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Shakespeare. Romeo e Giulietta, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Storia Inglese

Riassunto di Shakespeare, con riferimento a Romeo e Giulietta e la Balcony scene.

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


Caricato il 25/06/2019

federica-astici 🇮🇹

2 documenti

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Scarica Shakespeare. Romeo e Giulietta e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Storia Inglese solo su Docsity! William Shakespeare was an english playwright and poet. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 and his father was an important figure of the government of his town. When he went to London he did a series of jobs; also he became an actor. In 1595 Shakespeare joined an important company of actors called “The Lord Chamberlain’s Men” ,performed at court. His success as dramatist grew; The Earl of Southampton ,to whom he dedicated his sonnets, became his patron and friends. His good financial position allowed him to invest in the building of the Globe Theatre and in 1597 he bought New Place, the finest house in Stratford. Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays in a period of about twenty years. Shakespeare didn’t publish his plays. Some of his works were put together from notes taken in the theatres or reconstructed from memory by actors. In 1623, seven years after the death of Shakespeare, two his friends(actor) decided to publish the first collection of his plays; The First Folio included thirty-five plays that were divided into Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Shakespeare’s plays are usually divided into four periods: - First period(from 1590 to 1595) was a period of learning and experimentation. In these years Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. - Second Period(from 1596 to the turn of the century) he wrote his best comedies, including The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Much Ado about Nothing, As you like it and Twelfth Night. - Third Period(from 1600 to 1608), Shakespeare wrote his great tragedies. These plays have given world theatre unforgettable characters such as Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth. In this plays are optimistic. The darker elements are found in works such as Measure for Measure(wrote when Shakespeare had difficulties in his personal life; so this play is pessimistic.) - The state of happiness is reflected in his works in the Fourth Period(from 1609 to 1612);The Tempest for example is a play that speak about an enchanted island where there is an atmosphere of magic, music, romance and harmony. THE PLOT: The story of Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona. Juliet is the only child of the head of the House of Capulet. Her father plans to marry her to Count Paris. Although the Montagues and Capulets are enemies, Romeo, son of Lord Montague, attends a feast given by Lord Capulet, disguised in a mask . At the feast, Romeo and Juliet fall in love and they are secretly married by Friar Laurence the following day.