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Object-Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects, Summaries of Computer science

An introduction to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming (oop), including the definitions and relationships between classes and objects. It explains that a class is a blueprint or template for creating objects, and an object is an entity that contains data and behavior. The document also covers the process of constructing and calling methods on objects, using the string class as an example. The description covers the key aspects of oop, such as the distinction between data and behavior, object instantiation, and method invocation. This information would be useful for students studying introductory programming or computer science courses to understand the core principles of oop and how they are applied in practice.

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Download Object-Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects and more Summaries Computer science in PDF only on Docsity! Class: a program entity that represents either: 1. A program/module 2. A type of objects - A class is a blueprint or template for constructing objects - EX: The String class (type) is a template for creating many String objects(instances). Object: An entity that contains data and behavior. - data: variables inside the object - behaviour: methods inside an object *You interact with the methods; the data is hidden in the object. ->Constructing /9creating) an object: Type objectName = new Type(parameters); ->Calling an object's method: objectName.methodName(parameters); String: An object storing a sequence of text characters. -Unlike most objects, a String is not created with new. String name = "text"; String name = expression; -EX: String name = “Marla Singer”; Int x = 3; Int y = 5; String point = “(“ + x +”, “ + y +”)”;