibre producing countries 2.2.3 Conditions necessary for the growth of linen, jute and hemp. 2.2.4 Brief study of harvesting, retting and extraction of linen, jute and hemp. 2.2.5 Uses of above said fibres. Outline of jute spinning process. 3 Natural Protein Fibres 3.1 Wool 3.1.1 Varieties of wool grown in the world. 3.1.2 Major wool producing countries. 3.1.3 Physical & chemical structure of wool. 3.1.4 Outline process sequence in the systems of spinning woollen and worsted yarn. 3.1.5 Comparison of woollen and worsted yarn. Diploma in Textile Technology First Semester Subject: Textile Fibres Contact Hrs / Week: 4 Contact Hrs / Semester: 64 3.1.6 Difference between wool and remanufactured wool. 3.1.7 Felting of wool, 3.1.8 physical & chemical properties of wool. 3.1.9 Uses of wool. 3.2 Silk: 3.2.1 Name of major silk producing countries. 3.2.2 Different types of silk, 3.3.3 Silk producing places in India. 3.2.3 Brief study of sericulture, life cycle of silk worm 3.2.4 Post cocoon operations 3.3.4 Degumming and weighting of silk. 3.2.5 Spun silk process chart 3.2.6 Physical and chemical propertiis of silk. 3.3.5 Uses of silk. 4 Regenerated fibres 4.1 Viscose Rayon 4.1.1 Manufacturing process 4.1.2 Physical and Chemical properties 4.1.3 Process modification 4.1.4 Properties of modified Viscose Rayons 4.1.5 Uses of Viscose Rayons 4.2 Acetate Rayon 4.2.1 Acetate rayon manufacturing process 4.2.2 Physical and chemical properties 4.2.3 Uses of acetate rayon 5 Major Synthetic fibres 5.1 Nylon 6; 5.1.1 Flow sheet of manufacturing process. 5.1.2 Physical & chemical properties 5.1.3 Physical & chemical properties 5.2 Nylon 66 5.2.1 Flow sheet of manufacturing process. 5.2.2 Physical & chemical properties of Nylon 66. 5.2.3 Physical & chemical properties of Nylon 66. 5.3 Polyester fibre: 5.3.1 Flow sheet of manufacturing process. 5.3.2 Physical & chemical properties of Polyester 5.3.3 Uses of Polyester 5.4 PolyVinyle fibres:Acrylic 5.4.1 Flow sheet of manufacturing process. 5.4.2 Physical & chemical properties of Polyacrylic. 5.4.3 Uses of Polyacrylic. 6 High Performance fibres 6.1 Nomex 6.1.1 Brief study o Raw Materials,Manufacturing 6.1.2 Properties of modified Viscose Rayons 6.1.3 Uses 6.2 Kevlar 6.2.1 Brief study o Raw Materials,Manufacturing 6.2.2 Properties of modified Viscose Rayons 6.2.3 Uses 6.3 Carbon 6.3.1 Brief study o Raw Materials,Manufacturing 6.3.2 Properties of modified Viscose Rayons 6.3.3 Uses 6.4 Glass 6.4.1 Brief study o Raw Materials,Manufacturing 6.4.2 Properties of modified Viscose Rayons 6.4.3 Uses 6.5 Carbon 6.5.1 Brief study o Raw Materials,Manufacturing 6.5.2 Properties of modified Viscose Rayons 6.5.3 Uses 6.6 Tencil 6.6.1 Brief study o Raw Materials,Manufacturing 6.6.2 Properties of modified Viscose Rayons 6.6.3 Uses References 1 Textile fibres - V. A. Shenai. 2 Man made fibres - Moncrieff (1975) 3 Introductory Textile Science - Morjori L. Joseph. 4 Textile Science : E. P. G. Gohl and L. Vilensky (1987) 5 Textile Fibres V. B. Gupta and Dr. Kotari. 6 Fibre science and Technology-S P Mishra Diploma Course in Textile Technology Second Semester Subject: Textile Fibres MODEL QUESTION PAPER MAXIMUM MARKS-100 DURATION-3HRS INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Section I is compulsory 2. Answer two full questions ecah from sections II,III,IV Section-I marks 1a) i Wool is an ________________fibre 1x5=5 ii __________is inner core of cotton fibre iii _____________is an example for domestic silk iv Raw material used for viscose rayon manufacturing is _____________ v Moisture regain of polyester fibre is __________ b) List essential and desirable properties for natural and man made fibres 5 Section-II 2a Classify textile fibres based on their origin 5 b) Define the following terms 6 I) Degree of polymerisation ii) Textured yarns c) Differentiate between monofilament and multifilament 4 3 a) Define the following terms I) Single yarn 2 ii) Ply-yarn 2 iii) Cable yarn 2 b) Differentiate between condensation polymerisation and addition polymerisation 4 c) Explain the soil condition necessary for the growth of cotton plant 5 4a List important types of cotton grown in India 4 b) List the physical and chemical properties of cotton 6 c) Outline the sequence of Jute spinning process 5 Section-III 5a) Distinguish between the properties of jute and linen 5 b) Compare wool and worsted yarn 5 c) State properties of Wool 5 6a) With a neat sketch explain life cycle of silk worm 5 b) Compare the properties wool and silks 6 c) Define felting of wool,remanufactured wool 4 7 a) Define regenerated fibres 2 b) With a neat sketch explain manufacturing process of viscose rayon 7 c) Explain physical and chemical properties of viscose rayon 6 Section-IV 8a Explain hight tenacity rayon and their uses 4 b) With a neat sketch explain manufacturing process of acetate rayon 6 c) Explain physical and chemical properties of acetate rayon 5 9 a) List major synthetic fibres 3 b) Differentiate between nylon6 and nylon66 5 c) Explain with a neat sketch manufacturing process of Nylon66 7 10 a) Explain physical and chemical properties Nylon6 5 b) Explain with a neat sketch manufacturing process of Polyester 7 c) Define Tencel fibres and their end uses 3 ************** Basic Elec Engg (Common).xls Page 1 of 12 Contact Hrs / Week: 4 Contact hrs / Semester: 64 No. 1.0 Concept of Electrical energy 02 hrs 2.0 Electric current,Voltage and circuits 09hrs 3.0 Work, power and energy 04 hrs 4.0 Magnetic fields and circuits 03 hrs 5.0 Electromagnetic induction 04 hrs 6.0 Alternating current and circuits 06 hrs 7.0 Electrical Machines 09hrs 8.0 Electric cables 02hr 9.0 Protective devices 02hrs 10.0 Battery and maintenance 03hrs 11.0 Lighting 02hrs 12.0 Electronic components and their applications 10hrs 13.0 Integrated Circuits 04hrs Revision and Tests 04hrs Total 64hrs Department of Technical Education Diploma Courses in Auto, Mech, MTT, Chem,textiles, mining, mechatronics,printing,metallurgy Topics Sub : Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Second Semester Contact hrs 11.0 Lighting 2hrs 11.1 List electrical sources of light 11.2 Function and applications of a) Incandescent lamp b)fluorescent c)mercury vapour lamp d)sodium vapour lamp 11.3 Salient features of Industrial lighting. 12.0 Electronic components and their applications 10hrs 12.1 Semiconductor materials, P type and N type 12.2 Intrinsic and extrinsic Semiconductor. 12.3 Semiconductor diodes and their application 12.4 Half and full wave rectifiers circuits 12.5 Filter circuits 12.6 Zener diode and their applications 12.7 Zener diode as voltage regulator. 12.8 Light Emitting Diodes and their applicaton 12.9 Transistors and their application. 12.10 Transistor as a Amplifier 12.11 Silicon Controlled Rectifier and their application. 12.12 Electronic timers 12.13 Relays 13.0 Integrated Circuits 4hrs 13.1 Logic functions 13.2 Logic gates-NOT,AND,OR,NAND, NOR 13.3 Fundamentals of IC 13.4 Application of IC's SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1.0 Concept of Electrical energy 02 hrs 1.1 Know the use of electrical energy 1.2 Understand the benefits of Electrical Energy 1.3 List the Sources of Electrical energy 1.4 Know the effects of electrical current and their applications. 2.0 Electric current,Voltage and circuits 09hrs 2.1 Understand the concept of Electric current, emf, potential difference 2.2 Know the units of current, emf, potential difference 2.3 Know the types in instruments used to measure current, emf, potenctial difference 2.4 Definition of conductors, insulators and semiconductors 2.5 Interpret resistance and know its unit 2.6 Recognize the instruments used to measure resistance 2.7 State and explain Ohm's law 2.8 Analyze series and parallel circuits 3.0 Work, power and energy 04 hrs 3.1 Understand the concept of Electrical power, energy, work and their units 3.2 Know the measurement of power and energy 3.3 Perform the conversion of mechanical units into electrical units and viceversa 4.0 Magnetic fields and circuits 03 hrs 4.1 Define magnetic field, magnetic flux, mmf, reluctance and flux density. 4.2 Know the units of magnetic field, magnetic flux, mmf, reluctance and flux density 5.0 Electromagnetic induction 04 hrs 5.1 Understand Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction 5.2 Explain Statically induced emf 5.3 Explain Dynamically induced emf 5.4 Explain Self induced emf 5.5 Explain mutually induced emf 6.0 Alternating current and circuits 06 hrs 6.1 Understand the concept of alternating current 6.2 6.3 Explain inductance, capacitance, reactance, impedance and their units 6.4 Define power and power factor 6.5 list the differences between single phase and three phase supply Define the terms amplitude, time period, instantaneous value, cycle, frequency, rms value, average value, form factor and their units. 7.0 Electrical Machines 09hrs Transformers 7.1 Know the function of a transformer 7.2 List the types of transformers 7.3 Write the applications of different types of transformers 7.4 List the characteristics of a welding transformer. DC Generators 7.4 Know the Function of DC generators. 7.5 List the types of DC generators 7.6 List the applications of different types of dc generators DC Motors 7.6 Know the function of a DC Motor. 7.7 List the types of DC motors 7.8 List the applications of different types of dc motors AC Generators 7.9 Know the function of a AC Generator. 7.10 List the applications of ac generators AC Motors 7.11 Know the Function of a AC Motor. 7.12 List the types of AC motors 7.13 List the applications of single and three phase motors 05 hrs 7.14 List the differences between single and three phase motors 7.15 List the differences between single and three phase motors 7.16 List the different types of Mechanical Enclosures of Motors 7.17 Identify the working place of where the different enclosures are used. 7.18 List the importance of different types of Mechanical Enclosures of Motors 7.19 List the types of FHP motors 7.20 List the applications of FHP motors 7.21 Understand the necessity for starters 7.22 List the types of starters used in starting Induction Motors 7.23 Understand the meaning of overload Starters 7.24 Understand the meaning single phase protection in Starters 7.25 List the general name plate details of A C motors. 8 Electric cables 02hr 8.1 Understand the underground cable 8.2 List the types of underground cable 8.3 List the advantages and limitations of underground cables over overhead cables. 8.4 List the applications of underground cables 9.0 Protective devices 02hrs 9.1 Understand the necessity of protective devices 9.2 List the different protective devices 9.3 Explain fuse- HRC, rewireabel fuse 9.4 Explain the need of MCB ,ELCB 9.5 Understand the importance of flame proof enclsoure used in protective devices. 9.6 State the necessessity of electrical earthing 9.7 Mention the general electrical safety precaution ENGLISH COMMUNICATION TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONS Sl NO Ability Content Knowle dge Compre hension Applicat ion Analysis Total 1 Lessons 5 25 10 40 2 Parts of speech 2 02 3 Countable & Uncountable nouns 2 2 4 Use of some, any etc. 6 6 5 Main & Aux. verbs 2 2 6 Uses of Tenses 8 8 7 Voice 4 4 8 Interrogatives 2 2 9 Negatives 2 2 10 Prepositions 4 4 11 Question tags 2 2 12 Use of adverb too 2 2 13 Use of idioms & phrases 4 4 14 Story from outlines 5 5 15 Developing notes into a paragraph 5 5 16 Comprehension of unseen passage 5 5 17 Summarising 5 5 Total 13 32 40 15 100 Department of Technical Education All Diploma Courses in Engineering and Technology Streams First or Second Semester ENGLISH COMMUNICATION Contact Hrs./Week: 4 Contact Hrs. / Semester: 64 GOAL: IMPROVEMENT OF ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF I OR II SEMESTER STUDENTS OF DIPLOMA COURSES IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: 1 READING SKILL The student is able to : 1.1 Understand the difficult words and phrases in the lesson 1.2 Use the words and phrases correctly in his own sentences 1.3 Read the lesson properly without mistakes 1.4 Read the given passage correctly. 2 WRITING SKILL The student is able to 2.1 Write the answers correctly to the questions on the lessons 2.2 Write personal letters in the proper format without mistakes 2.3 Use words and phrases in his own sentences 2.4 write grammatically correct sentences. 3 PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE OF GRAMMAR The student is able to 3.1 Use verbs correctly 3.2 Use various phrases appropriately 3.3 Use interrogatives and negatives 3.4 Convert active voice into passive and vice versa 3.5 Frame questions, question tags and give short form answers correctly 3.6 Use prepositions appropriately 4 COMPREHENSION 4.1 The student is able to read and understand the seen & unseen passages and answer the questions given 5 CREATING AWARENESS 5.1 The student becomes aware of current environmental issues and about his responsibilities toward environment factors. 5.2 Awareness about Right to Information Act CONTENT 1 TEXT BOOK “ENGLISH COMMUNICATION FOR POLYTECHNICS” By NITTTR, Chennai and Published by Orient BlackSwan Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad. 2 GRAMMAR 2.1 PARTS OF SPEECH 2.2 COUNTABLE, UNCOUNTABLE AND PROPER; NOUNS 2.3 USE OF SOME, ANY, MUCH, MANY, A LOT OF, ETC., 2.4 MAIN AND AUXILIARY VERBS 2.5 USES OF TENSES 2.6 ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE 2.7 INTEROGATIVES 2.8 NEGATIVES 2.9 PREPOSITIONS 3.1 QUESTION TAGS 3.2 USE OF ADVERB TOO 3.3 USING PHRASES IN OWN SENTENCES 3 COMPOSITION & COMPREHENSION 3.1 WRITING RESPONSE TO PICTURE 3.2 STORY FROM GIVEN OUTLINES 3.3 EXPANDING OUTLINES INTO PARAGRAPH 3.4 PARAGRAPH WRITING USING HINTS 3.5 COMPREHENSION OF UNSEEN PASSAGE 3.6 NOTE MAKING 3.7 DEVELOPING NOTES INTO PARAGRAPHS 3.8 SUMMERISING MONTHLY TESTS READING AND COMPREHENSION EVALUATION General Educational Objectives 1 Understand Yarn Winding 2 Understand Pirn Winding and Warping 3 Understand Sizing 4 Understand Primary and secondary Motions 5 Undertand Calculations in Weaving Specific Instructional Objectives Yarn Winding 1 State Objectives,ring spun yarn faults 2 Explain Passage of material through conventional and modern machine 3 Write a note on Splicing, knoting, autodoffing, 4 Write a note on electronic slub catcher and ribbon breakers 5 Write a note on Yarn traverse mechanism, tensioning devices 6 State Special features of Schlophrost Auto coner, Savio, Schweiter 7 Name Winding packages, 8 State faults and remedies 9 Write a note on Material Handling techniques Pirn Winding and Warping 1 State Objects. 2 Explain Spindle and spindleless pirn winders 3 Discuss Modern Developments 4 Explain passage of material through high speed pirn winding machine 5 Explain passage of yarn through a high speed automatic beam warping machines 6 Write a note on Different types of creels, 7 Write a note on automatic stop motions, 8 Write a note on knottings and autoknottings 9 Explain of conventional, high speed and automatic sectional warping machine 10 State objects 11 Explain Ingredients of sizing, 12 Explain Size Recepies 13 Explain Sizing Machines 14 State Sizing-defects 15 Write a note on Size controls Primary and secondary Motions Shedding 1 State Types of sheds, 2 Explain Tappet shedding, 3 Write a note on heald reversing motion 4 Define early and late shedding Picking 1 Explian Cone over pick 2 Explian Cone under Pick 3 Write a note on Setting ,Timing 4 Write a note on Picking Accessaries Contact Hrs / Week: 4 Contact Hrs / Semester = 64 Diploma Course in Textile Technology Second Semester Subject: Fabric Manufacture - I 5 Write a note on ntensity of picking Beat Up Mechanism 1 Explain Mechanism 2 Explain Sley Eccentricity 3 Analyse Timing and setting Calculations in Weaving 1 Calculate Productionof winding machines, pirn winding and warping machines 2 Calculate Sizing Pick up 3 Calculate Production of loom 4 Costruct Tappet with given particulars 5 Calculate average counts and resultant counts with given particulars Diploma Course in Textile Technology Second Semester Subject:Fabric Manufacture - I MODEL QUESTION PAPER MAXIMUM MARKS-100 DURATION-3HRS INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Section I is compulsory 2 Answer two full questions ecah from sections II,III,IV SECTION I 1i The raw material for preparatory process comes from_____________ 1x5=5 ii The speed of loom is_______rpm iii The ratio of speed of bottom shaft to crank shaft is____________ iv Sow box is used in ________ v Resultant count of 20s and 30s is ______ b Write timing diagram of loom 5 SECTION II 2a State Objectives of winding 3 b Explain Passage of material through conventional hank winding machine 7 c Write a note on Splicing, 5 3a Write a note on electronic slub catcher 5 b Write a note on Yarn traverse mechanism, 5 c State Special features of Schlophrost Auto coner, 5 4a Name Winding packages, 3 b State Special features of Savio, Schweiter 8 c Write a note on Material Handling techniques 4 SECTION III 5a State the objectives of pirn winding 3 b Explain with a neat sketch the passage of material through pirn winding machine 8 c Discuss Modern Developments in pirnwinding 4 6a Explain passage of yarn through a high speed automatic beam warping machine 8 b State Different types of creels, 3 c What is splicing 3 d State different knots 7a State objects of sizing b Write the size recepe for cotton polyester blend c State the Sizing-defects SECTION IV 8a Explain with a neat sketch the passage of material multicylinder sizing machine 8 b Explain various controls in sizing 5 c What is size pick up 9a What are primary motions 3 b What is shedding 2 c Explain different types of sheds 7 d Difine picking 3 10a Explain with a neat sketch cone underpick mechanism 7 b Write a note on sley eccentricity 3 c Calculate the production in mtrs of a loom with the following particulars 5 Speed of loom 160 rpm Efficiency=85% Time 8hrs Picks /cm =30 BOARD OF TECHNICAL EXAMINATION – KARNATAKA SUBJECT: APPLIED MATHEMATICS – II For II - Semester DIPLOMA COURSES OF ALL BRANCHES Contact hour per week: 04 Contact hour per Semester: 64 UNIT NO. CHAPTER TITLE CONTACT HR. DIFFERENTIATION CALCULUS 1 LIMITS 6 2 DIFFERENTIATION 16 3 APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION 6 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 4 INDEFINITE INTEGRATION 14 5 DEFINITE INTEGRATION 4 6 APPLICATIONS OF DEFINITE INTEGRATION 2 7 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 12 8 TESTS AND ASSIGNMENTS 4 TOTAL HOUR 64 REFFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Applied Mathematics –II By W.R Neelakanta. Sapna Publications. 2. Applied Mathematics –II By Dr. D S Prakash S Chand Publications 3. Text Books of PUC-2 mathematics. 4. Applied Mathematics –II for Polytechnics- By different Authors. 5. Engineering Mathematics. Applied Mathematics – II Page 1 of 11 QUESTION PAPER BLUE PRINT FOR APPLIED MATHEMATICS – II U N IT N O . H O U R Questions to be set (2 Marks) PART- A Questions to be set (5 Marks) PART- B Questions to be set (5 Marks) PART- C Questions to be set (5 Marks) PART- D 1 6 2 2 - - 2 16 4 6 - - 3 6 2 2 - - 4 14 4 - 6 - 5 4 3 - 1 - 6 2 - - 1 - 7 12 - - - 6 TOTA L 64 15 10 08 06 Questions to be answered 10 07 05 04 APPLIED – MATHEMATICS – II Marks No. of Questions No. of Questions to be set to be Answered Part A 2 X 10 = 20 15 10 Part B 5 X 07 = 35 10 07 Part C 5 X 05 = 25 08 05 Part D 5 X 04 = 20 06 04 Total = 100 Applied Mathematics – II Page 2 of 11 Diploma Courses of All Engineering Branches II Semester Sub: Applied Mathematics II CONTENTS UNIT – 1: LIMITS. 6 Hr. Variables and Constants. Definition of function. Types of function: Direct and Inverse functions, Explicit and implicit function, Odd and even functions (Definition with examples). Concept of x tends to ‘a’. Definition of limit of a function. Problems on limit of a function by factorization, rationalization when x tend to ‘0’, when x tend to ‘∞’ and x tend to ‘a’. Derivations of algebraic and trigonometric limits. Problems. Standard limit (only statement) ( ) ene nx ea x a n n n n x xe x x =+=      += − = − →∞→→→ 1 000 1lim 4. 11lim3. 11lim.2 log1lim.1 Simple problems on standard limits. UNIT – 2: DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 16 Hr. Definition of increment and increment ratio. Definition of derivative of a function. Derivatives of functions of xn, sinx, cosx and tanx with respect to ‘x’ from first principle method. List of standard derivatives. Rules of differentiation: Sum, product and quotient of functions. Problems on rules. Derivatives of function of a function (Chain rule). Derivatives of inverse Trigonometric functions, Hyperbolic functions and inverse of hyperbolic functions, Implicit functions, Parametric functions. Problems. Logarithmic differentiation. Problems. Successive differentiation up to second order. Problems. UNIT – 3: APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. 6 Hr. Geometrical meaning of derivative. Equation of tangent and normal to the curve y = f(x) at a given point. Derivative as a rate measure. Definition of increasing and decreasing function. Maxima and minima of a function. UNIT – 4: INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 14 Hr. Definition of Integration. List of standard integrals. Rules of integration (only statement) problems. Integration by substitution method. Problems. Integrals of functions involving a2 + x2 , a2 – x2 and their radicals. Some important integrals of the type { }∫ ∫ ∫ ∫∫ ±=±= g(x)dxf(x)dxdxg(x)f(x) 2. .)()(.1 dxxfkdxxkf Applied Mathematics – II Page 3 of 11 2.1.1 Define increment and increment ratio. 2.1.2 Define differentiation. 2.1.3 Derive the differential co-efficient (dy/dx). 2.1.4 Derive differentiation of a functions from first principle method xn , Sinx, Cosx and Tanx with respect to ‘x’. 2.1.5 State derivative of ex and log x. 2.2.1 State rules of differentiation: Derivatives of Sum, Product and quotient of function. 2.2.2 Solve problems on rules of differentiation. 2.2.3 Obtain the derivatives of function of a function (Chain Rule), Inverse T- functions, Implicit functions & Parametric functions 2.2.4 Solve problems on above types. 2.2.5 Carry out logarithmic Differentiation 2.2.6 Solve problem of the type xx , ax , x Sin x, x 1/x etc., 2.3.1 Obtain the second derivative of a function. 2.3.2 Solve problems on Successive differentiation. UNIT -3: APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. 6Hr. GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 3.1 To understand dy/dx as slope of a tangent. 3.2 To illustrate dy / dx as a rate measure. 3.3 To understand maxima and minima of a function. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 3.1.1 Explain geometrical meaning dy / dx as a slope of tangent. 3.1.2 Find equation of tangent and normal to a curve y = f(x) at a given point. 3.1.3 Solve problems on tangent and normals. 3.2.1 Explain derivative as a rate measure. 3.2.2 Obtain velocity and acceleration for a moving body whose equation of motion is given. 3.2.3 Solve problems on rate measure including variation of area, volume etc., 3.3.1 Define increasing and decreasing function. 3.3.2 State the condition for maxima and minima of a function, no proof. 3.3.3 Find maximum and minimum values of a function. UNIT – 4: INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 14 Hr. GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 4.1 To know integration as converse process of differentiation. 4.2 To understand indefinite integral. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 4.1.1 Define integration as anti derivative. 4.1.2 List of standard integrals. 4.1.3 State rules of Integration. Applied Mathematics – II Page 6 of 11 4.1.4 Solve the problems on rules of integration. 4.2.1 Explain integration by substitution method. 4.2.2 Solve problems on substitution method. 4.2.3 Derive . sin 2. tan1.1 1 22 1 22 c a x xa dxc a x aax dx +     = − +     = + −− ∫∫ 4.2.4 Write proof) no 7 to3 ( sec1 7. cosh 6. .0 a if log 2 1 5. .0 x if log 2 1 4. sinh.3 1 22 1 2222 22 1 22 c a x aaxx dx c a x ax dxxc xa xa axa dx ac ax ax aax dxc a x xa dx +     = − +     = − 〉〉+      − + = − 〉〉+      + − = − +     = + − − − ∫ ∫∫ ∫∫ 4.2.4 Solve problems on above results. 4.2.5 Write ∫∫∫∫ ++ + ++ + ++++ dx. ,dx , , 2222 cbxax qpx cbxax qpx cbxax dx cbxax dx 4.2.5 Solve problems on above results. 4.2.6 Explain the rule integration by parts. 4.2.7 Solve problems of the type x sinx, x2 Cos x, (ax + b) ex, x sin2x, log x, ex sinx, x log x etc., 4.2.8 Solve problems of the type ( ) dx)(ff(x) 1x∫ + xe UNIT – 5: DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 4 Hr. GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 5.1 To understand the concept of definite integral to eliminate constant of integration. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 5.1.1 State, a∫ b f(x) dx as a definite integral. 5.1.2 State theorems on definite integrals. 5.1.3 Solve the problems of the same type as in indefinite integral using limits of integration. 5.1.4 Solve definite integrals of the type tan1 1 , tan1 1 2 0 2 0 ∫∫ ++ ππ dx x dx x UNIT – 6: APPLICATIONS OF DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 2 Hr. GENERAL OBJECTIVES. Applied Mathematics – II Page 7 of 11 6.1 To understand definite integral as a tool to find area under the curve, volume of solid of revolution and r m s value of a function. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 6.1.1 Explain definite integral as a limit of sum (statement). 6.1.2 Write the formulae for finding area, volume and r m s value of a function. 6.1.3 Solve problems on above applications. UNIT – 7: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 12 Hr. GENERAL OBJECTIVES. 7.1 To understand the concept of differential equation. 7.2 To solve differential equation for unknown functions. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. 7.1.1 Define differential equation with examples. 7.1.2 Define Order and Degree of D E with examples. 7.1.3 Formation of D E by eliminating arbitrary constants. 7.2.1 Obtain the solution of D E by variable separable method. 7.2.2 Solve problems on variable separable method. 7.2.3 Obtain the solution of D E by Reducible to variable separable method – Solve problems. 7.2.4 Obtain the solution of linear D E of the type QPy dx dy =+ --solve problems. 7.2.5 Obtain the solution of D E by Reducible to linear form (Bernoulli’s form) –solve problems. 7.2.6 Obtain the solution of D E by Homogeneous form – solve problems. 7.2.7 Obtain the solution of D E by Reducible to homogeneous form – solve problems 7.2.8 Obtain the solution of Exact D E --- solve problems. 7.2.9 Obtain the solution of D E of the type ,02 2 =++ cy dx dyb dx yda -- Solve simple problems only. ************************************************* Applied Mathematics – II Page 8 of 11 6. Evaluate .logx x dx∫ 7. Evaluate 4 2 1 x dx x +∫ 8. find the area bounded by the curve y = 4x – x2 – 3 and x-axis. SECTION – D Solve the following equations; 1.sec2x tany dx + sec2y tanx dy= 0 2. y (1 + x) dx + x (1 + y) dy = 0 3. (y3 – 3x2y ) dx – (x3 – 3xy2 ) dy = 0 4. ( 3y – 7x + 7 ) dx + ( 7y – 3x + 3 ) dy = 0 5. ( 2x + y + 1 ) dx + ( x + 2y + 1 ) dy = 0 6. ey 1 xdy e dx  + =    0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-0 Applied Mathematics – II Page 11 of 11 Chapters Hrs 1 Ginning 6 2 Bale openers 8 3 Opening and cleaning 16 4 Scutcher 8 5 carding 12 6 Drawing 8 Tests & Revision 6 64 Details of contents 1 Ginning 1.1 objectives 1.2 working of roller gin 1.3 working of Macarthy gin 1.4 working of saw gin 2 Bale openers 2.1 Mixing and blending, objectives, types of mixing, Types of blending 2.2 Mixing bale opener 2.3 Unimix 2.4 automixer,Multi Mixer 3 Opening and cleaning 3.1 Opening and cleaning - objectives and principles 3.2 Step Cleaners and micro dust extractors 3.3 Unifloc , Blendomat 3.4 Rieters ERM cleaner 3.5 Air jet cleaner 3.6 Mono cylinder 3.7 Axiflow cleaner 3.8 Rieter blow room line 3.9 Trutzlschler CVT blow room line 4 Scutcher 4.1 objectives, passage of material 4.2 feed regulating motion 4.3 autolap doffing system, 4.4 lap defects and remedies 4.5 Calculation of production 4.6 Chute feed system 4.7 Advantages and disadvantages 4.8 Bypass systems and feed regulations 5 Carding 5.1 objectives, passage of material Contact Hrs / Week: 4 Contact Hrs / Semester = 64 Diploma Course in Textile Technology Second Semester Subject: Yarn Manufacture - I 5.2 function of important parts 5.3 settings, stripping and grinding 5.4 autolevelling 5.5 clothing 5.6 modern developments 5.7 card waste, maintenance schedule 5.8 Nep count 5.9 Production calculations 6 Drawing 6.1 Introduction and objectives 6.2 Drafting systems 6.3 Passage of material through modern draw frame 6.4 Blending 6.5 Modern developments 6.6 Autolevellers 6.7 Calculations Reference Books 1 Coulson (Ed)A.F.W. Manual of Cotton Spinning Vol.I to IV , textile Institute, Manachester, 1958 2 Zaloski S, The institute of Textile Technology USA series on textile processing. Vol I (opening, cleaning and picking) 3 Klein W, Technology of short-staple spinning- vol I ,II, III and IV, Textile Institute Pub. Manchester, 1989 4 Oxteby, spun yarn technology, Butterworths, London, 1987 Diploma Course in Textile Technology Second Semester Subject: Yarn Manufacture - I MODEL QUESTION PAPER MAXIMUM MARKS-100 DURATION-3HRS INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Section I is compulsory 2 Answer two full questions ecah from sections II,III,IV SECTION I 1ai Process of seperation of seed from the cotton is known as -------------- 1x5=5 ii The rnormal lap weight is --------------- iii Piano feed regulating motion is used in scutcher for ----------- purpose iv The function of Licker-in in carding is ------------- v Drafting system used in LR Drawframe is ---------------- b Explain the objectives of Blending 5 SECTION II 2a Explain Macharthy gin with a neat sketch 8 b State the differences between Mixing and Blending 4 c State the Imporatance of Blending 3 3a List the difference between Trutzschlers Blendomat and Unimix 4 b Explain the procedure adopted for the selection of fibres for Blending 6 c Define opening and cleaning 5 4a Write the sequence of conventional blow room line 6 b Explain the importance of action of Spikes, Beaters, Aircurrents in opening 6 c List the important opening and cleaning machines 3 SECTION III 7 5a Explain with a neat sketch Automixer 6 b Explain with a neat sketch Air jet cleaner 6 c State the function of condenser 3 6a State the advantages and disadvantages of chute feed system 4 b Write a note on lap defects and remedies 5 c Explain with a neat sketchfeed regulating motion 7 7a State the objectives of carding 6 b Explain with a neat sketch passage of material through card c State the modern developments in crad 7 SECTION IV 3 8a Calculate the production in kgs of card from the following details for shift of 8hrs Hank of sliver=0.135; Doffer speed=12rpm; Diameter of Doffer=27inches; Efficiency=85% 7 b Explain the card waste maintainance schedule in carding 5 c Describe the objectives of drawing 4 9a With a neat sketch explain the passage of material through modern drawframe 7 b Calculate the hank of sliver delivered in drawframe if the hank of sliver fed is 0.135 6 and number of doublings in drawframe is 6. The draft in drawframe is 6.1. 5 c Calculate the actual draft if mechanical draft is 6 and waste% is 0.25 in drawframe 10a Explain with neat sketches different drafting systems used in spinning 8 b Write formula for setting of draft roller based on effective length 3 c Write a note on leaf gauges 4 ****** Contact Hrs / Week: 6 Contact hrs / Semester: 96 Experiment List 1 Study of Unimix 2 Study of automixer 3 Study of Unifloc 4 Study of ERM cleaner 5 Study of Air jet cleaner 6 Study of Mono cylinder 7 Study of Axiflow cleaner 8 Study of Step cleaner 9 Study of various beaters like 2 bladed and 3 bladed beaters etc., 10 Study of scutcher, regulating motion in scutcher, speed and production calculations 11 Study of passage of material through Card, speed,draft and production calculations 12 Study of passage of material through Drawframe, Draft, speed and production calculation 13 Practice of settings in Card 14 Practice of settings in Draw frame 15 Study of setting of Beaters 16 Study of chute feed system Scheme of Valuation 1.Gearing/Sketch 25 2.Formula And calculations/Explaination 25 3.Problem 10 4. Identification and functions of parts/Settings 15 5. Viva Voce 20 6. Record 5 Diploma Course in Textile Technology Second Semester Subject: Yarn Manufacture Lab Equipment List Specifications 1 Any one Mixer Standard make 2 Unifloc Standard make 3 Two bladed beater Standard make 4 Three balded beater Standard make 5 ERM cleaner Standard make 6 Air jet cleaner Standard make 7 Mono cylinder Standard make 8 Axiflow cleaner Standard make 9 Step Cleaner Standard make 10 Scutcher Standard make 11 Chute feed system Standard make 12 Carding machine Standard make 13 Draw Frame Standard make Diploma Course in Textile Technology Second Semester Subject: Yarn Manufacture Lab Department of Technical Education Diploma Course in Textile Technology Third Semester Subject: FABRIC MANUFACTURING LAB-II Contact Hrs / Week: 6 hrs Contact Hrs / Semester: 96 hrs LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1 Dismantling, assembling and setting of 7 wheel take up motion for normal working. 2 Calculating theoretical and practical dividends of 7 wheel take up motion 3 Dismantling, assembling and setting of 5 wheel take up motion for normal working. 4 Dismantling, assembling and setting of negative let off motion and oscillating back rest for normal working. 5 Dismantling, assembling and setting of loose reed mechanism for normal working. 6 Dismantling, assembling and setting of fast reed mechanism for normal working 7 Dismantling, assembling and setting of side weft fork mechanism for normal working. 8 Dismantling, assembling and setting of centre weft fork mechanism for normal working. 9 Study of all mechanisms with timing circle. 10 Dismantling, assembling and setting of dobby Looms for normal working 11 Preparation of pattern lattice for dobby to produce different weaves. 12 Dismantling, assembling and setting of box looms. 13 Dismantling, assembling setting of warp let off mechanism for normal working automatic loom. 14 Dismantling, assembling setting of cop change mechanism for normal working in automatic loom 15 Dismantling, assembling Setting of warp stop mechanism for normal working in automatic loom.. 17 Preparation of pattern lattice for box motion to produce weft stripes. 18 Dismantling, assembling and setting of Jacquard looms. 19 Study of Passage, mechanisms and features of shuttle less looms. Scheme of valuation Marks 1 Dismantling and assembling of parts. 20 2 Setting. 20 3 Identification of parts. 15 4 Operation of loom/ pegging/ Pattern preparation for box looms. 15 5 Viva voce. 20 6 Record 10 Fabric Manufacturing Lab-II List of equipments required Sl.No. Equipment Quantity Specification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Plain loom Plain loom Dobby Loom Dobby loom Jacquard loom Jacquard loom Jacquard loom Automatic loom Automatic loom 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4-8-shaft, Loose reed, centre/side weft fork, box motion, 5 wheel take up 2-8 shaft, fast reed, seven wheel take up, negative let off, side/ centre weft fork, Box motion Climax, 8-40 shaft, Negative Cam, positive, 8-40 shaft Single lift single cylinder, 200 hook, positive let off Double lift single cylinder, 400 hook, positive let off Double lift Double cylinder, 400 hook, positive let off Shuttle changing with positive let off, mechanical warp stop motion Cop changing with positive let off, electrical warp stop motion Department of Technical Education Diploma Course in Textile Technology Third Semester Subject: FABRIC MANUFACTURING-II Contact Hrs / Week: 04 hrs Contact Hrs / Semester: 64 hrs Chapter no. contents No. of Hrs Marks Unit-I 40 1. Secondary motions 6 2. Auxiliary motions 7 Unit-II 30 3. Dobby Shedding 5 4. Jacquard Shedding 6 Unit-III 30 5. Automatic looms 5 6. Multiple box looms 5 Unit-IV 20 7. shuttle less looms 2 8. Air jet loom 4 9. Water jet loom. 4 Unit-V 25 10. Projectile looms 4 11. Rapier looms 3 12. Fabric defects 3 Industry innovations. (Seminars, guest lectures, workshops, conferences, visits related to weaving) 6 Tests and revision 4 Total 64 Hrs Reference Books: 1. Principles of weaving- Robinson and Marks 2. Cotton yarn weaving- ATA Publication 3. Weaving mechanism- Fox 4. Weaving mechanism- Chakravarthy 5. Fabric forming- keshavan and Hasmukroy 6. Modern yarn production and weaving machinery- Ormerod 7. Automatic looms- Tablet by TAI 8. Weaving mechanism- M.K.Talukdar, Mahajan publisher 9. Plain weaving motion-K.T. Aswani 1