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PYTHON lenguajes de programacion, Guías, Proyectos, Investigaciones de Informática

Una infografia sobre el lenguaje de programacion python en ingles

Tipo: Guías, Proyectos, Investigaciones


Subido el 06/12/2023

luna-iniguez 🇲🇽

3 documentos

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¡Descarga PYTHON lenguajes de programacion y más Guías, Proyectos, Investigaciones en PDF de Informática solo en Docsity! Python Programation Languages What is it? Phyton is a high level programation language that is used to develop applications of all kinds , Phyton is very simple to use because of its similarity with the human language and its a free platform it facilitates working with artificial inteligence, big data, machine learning and data science Pythons Origin In the early 90s when Guido Van Rossum had the idea to develop a new language basing on an old proyect , the programation language "ABC" Guidos philosofy was the same since the first moment to create a programation language that was easy to learn , write and comprehend . One of the most demandaded laguages Due to its relationship with some of the most relevant fields today, such as AI, Machine Learning or data analysis, a large number of expert Python programmers are needed to develop new and exciting features. Despite the fact that this language has been on the market for 30 years, companies are finding it very difficult to find programmers with advanced knowledge of Python. According to LinkedIn's 2020 Emerging Jobs Report, the demand for Python developers has grown by 48.73% compared to 2019. The jobs, how could it be otherwise, are related to information technology (ICT) , telecommunications and financial services. REFERENCES: Phyton, que es y por que deberias aprender a usarlo. (s. f.). Blog Becas Santander. Recuperado 25 de agosto de 2022, de pythons characteristics Programation orientated to objects Interpreted languge Multiplatform Dinamic tipado Open source language Its polivalent Widely supported. Important Applications Web Development. Game Development Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Data Science and Data Visualization. Business Applications