Download Gender Identity Disorders - Abnormal Psychology - Lecture Slides and more Slides Abnormal Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders • Sexual Dysfunctions: Problems of inhibited sexual desire, arousal, and response. • Gender-Identity Disorders: Incongruity or conflict between one’s anatomical sex and one’s psychological feeling of being male or female. • Paraphilias: Sexual urges and fantasies about situations, objects, or people not part of the usual arousal pattern leading to reciprocal and affectional sexual activity. {S8NP a}! J8y}0 UO
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The Study of Human Sexuality • Freud made the discussion of sexual topics more acceptable by incorporating sex (libido) as an important part of his theory. • Contemporary understanding of human sexual physiology, practices, and customs: – Is based on research of Alfred Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and The Janus Report – While controversial, these studies dispelled myths and provided clear evidence about human sexuality. WOMEN
Appetitive (desire)
Jesnoue jo jane]
Homosexuality: Research Findings • No physiological differences in sexual arousal and response for homosexuals/heterosexuals. • No significant differences on measures of psychological disturbance. • Gender conflicts due to societal intolerance, not gender identity confusion. • Sexual concerns differ because of societal context. Theories of Homosexuality Is it a choice? • Estradiol resulting from aromatization appears to be responsible for masculinizing the developing brain. • In humans and many other mammals, the placenta normally blocks the mother’s estrogens. • Prenatal exposure to synthetic estrogens may masculinize the female brain. • The hyena placenta does not prevent masculinization. Courtesy Dr. Stephen Glickman Theories of Homosexuality Is it a choice? • SDN-POA and the SNB in rats • INAH-3, hypothalamus, anterior commissure and thalamus in humans Theories of Homosexuality Is it a choice? • Otoacoustic emissions are stronger in women than in men. • Otoacoustic emissions of lesbian and bisexual women fall midway between heterosexual men and women. • Relative finger lengths of lesbians are more similar to men than women. • Men with older brothers are more likely to be homosexual, possibly due to an immune response to androgens on the part of the mother.
Homosexual Women
Heterosexual Women
Homosexual Mon
Heterosexual Men
a Heterosexual men P-<0.025
0.980 , “4Heterosexual women po 991 0.980
&8§Homosexual women [1
0.975) aa Homosexual men 0.979
0.970 0.970
g 0.965 0.965
= 0.960 0.960
5 0.955 0.955
aq 0.950 0.950
“0.945 0.945
0.940 0.940
o.o00t it SS LTA SS eal 4’9 gogdex Finger Length
Left hand Right hand ing Finger Length
b No older brothers
1 older brother
0.970 >1 older brother 0.970
8 P<0.025 P<0.04 ns. 0.965
5 — ss —
8 0.960
a 0.955
z 0.950
= 0.945
x 0.940
132 56 51 29 23
(7d bd 117d Be 40.000
Allmen Homosexual Heterosexual
men men
Theories of Homosexuality Is it a choice? Simon LeVay compared INAH-3 in heterosexual and homosexual males. Courtesy Simon LeVay, Salk Institute Aging and Sexual Activity • Physiologically based changes • Illnesses affect sexual activity • Medical procedures help minimize effects of organically-based problems. • AARP survey (1999): –Relationships more important than sex – Sexual activity affected by “partner gap” –Despite health-related declines in sexual activity, ~2/3 of men and women with sexual partners are satisfied with their sex lives Aging and Sexual Activity • The Janus Report: – Little decline in sexual activity or ability to reach orgasm from middle age to >65 –Unchanged desire to continue relatively active sex life Percentage of Men with Erectile Problems, Ages 60 and Older Sexual Dysfunctions • Orgasmic Disorder: Inability to achieve orgasm after entering excitement phase and receiving adequate sexual stimulation (problem at the plateau phase). • Sexual Pain Disorder: Pain in the genital area before, during, or after sexual intercourse. taste 10.2
Sexual Desire
—Problems during the appetitive phase
—Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
Absent or low sexual interest/desire
—Sexual aversion disorder
Avoidance offaversion to sexual
Sexual Arousal
—Problems of sexual pleasure or
physiological changes involving
sexual excitement
—Male erectile disorder (ED)
Inability to attair/maintain an erection
sufficient for sexual intercourse
and/or psychological arousal during
sexual activity
—Female sexual arousal disorder
Inability to attain/maintain
physiological response and/or
psychological arousal during sexual
Sexual Pain
—Problems with the orgasm phase
—Female/male orgasmic disorder
Persistent delay or inability to achieve
orgasm after reaching excitement
—Premature ejaculation Ejaculation
with minimal sexual stimulation
before, during, or shortly after
—Dyspareunia Genital pain ina
man or woman not primarily due to
lack of lubrication in the vagina or
—Vaginismus \nvoluntary spasm of
the outer third of the vaginal wall that
prevents or interferes with sexual
20% of adult Usually noticed May be lifelong
population; women in adulthood by or acquired;
have higher rates a partner who treatment may
(20-35%) than men complains help
10% of men report Can occur at Most can be
ED; some 50% have age of sexual helped by
experienced “transient” maturity but psychological
conditions; 10-50% increases with or medical
of women suffer from age, especially treatment
arousal lubrication in men
Premature ejaculation — Atage of sexual __In men, often
estimates from maturity related to
30-50%; 3-10% of performance
nonclinical population anxiety; in
suffer from inhibited women, lack of
male orgasm; 10% of foreplay is most
‘women have never frequent reason
experienced an orgasm
Dyspareunia is Can occur Most have
relatively rare in men because of physical causes
but more common medical problems and can be
in women (17-19%); (such as injury treated
vaginismus occurs in to the pelvis) or
less than 1% of females traumatic event
Sexual Dysfunctions Sexual Desire Disorders • Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: Little or no interest in sexual activities (actual or fantasized). – Prevalence: 20-35% of women, 15% of men – The most common complaint of couples seeking sex therapy – Associated with low testosterone levels • Sexual Aversion Disorder: Avoidance of and aversion to sexual intercourse. • Role of interpersonal problems in sexual desire disorders Some Possible Physical Causes of Erectile Disorder and Dyspareunia Sexual Dysfunctions Sexual Arousal Disorders • Male Erectile Disorder: Inability to attain or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. –Primary erectile dysfunction – Secondary erectile dysfunction –30-70% may be due to physical conditions –Prevalence: Difficult to determine due to under reporting Sexual Dysfunctions Sexual Arousal Disorders • Female Sexual Arousal Disorder: Inability to attain or maintain physiological response and/or psychological arousal during sexual activity. –May be lifelong or acquired –Often related to negative attitudes about sex or early sexual experiences –Prevalence: Estimates vary from 10-50% of female population Sexual Dysfunctions Orgasmic Disorders • Premature Ejaculation: Ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, during, or shortly after penetration. Sexual Dysfunctions Sexual Pain Disorders • Dyspareunia: Recurrent or persistent pain in the genitals before, during, or after sexual intercourse. – Lack of lubrication –Vaginismus: Involuntary spasm of the outer third of the vaginal wall, preventing or interfering with sexual intercourse. –General medical condition – Substance-induced sexual dysfunction Etiology of Sexual Dysfunctions • Biological factors: – Levels of testosterone (low) or estrogens (high) –Medications used to treat medical conditions – Illnesses and other physiological factors –Amount of blood flow into genital area TABLE 10.5
Taken as a pill. Some 70 to 80% of users achieve
erections normal for their ages. Viagra enhances
blood flow and retention by blocking an enzyme
found primarily in the penis. The drug must be
taken an hour before sex, and stimulation is
needed for an erection.
Possible headaches and
diarrhea. A drop in blood
pressure. Temporary blue-
green-tinted vision.
Corrects venous leak from a groin injury by
repairing arteries to boost blood supply in the
penis. Restores the ability to have a normal
Minimal problems when
used appropriately with
diagnosed condition.
Oral medication Viagra
Surgery Vascular
Suppository Muse
A tiny pellet is inserted into the penis by means
of an applicator 5 to 10 minutes before sex.
Erections can last an hour. Some 65% of users
show some tumescence.
Penile aching, minor
urethral bleeding or
spotting, dizziness, and leg-
vein swelling.
Injection therapy Vasodilating Drug is injected directly into the base of the penis Pain, bleeding, and scar
drugs, including 10 minutes to 2 hours before sex, depending on tissue formation. Erections
Caverject the drug. The drug helps relax smooth-muscle may not readily subside.
(alprotadil), tissues and creates an erection in up to 90% of
Edex patients. Erection lasts about an hour.
and Invicorp
(VIP and
Devices Vacuum pump Canes negative air pressure ea the penis to Some difficulty in
induce the flow of blood, which is then trapped ejaculation. Penis can
by an elastic band encircling the shaft. Pump is become cool and appear
used just before sex. Erection lasts until band is constricted in color.
removed. Apparatus can be clumsy
to use.
Penile implants | Considered a court of last resort. A penile Destruction of spongy
prosthesis is implanted in the penis, enabling men __ tissue inside the penis.
to literally “pump themselves up” by pulling blood
into it.
Psychological Factors and Behavioral Therapy • Predisposing or historical factors • Current factors • Therapy: – Education –Anxiety reduction – Structured behavioral exercises –Communication training – Specific nonmedical treatments for female orgasmic dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and vaginismus Frequency of Symptoms in 55 Boys with Cross-Gender Preferences Gender Identity Disorders • Transsexualism (“specified gender identity disorder”): Strong and persistent cross-gender identification and persistent discomfort with one’s anatomical sex, causing significant impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning. – Prevalence: 1:100,000-30,000 for males; 1:400,000- 100,000 for females • Gender Identity Disorder Not-Otherwise-Specified: Disorders not classifiable as specific gender identity disorder Etiology of Gender Identity Disorders • Etiology is unclear—probably an interaction of multiple variables. • Biological: Possibly neurohormonal factors • Psychodynamic: Unconscious childhood conflicts resulting from failure to deal successfully with separation-individuation phases of life, or inability to resolve Oedipus complex. • Behavioral: Childhood experiences based on operant conditioning and social learning taste 10.6
pete ti
Fetishism Sexual attraction
and fantasies involving
nonliving objects such as
female undergarments
Primarily a male
disorder; rare in
women; exact
figures unavailable
Usually adolescence
Causes are difficult to
pinpoint; conditioning
and learning seem likely
Transvestic fetishism \ntense
sexual arousal by cross-
Exhibitionism Urges, acts, or
fantasies involving exposure of
genitals to a stranger
Exact figures
difficult to obtain
because cross-
dressing often goes
unreported and is
acceptable in many
Almost exclusively a
male activity; exact
figures lacking
Begins as early as
Begins in tee
exhibitionist is most
likely in 20s
Cross-dressing is not
usually associated
with major psychiatric
Most likely to have
doubts about his
masculinity; likes to
shock; many have an
erection during act;
most masturbate after
Voyeurism Urges, acts, or
fantasies of observing an
unsuspecting person disrobing
or engaging in sexual activity
Difficult to
determine; most
are men
Begins around age
tends to be chronic
Voyeurs tend to be
young males; they may
masturbate during or
after the episode
Frotteurism Urges, acts,
or fantasies of touching
or rubbing against a
nonconsenting person
Difficult to
determine; most
are men
Begins in adolescence
or earlier
Usually decreases after
age 25
Pedophilia Urges, acts,
or fantasies involving
sexual contact with
a prepubescent child
Primarily men; exact
figures not available
Must be at least 16;
pedophiles tend to be
in late 20s/30s
Prefer children who
are at least 5 years
younger than they are
and usually less than
13 years old; pedophiles
often have poor social
Pain or
Sadism Sexually arousing
urges, fantasies, or acts
associated with inflicting
physical or psychological
Masochism Sexual urges,
fantasies, or acts associated
with being humiliated, bound,
or made to suffer
Usually male; rates
unknown, however,
22% of men and
12% of women in
one study report
some sexual arousal
from sadistic stories
difficult to obtain
Begins in early
childhood with sexual
Males report first
interests around 15
and women at 22
Fantasies begin in
childhood; sadistic
acts usually develop in
adulthood and can stay
at the same level of
cruelty or, more rarely,
increase to problematic
Not all suffering
arouses; usually it
must be produced in a
specific way; classical
conditioning strongly
implicated as causal
Paraphilias Involving Nonhuman Objects • Fetishism: Extremely strong sexual attraction and fantasies involving inanimate objects, such as female undergarments. • Transvestic Fetishism: Intense sexual arousal obtained through cross-dressing (wearing clothes appropriate to the opposite gender); do not confuse with transsexualism. – If arousal is not present/has disappeared over time, more appropriate diagnosis is gender identity disorder. Childhood Sexual Abuse • Victims of childhood sexual abuse: –~25% are younger than age 6; 25% are age 6-10; 50% are 11-13 –Relapse rate for pedophiles: 35% –Physical symptoms of victims: • Urinary tract infections, poor appetite, headaches Childhood Sexual Abuse • Victims of childhood sexual abuse: –Psychological symptoms of victims: • Nightmares, difficulty sleeping, decline in school performance, acting-out behaviors, sexually focused behavior • Some exhibit posttraumatic stress disorder: flashbacks, diminished responsiveness to environment, hyperalertness, and jumpiness Paraphilias Involving Pain or Humiliation • Sadism: Form of paraphilia in which sexually arousing urges, fantasies, or acts are associated with inflicting physical or psychological suffering on others. • Masochism: A paraphilia in which sexual urges, fantasies, or acts are associated with being humiliated, bound, or made to suffer. • Most sadomasochists engage in both submissive and dominant roles • Brain pathology and life experiences may underlie sadism Etiology and Treatment of Paraphilias • Behavioral: – Learning theory stresses early conditioning experiences –Preparedness: Prepared to associate some stimuli with reinforcers, but not others – Treatment: Extinction or aversive conditioning (aversive behavior rehearsal); acquiring/strengthening appropriate behaviors; developing appropriate social skills Sexual Aggression • Sexual Aggression: Actions, such as rape, incest, and any type of sexual activity performed against a person’s will through use of force, argument, pressure, alcohol or drugs, or authority. – Sexual Activity: Petting, oral-genital sex, anal intercourse, sexual intercourse. – Sexual Coercion: Any/all forms of sexual pressure (pleading, arguing, cajoling, force, or threat of force). Rape • Rape: An act of intercourse accomplished through force or threat of force. • Statutory Rape: Sexual intercourse with a child younger than a certain age. • Date Rape: Majority of all rapes (8-25% of female college students report having “unwanted sexual intercourse”). Etiology of Rape • Power Rapist: Compensate for feelings of personal/sexual inadequacy by trying to intimidate victims (55% of rapists). • Anger Rapist: Angry at women in general (40% of rapists). • Sadistic Rapist: Derives satisfaction from inflicting pain; may torture or mutilate victims (5% of rapists). Etiology of Rape • Media portrayals of violent sex reflect/affect societal values concerning violence and women • “Cultural spillover” Theory: Rape is high in environments that encourage violence. Incest • Incest: Sexual relations between people too closely related to marry legally. –Universally taboo in human societies – Incidence: 48,000-250,000 reported per year –Most frequently reported to law enforcement: Father with daughter/step-daughter –Most frequent: Brother-sister –Rare: Mother-son