Download Language Modeling - Introduction to Machine Learning - Lecture Notes and more Study notes Machine Learning in PDF only on Docsity! CSC2515 FALL 2008 INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING APPLICATIONS OF MACHINE LEARNING TO LANGUAGE MODELING 1 Statistical language modelling • Goal: Model the joint distribution of words in a sentence. • Such a model can be used to – predict the next word given several preceding ones – arrange bags of words into sentences – assign probabilities to documents • Applications: speech recognition, machine translation, information retrieval. • Most statistical language models are based on the Markov assumption: – The distribution of the next word depends on only n words that immediately precede it. – This assumption is clearly wrong but useful – it makes the task much more tractable. 2 Why n-gram models are hopeless for large n • n-gram models don’t take advantage of the fact that some words are used in similar ways. • Suppose you know that words snow and rain are used in similar ways, as are Monday and Tuesday. • If you are told that the following sentence is probable: – It’s going to rain on Monday. • Then you can infer that the following sentence is also probable: – It’s going to snow on Tuesday. • n-gram models cannot generalize this way because all words are treated as arbitrary symbols, with each word being equally (dis)similar to all others. • Using distributed representations for words allows similarity between words to be captured. 5 Distributed representations • Estimation of high-dimensional discrete distributions from data is hard. – the number of parameters is exponential – no a priori smoothness constraint on parameters / probabilities • Estimation of distributions over continuous spaces is easier due to automatic smoothing. • Idea: map discrete inputs to continuous vectors and learn a smooth function that maps them to probability distributions. • Used for language modelling with neural nets and Bayes nets. 6 Word representations embedded in 2D (I)
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Neural Probabilistic Language Model (Bengio et al., 2000) • The original and still the most popular neural language model. • A lookup table is used to map context words to feature vectors. • Architecture: 1-hidden layer neural net – Input: sequence of the context word feature vectors. – Output: distribution over the next word (softmax over words). • Outperforms n-gram models on small (∼ 1M words) datasets. • For better results, predictions of a NPLM are interpolated with those of an n-gram model. 10 Neural Probabilistic Language Model
softmax: P(w=i|w,, W,, W,)
l hidden layer
Log-bilinear model (Mnih & Hinton, 2007) • The LBL model is similar to the NPLM, but is simpler and slightly faster. – Does not have non-linearities. • Given the context w1:n−1, the LBL model predicts the representation for the next word wn by linearly combining the representations for the context words: r̂ = n−1∑ i=1 Cirwi • Then the distribution for the next word is computed based on the similarity between the predicted representation and the representations of all words in the vocabulary: P (wn = w|w1:n−1) = exp(r̂Trw)∑ j exp(r̂ Trj) . 12 Approaches to tree construction • The approach of Morin and Bengio: – Start with the WordNet IS-A hierarchy (which is a DAG) – Manually select one parent node per word – Use clustering to make the resulting tree binary – Use the NPLM model for making the left/right decisions • Drawbacks: tree construction uses expert knowledge; the resulting model does not work as well as its non-hierarchical counterpart. • An alternative (Mnih & Hinton, 2008): – Construct the word tree from data alone (no experts needed) – Allow each word to occur more than once in the tree – Use the simplified log-bilinear language model for making the left/right decisions 15 Hierarchical log-bilinear model (Mnih & Hinton, 2008) • Let d be the binary string / code that encodes the sequence of left-right decisions in the tree that lead to word w. • Each non-leaf node in the tree is given a feature vector that captures the difference between the words in its left and right subtrees. • The probability of taking the left branch at a particular node is given by P (di = 1|qi, w1:n−1) = σ(r̂ Tqi), where r̂ is computed as in the LBL model and qi is the feature vector for the node. • Then the probability of word w being the next word is simply the probability of d under the binary decision model: P (wn = w|w1:n−1) = ∏ i P (di|qi, w1:n−1). 16 Data-driven tree construction • We would like to cluster words based on the distribution of contexts in which they occur. • This distribution is hard to estimate and work with due to the high dimensionality of the space of contexts (the same sparsity problem n-gram models suffer from). • To avoid this problem, we represent contexts using distributed representations and cluster words based on their expected context representation. • To construct a word tree: 1. Train a model using a random (balanced) tree over words. 2. Compute the expected predicted representation over all occurrences of the given word. 3. Perform hierarchical clustering on these expected representations. 17 Random vs. non-random trees The effect of the feature dimensionality and the tree-building algorithm on the test set perplexity of the model. Feature Perplexity using Perplexity using Reduction dimensionality a RANDOM tree a BALANCED tree in perplexity 25 191.6 162.4 29.2 50 166.4 141.7 24.7 75 156.4 134.8 21.6 100 151.2 131.3 19.9 20 Model evaluation Perplexity on the test set: Model Tree generating Perplexity Minutes type algorithm per epoch HLBL RANDOM 151.2 4 HLBL BALANCED 131.3 4 HLBL ADAPTIVE 127.0 4 HLBL ADAPTIVE(0.25) 124.4 6 HLBL ADAPTIVE(0.4) 123.3 7 HLBL ADAPTIVE(0.4) × 2 115.7 16 HLBL ADAPTIVE(0.4) × 4 112.1 32 LBL – 117.0 6420 KN3 – 129.8 – KN5 – 123.2 – • LBL and HLBL used 100D feature vectors and a context size of 5. • KNn is a Kneser-Ney n-gram model. 21 Observations • Hierarchical distributed language models can outperform non-hierarchical models when they use sufficiently well-constructed trees over words. – Expert knowledge is not needed for building good trees. – Allowing words to occur more than once in a tree is essential for good performance. • Even when very large trees are used, the hierarchical LBL model is more than two orders of magnitude faster than the LBL model. 22