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VHDL Packages and Libraries: Sharing and Reusing VHDL Code with Packages and TextIO, Study notes of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

A chapter from the book 'vhdl in action' by martin, covering packages and libraries in vhdl. The chapter explains the motivation for using packages and libraries, the concept of packages and their declaration and body, and the use of packages in vhdl. It also introduces textio, a package for file i/o in vhdl. Examples of package declarations and bodies, as well as the use of textio for reading data from a file.

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Download VHDL Packages and Libraries: Sharing and Reusing VHDL Code with Packages and TextIO and more Study notes Electrical and Electronics Engineering in PDF only on Docsity!

VHDL in Action

Packages and Libraries

Ch 3, pp. 96-

Martin 2003 (^2)

Last time

z Version of waveform updating

algorithm to handle reject


z Macro and micro time

z Delta delays: Ensure correct

ordering of zero time events

Martin 2003 (^3)

Covered in This Lesson

z Packages

z Libraries

z TextIO

Martin 2003 (^4)


z Why have subprograms?

  • Readability
  • Design re-use
  • Sharing

z Packages and libraries are the

mechanism for design re-use and



z Observations:

• Including function and procedure

declarations within


is awkward.

• Can't share between architectures

• Not very readable

• Not very maintainable

  • Have to cut/paste subprogram into

every unit that uses it…

Packages (cont'd)

z Better approach:

• Group logically related sets of

functions and procedures into a

module that can be easily shared

among distinct designs and


• Promote reuse

• Easier to maintain

• Package

Martin 2003 (^7)

Package Preview

z A Package contains two parts:

z Package declaration:


< prototypes of package components>

END pname;

z Contains list of available package

components, functions, types,

procedures, etc.

Martin 2003 (^8)

Package Preview (cont'd)

z Package Body


< Contains package component definitions>

END pname;

z A listing of the implementations

of package components

Martin 2003 (^9)

Example Package(1 of 2)

PACKAGE sub_std_logic_1164 IS TYPE std_ulogic IS ( 'U', --uninitialized 'X', -- forcing unknown '0', -- forcing 0 '1', -- forcing 1 'Z', -- high impedance 'W', -- weak unknown 'L', -- weak low 'H', -- weak high '-' -- don't care ); Martin 2003 (^10)

Example Package(2 of 2)

TYPE std_ulogic_vector IS ARRAY (Natural RANGE <>) OF std_ulogic;

FUNCTION "AND" ( l, r : std_ulogic) RETURN std_ulogic; FUNCTION "AND" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector) RETURN std_ulogic_vector; FUNCTION "AND" ( l : std_ulogic_vector, r : std_ulogic) RETURN std_ulogic_vector; COMPONENT dff PORT ( d, clk : IN std_ulogic; q : OUT std_ulogic); END COMPONENT; END sub_std_logic_1164;

Example Package Body

PACKAGE BODY sub_std_logic_1164 IS FUNCTION "AND" ( l, r : std_ulogic) RETURN std_ulogic IS VARIABLE tmp : std_ulogic; BEGIN tmp := ‘1’ WHEN l = ‘1’ AND r=‘1’ ELSE ‘0’ WHEN l=‘0’ OR r=‘0’ ELSE ‘X’; RETURN( tmp); END “AND”; o o

Example Package Body

FUNCTION "AND" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS VARIABLE tmp : std_ulogic_vector; BEGIN ASSERT l’range = r’range; REPORT “Ranges must be equal for vector AND”; SEVERITY ERROR; FOR k in l’range LOOP tmp(k) := l(k) AND r(k); END LOOP; RETURN tmp; END “AND”;

Martin 2003 (^13)

Example Package Body

FUNCTION "AND" ( l: std_ulogic_vector; r: std_ulogic) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS VARIABLE tmp : std_ulogic_vector; BEGIN FOR k in l’range LOOP tmp(k) := l(k) AND r; END LOOP; RETURN tmp; END “AND”;

END sub_std_logic_1164;

Martin 2003 (^14)

Referencing Packages

z USE Clauses

  • Placed before an entity declaration,

giving the entity and associated

architectures access to the package


  • Syntax:

USE library.package_name.component ;

USE work.sub_std_1164.dff, work.mypack.tff;

Martin 2003 (^15)

Auto Package

z The package STANDARD is automatically

made visible to all entities.

z STANDARD defines:

  • Bit
  • Bit_Vector
  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • Real
  • Character
  • String
  • Time

Martin 2003 (^16)


z Design units are analyzed (compiled) and placed in libraries z Logical library names map to physical directories z Libraries STD and WORK are implicitly declared, i.e. don't have to have "LIBRARY WORK;" in file


z When multiple design units are in the same file, visibility of libraries and packages must be established for each primary design unit (entity, package header, configuration) separately! z The use clause may selectively establish visibility, e.g., only the function rising_ edge() is visible within entity design-


z How about this:

library IEEE; entity test_libs is port (clk : in bit; data_out : out bit); end test_libs; architecture oh_no of test_libs is -- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; signal s1 : std_logic; begin s1 <= '0'; end oh_no;

z If the entity makes the library visible, the

architecture can have the "use" statement

in the architecture.

Uncomment this line to compile correctly

Martin 2003 (^19)


z How about this:

entity test_libs2 is port (clk : in bit; data_out : out bit); end test_libs2;

architecture oh_no of test_libs2 is library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; signal s1 : std_logic; begin s1 <= '0'; end oh_no;

z This won't compile--the library clause can't

appear in the declarative region of the


  • It will compile if the library clause is moved just before the architecture statement... Martin 2003 (^20)

USE Clauses

z To access all components of a


USE work.sub_std_logic_1164. ALL;

z Note: packages can use material

defined in other packages:

USE work.basics.ALL;

PACKAGE more_detail IS



END more_details;

With this, a hierarchy of packages can be created.

Martin 2003 (^21)


z Reference to a

variable/signal/constant depends

upon the scope of the object and the

declaration region

z Reference to objects declared in a

higher scope can be made with.

(dot) notation:


Martin 2003 (^22)

Visibility (1 of 3)

z Example from text:

PACKAGE sig IS SIGNAL x : Integer := 1; END sig;

USE work.sig; -- Package sig made visible ENTITY y IS SIGNAL x : Integer := 2; END y;

ARCHITECTURE z OF y IS SIGNAL z1, z2, z3, z4, z5 : Integer := 0; FUNCTION R RETURN INTEGER IS VARIABLE x : Integer := 3; BEGIN RETURN x; -- When R called, 3 returned END R;

Visibility (2 of 3)



SIGNAL x : Integer := 4;

SIGNAL z6: Integer := 0;


z6 <= x + y.x; -- z6 = 4 + 2





Visibility (3 of 3)


VARIABLE x : Integer := 5; BEGIN z5 <= x; -- z5 = 5 WAIT; END PROCESS; z1 <= WORK.SIG.x; -- z1 = 1 z2 <= x; -- z2 = 2 z3 <= R; -- z3 = 3 z4 <= B.x; -- z4 = 4 END z;

Martin 2003 (^25)


z Successfully analyzed models are

stored in a library

z A library may consist of several

models which

  • may reference one another
  • may be arranged in a hierarchical


z Two types of libraries:

  • WORK: current analysis entered here
  • RESOURCE: read-only reference libraries Martin 2003 (^26)


z Libraries contain PRIMARY and


z Primary units:

  • Entities
  • Package
  • Configuration

z Secondary units:

  • Architectures
  • Package bodies

z Primary units must be analyzed before

corresponding secondary units.

z Both must be in the same library.

Martin 2003 (^27)

Library Names

z Libraries have LOGICAL and


z Logical name:

  • Used by the VHDL model
  • Portable, independent of the simulator

z Physical name:

  • Used by the host operating system
  • Dependent upon host platform

Martin 2003 (^28)

Library Names

z The VHDL simulator must offer

some means of mapping Logical

names to Physical names:

• In LDV, mapping is in the CDS.lib file:

include $CDS_INST_DIR/tools/inca/files/cds.lib define work C:/tom/courses/4514f03/other_code/work

• Indirectly, the global CDS.lib file has:


Making Libraries Visible

z To make a library visible, entry must exist

in mapping file

z In your VHDL code, visibility controlled by

LIBRARY command:

LIBRARY WORK; -- Automatic in all VHDL models LIBRARY IEEE;

z Access to library components is done with

the USE command:

USE IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.ALL; -- In the library IEEE, make the package -- STD_LOGIC_1164 visible to the -- following entity.

Creating Libraries

z Implementation dependent

z In LDV:

  • Edit->Add->New Library
    • Give a logical name and a directory
  • File->Set work library
    • Set this to the logical name
  • Analyze code into the library
  • Add library/use clauses to your other models
  • Be sure to set work library back to your original work library

Martin 2003 (^31)

Where the libraries roam

z In default install of LDV, IEEE

packages are in

  • C:\Program Files\Cadence Design


  • std_logic_1164 package:


  • It’s useful to look through the packages

for functions you can use…We’ll go

through them in class next week.

Martin 2003 (^32)


z Files can be distinguished by the

type of information stored

z Package TEXTIO

  • Declares: type line is access string;

type text is file of string ;

  • Use STD.TextIO.all;

z VHDL 1987:

  • file infile : text is in “inputdata. txt”;
  • file outfile : text is out “outputdata. txt”;

Martin 2003 (^33)

Using TextIO: Example

procedure read_v1d(variable f:in text; v:out std_logic_vector) is variable buf : line; variable c : character ; begin -- do not forget appropriate library declarations readline (f , buf ); --read a line from the file. for i in v ’range loop read( buf , c ) ; --read a character from the line. case c is when ‘X’ => v (i) := ‘X’ ; when ‘U’ => v (i) := ‘U’ ; when ‘Z’ => v (i) := ‘Z’ ; when ‘0’ => v (i) := ‘0’ ; when ‘1’ => v (i) := ‘1’ ; when ‘-’ => v (i) := ‘-’ ; when ‘W’ => v (i) := ‘W’ ; when ‘L’ => v (i) := ‘L’ ; when ‘H’ => v (i) := ‘H’ ; when others => v (i) := ‘0 ’; end case; end loop; end; (From Yalamanchili) Martin 2003 (^34)

TextIO and testbenches

z Remember: Testbench instantiates

the system to be tested and a

stimulus driver

z Stimulus can be from:

  • “on the fly” generation
  • local constant arrays
  • file I/O

z Can also save results to file for later


Martin 2003 (^35)


z Packages and libraries

• Share your VHDL code with friends

and neighbors…

z TextIO

z Next time: Review for midterm