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Science Practical File, Slides of Chemistry

Science Practical File Full Write Up with Neat Diagrams for CBSE Class 10

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Available from 09/26/2023

abhrajyoti-das 🇮🇳

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Download Science Practical File and more Slides Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! . L2lo | 18./20/ob Por! Experiment ® 2/05/2023) Experiment | Te Atudys +ho. Properties Qt acids” ond bases (dil. Het ond dil. Naot) | Te eb obese jn, Fel i} rare E Qi het Ty a ip 93| Enperimasnt a Caren ctiosetde Sart —| there mga peepee out dunius Pr Ke Se metro - ab ee al | 2 24. re Saat eh — -_ a ae Usk ne posing | Phoroo de a_reckonaulor, the Poth ot — | Bafa ("8 — _AEm To find the pH of tho. -faleg- somnplet Listing pH paper ; 4.) Dilute Hel (A) & Dilute NaoH (B) 3. Dilute ethanoie arctd (co) + _ demon fue Rs ater 0) 6. Dilute Se a Pho micale Regurnod ’ LAL +e zolutions amantioned alana —— a. 8, the pH scale Adowts tom 0 and ends eot J4 tn _tohich di {erent Aubstawcog Find their i! ace in a re os or cata pH 6 = "pHlbte : pitt to Moutral , pHe to » pHly. alkaline . bb baste Procedune le a The Aclutions; ano See ee the Aubstancesz Im ‘déet roe tne The -+teet ie oxte_ pabaclled 2th tips oe colo Lh. 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