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Methodology Engineering-Software Development Methodologies- Lecture 17 Slides-Computer Engineering, Slides of Software Development Methodologies

Methodology Engineering, Generic Model for Situational Method Engineering, Situational Method Engineering, SME, Extension-Based SME, Paradigm-Based SME, Assembly-Based SME, Method Chunk, Hybrid Methodology Design, Hybrid Design Process, Raman Ramsin, Lecture Slides, Software Development Methodologies, Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran.

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Download Methodology Engineering-Software Development Methodologies- Lecture 17 Slides-Computer Engineering and more Slides Software Development Methodologies in PDF only on Docsity! Software Development Methodologies Lecturer: Raman Ramsin Lecture 17 Methodology Engineering Department of Computer Engineering 1 Sharif University of Technology Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Methodology Engineering Motivated by the prevalent belief that no one methodology fits all situations. First introduced by Kumar and Welke in 1992 as a discipline aimed at constructing methodologies to match given organizational settings or ifi d l t j tspec c eve opmen pro ec s. Later came to be known as Method Engineering, a term proposed by B i kk i 1996r n emper n ; Definition: “The engineering discipline to design, construct, and adapt methods, techniques and tools for the development of information systems” . The most well-known subfield is Situational Method Engineering (SME): concerned with the construction/adaptation of a methodology specifically attuned to the project at hand. Department of Computer Engineering 2 Sharif University of Technology Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Extension-Based SME Department of Computer Engineering 5 Sharif University of Technology [Ralyté et al. 2003] Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Paradigm-Based SME Department of Computer Engineering 6 Sharif University of Technology [Ralyté et al. 2003] Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Assembly-Based SME Department of Computer Engineering 7 Sharif University of Technology [Ralyté et al. 2003] Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Assembly-Based ME In OPEN/OPF Department of Computer Engineering 10 Sharif University of Technology [Henderson-Sellers 2003] Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Assembly-Based ME In OPEN/OPF Department of Computer Engineering 11 Sharif University of Technology [Henderson-Sellers 2003] Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 OPF Repository Contains a range of predefined instances for each class d b l i th OPF t d lan su c ass n e me amo e ; e.g.: 30 predefined instances of Activity 160 instances of Task 200 instances of Techniques 76 i t f R l ns ances o o e Department of Computer Engineering 12 Sharif University of Technology Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Hybrid Methodology Design Alternative Approaches: Instantiation approach: instantiating an already available process metamodel Artefact-oriented approach: devising a seamless complementary chain of artefacts and building the process around it Composition approach: using one of the already available libraries of process patterns Integration approach: integrating features ideas and techniques from , existing methodologies Hybrid design approach: using different alternatives from among the above-mentioned for different parts of the process and/or at different levels of abstraction Department of Computer Engineering 15 Sharif University of Technology Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Hybrid Design Process Requirements Prioritize Requirements Methodology Process-Centred Description of Prioritized Identify Next Abstraction LevelR fi d R i Analysis Results Methodologies Requirements and Revise RequirementsDefine and Apply Hybrid Design Method e ne an ev se Methodology If Stabilized and Complete,Integrate Elements Methodology Elements Methodology Final Methodology Department of Computer Engineering 16 Sharif University of Technology Finalize Methodology into Methodology [Ramsin 2006] Software Development Methodologies – Lecture 17 Hybrid Design: Emphasis on Approaches during Design Instantiation Approach Artefact-Oriented Approach Composition Approach Integration A hpproac Iterations Design Start Design Finish Department of Computer Engineering 17 Sharif University of Technology [Ramsin 2006]