Download Scholarship Exam Information: Privileges, Exams, and Application Process and more Lecture notes School management&administration in PDF only on Docsity!
- Scholars Information Night
What Scholarship is not?
- No sheep grazing
- No wielding swords
- No demanding bread and/or ale at exams
- No port at exams
- Owning the College isn’t really “owning”
- No accessing all College rooms or the wine cellars
- Or any other implausible notions..
What is the Scholarship
• Since the foundation of the College the Body
Corporate has comprised of the Provost, the
Fellows and the Scholars
• 70 Scholars minimum
• 70 Foundation Scholars
• The rest are Non-Foundation Scholars
• ~300 Scholars at any one point in College
What are the Privileges?
• 5 Year Scholarship entailing:
- Tuition Fees paid (Non-EU fees reduced by EU fees)
- Rooms in College for 9 months (Trinity Halls in JS)
- Dinner in Commons, Mon-Fri
- Annual stipend €253.
- Academic Post-nominal (Sch.)
- Seanad vote
• Possibility of intermitting for a maximum of
three years.
Amy Worrall Sch., Secretary to the Scholars
Past Scholars
What about the Exams?
• The exams consist of a minimum of 3-4 papers,
which span a total of 7-9 hours.
• (e.g. 4 exams of 2hrs 15mins or 3 exams of 3hrs)
• You must meet the Grade Profile:
1. Average First Class Honours of 70%+required **(average of your 3 or 4 papers)
- A majority of the papers need to be First Class Honours** **(2/3 papers or 2/4 papers)
- No paper may have a result below 65%**
Wait, what about that Grade Profile?
A B C D E Paper 1: 73% Paper 2: 66% Paper 3: 71% Paper 1: 66% Paper 2: 77% Paper 3: 69% Paper 1: 79% Paper 2: 64% Paper 3: 71% Paper 1: 71% Paper 2: 65% Paper 3: 72% Paper 1: 75% Paper 2: 66% Paper 3: 71% Paper 4: 68% Average Majority All 65%+ Average Majority All 65%+ Average Majority All 65%+ Average Majority All 65%+ Average Majority All 65%+ !!!! X!!! X!!! X ! ! Average: 70% Average : 70.7% Average: 71.3% Average: 69.3% Average: 70%
What is it about this Scholarship Exam?
- The nature of the Scholarship exams is a more
“searching” exam, where a deeper knowledge
is sought and where a candidate must
demonstrate their ability to understand,
analyse and critique the work.
- It is a level higher than what is expected of
students at their annual examinations.
General Paper/Section?
- All courses will have a discipline specific General Paper or section(s) as part of their examination.
- A minimum of 25% of the overall Scholarship mark that is ‘general’, i.e., discipline-related but goes beyond the set curriculum.
- For programmes setting either three or four papers this may be achieved with one general paper, but it may also be achieved by setting a compulsory general section or sections on one or more papers. Some programmes may choose to have a combination of a full general paper and general section/s on papers.
What happens if I can’t sit the Exam?
- Only Senior Freshmen may sit the examination.
- Unless, in the previous year if a deferral was requested. You may, up until a deadline, apply for a deferral and permission to sit the scholarship examination in Junior Sophister.
- If something happens this year, you MUST be aware that you should contact your tutor and the Senior Lecturer and inform them so as to be in with a shot of sitting the examination again in Junior Sophister. As far as possible this should be done before the final day of exams.
Overall Stats 2017
Number of registered SF students Applicants Attendees Awarded Scholarship Female ~53% 330 172 29 Male ~47% 308 175 26 Number of registered SF students Applicants Attendees Awarded Scholarship Students ~3000 638 347 55
Gender Stats
What are the important dates?
- Application
- Opening: 9am 1st Nov 2017
- Deadline: 5pm 15 th Nov 2017
- Submit online through Application Form
- Withdraw if you are not going to sit them – between 17 th November – 6 th December
- Exams 8 th - th January 2018 (week before too!)
- Trinity Monday: 10am 9 th April 2018
Need Guidance?
- Consult the College Statutes and College Calendar for detailed information on the regulation of Scholarship
- For information on Examinations contact your course department, course co-ordinator, the Academic Registry website etc.
- For information on current scholars consult the College calendar or the Scholars website:
My Tips
- Attend events at local level
- By Schools/Departments on the papers
- By Scholars in your department
- Reach out to Scholars from your subject
- Caveat: changes to papers over the years
- Make use of Office Hours, ask your lecturers questions
- Timing your study
- Take breaks - Don’t put your life on hold
- Take some time off around Christmas
- Look after yourself!!! Amy Worrall Sch., Secretary to the Scholars
SU Education Officer Alice MacPherson
SLD, the Education Officer, S2S, Student
Counselling, the Welfare Officer, your Tutor, the
Senior Tutor, the Trinity Health Centre and your
colleagues, friends, and family.
Struggling? There are people available to help:
Useful Links
Application Form: In the email the SL sent all undergrads Past Exam Papers: annual/ Important Information:
Thank you.