Download Survey Builder Application-Applications of Computer Sciences-Project Report and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Applications of Computer Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! Table of Contents Part 1 Database Design ..................................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2 2 Logical Database Design of Survey Builder ........................................................... 2 2.1 Entities ......................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Relationships ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 E-R Model of Survey Builder ...................................................................................................... 8 3 Mapping of E-R Model to Relational Model .......................................................... 9 3.1 Relational Schema of Survey Builder ......................................................................................... 9 3.2 Normalized Relational Schema of Survey Builder ................................................................... 10 Part 2 Graphical User Interface .................................................................................... 14 4 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 15 5 GUI Description ...................................................................................................... 15 5.1 Login User ................................................................................................................................. 15 5.2 Master Administrator page........................................................................................................ 16 5.3 Add Employee page ................................................................................................................... 16 5.4 Add Department page ................................................................................................................ 17 5.5 Edit Department page ................................................................................................................ 18 5.6 Select Department page ............................................................................................................. 19 5.7 Department Administrator page ................................................................................................ 19 5.8 Surveyor page ............................................................................................................................ 20 5.9 Create Survey page .................................................................................................................... 21 5.10 Add Question page..................................................................................................................... 22 5.11 Edit Survey page ........................................................................................................................ 22 5.12 Edit Question page .................................................................................................................... 23 5.13 Publisher page ........................................................................................................................... 24 5.14 Report Page ............................................................................................................................... 25 5.15 Participant Details page ............................................................................................................ 25 5.16 View Survey page....................................................................................................................... 26 6 Sitemap..................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix A ...................................................................................................................... 29 Appendix B ...................................................................................................................... 31 References ........................................................................................................................ 32 ii List of Figures Figure 1-Employee Entity ................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2-Department Entity ................................................................................................ 3 Figure 3-Survey Entity ........................................................................................................ 3 Figure 4-Question entity ..................................................................................................... 4 Figure 5-Participant Entity .................................................................................................. 5 Figure 6- Dept_Employee Relationship.............................................................................. 5 Figure 7- Employee_Survey Relationship .......................................................................... 6 Figure 8- Employee_Employee Relationship ..................................................................... 6 Figure 9- Survey_Question Relationship ............................................................................ 7 Figure 10-Survey_Participant Relationship ........................................................................ 7 Figure 11-Complete ERD of Survey Builder Application .................................................. 8 Figure 12-login page ......................................................................................................... 15 Figure 13-Master Administrator page ............................................................................... 16 Figure 14-Add Employee page ......................................................................................... 17 Figure 15-Add Department page ...................................................................................... 17 Figure 16-Edit Department page ....................................................................................... 18 Figure 17-Select Department page.................................................................................... 19 Figure 18-Department Administrator page ....................................................................... 20 Figure 19-Surveyor page................................................................................................... 20 Figure 20-Create Survey page .......................................................................................... 21 Figure 21-Add Question page ........................................................................................... 22 Figure 22-Edit Survey page .............................................................................................. 23 Figure 23-Edit Question page ........................................................................................... 23 Figure 24-Publisher page .................................................................................................. 24 Figure 25-Report page ...................................................................................................... 25 Figure 26-Participant Details page.................................................................................... 26 Figure 27-View Survey page ............................................................................................ 26 Figure 28-ERD Notations ................................................................................................. 31 2 1 Introduction This part of the report gives the details about the database design and implementation of the Survey Builder Application. It includes the Logical database design, ERD, Relational schema and Normalized database. 2 Logical Database Design of Survey Builder The Logical Database Design will include the detailed description of the entities, relationships, ERD of the survey builder Application. The notation used for the Entities, relationships and ERD are provided in Appendix B. 2.1 Entities There are 6 entities in the Survey Builder application which are as follows: Departments Employees Survey Questions Participants Employee Entity Employees will be the users of the Survey Builder that work together to form the survey. The employees will be divided into categories according to their job titles. They will have unique id and their will be different employee for each department. Description: Employee entity has 6 attributes which are: Employee_Id: It is used to uniquely identify the employee. Employee_Name: It is the employee name and consists of first name and last name and initials. Employee_Job_Title: It is the designation of the employee. Employee can be department Administrator, Surveyor, Publisher or Business Analyst. Employee_Dept: It tells the department in which the employee is working. Employee_Email: It is the email address of the employee. Employee_Address: is the present address of the employee. 3 Figure 1-Employee Entity Department Entity There may be one or more departments according to the organizational need. These departments will work separately and each department will have its own employees. Each department will have a unique id and will have a name. Description: Departments’ entity has 2 attributes which are: Dept_ID: It is used to uniquely identify the various departments. Dept_Name: It is the name of department. Figure 2-Department Entity Survey Entity The Survey entity will hold the details about the surveys. Each survey will have a unique Survey id to separately identify each survey along with the title of the survey and also it will contain the type of the survey, e.g. Web based or PDA etc. it will also hold the date of the survey. Figure 3-Survey Entity 4 Description: Survey entity consists of five attributes which are: Survey_ID: It is used to uniquely identify the surveys. Survey_Title: It is the title of the survey. Survey_Type: It is the survey type. It can be web-based survey or Desktop/PDA based. Survey_Department: It stores the department for which the survey is developed. Survey_Date: Date when the survey was developed. Question Entity Questions Entity contains the questions and the provided answers for the surveys by the surveyor. It also holds the type of the questions. Figure 4-Question entity Description: Questions entity consists of nine attributes named and described as follows: Question_ID: is used to uniquely identify each question. Question_Statement: It is the question statement. (Question_Type: It is the type of Question. It can be multiple choice, true false, descriptive, etc. Option_1: It is used if the question type id multiple options or true false type but is left blank otherwise. It has first option. Option_2: It is used if the question type id multiple options or true false type but is left blank otherwise. It has second option. Option_3: is used if the question type id multiple options with more than 2 options but is left blank otherwise. It has third option. Option_4: is used if the question type id multiple options with more than 3 options but is left blank otherwise. It has fourth option. Choosen_Answer: It is the option of the question selected by performer of survey. Comments: it the answer for the descriptive type question given by the survey participants. 7 Figure 9- Survey_Question Relationship Survey_Participant Relationship The surveys developed through survey builder are performed by the various people. A survey can be performed by many people or not by any person. Similarly a participant can perform one or more surveys. It contains one attribute Performed_date which is used to get the date the survey was performed by some participant Figure 10-Survey_Participant Relationship 8 2.3 E-R Model of Survey Builder Figure 11 shows the complete ERD diagram of the Survey Builder Application. It depicts the whole survey builder relational model. There will be many departments in the survey builder in which many Employees work. There will be department administrator who manages all the employees in the departments. These employees collaborate together to develop one or more surveys. Each Survey will include one or more questions and each question will have answer options or participant of the surveys will be asked to give his views on the questions. The participants will perform the surveys and their details will be recorded along with the answers he gave in for each question in certain survey. Figure 11-Complete ERD of Survey Builder Application 9 3 Mapping of E-R Model to Relational Model Representing E-R model into Relational model is fairly easy. The entity sets represented by rectangles become relations represented by tables. The table name is the same as entity name, which is the name written inside the rectangle. The attributes represented by ovals become attributes of the relation, or column heading of the table. Relationship sets can be translated directly into tables as well. Although not explicitly represented on E-R diagram, it is understood that relationship set has the primary keys of the associated entities as attributes. The table for relation set has column headings consisting of the primary keys of the associated entities, plus columns for descriptive attributes, if any. In some cases, we could choose not to represent relationship sets explicitly. For example, if we have used the primary key of one entity in the table of another entity. Whenever the relation ship is one-to-one or one-to-many foreign key can be used to show relationship. If the A to B relationship is one-to-one we can put the key of either relation in the table to show the connection. If A to B relationship is one-to-many we use the key of A as a foreign in the table of B. the only case where it necessary to make new table is many-to-many case. Whenever we have a choice of representing relationship, how do we know whether or not to use a separate table? The answer may depend on the application. Having a separate relationship table gives maximum flexibility, allowing us to change the associations easily. However it requires doing a join whenever the relationship is used which may produce poor performance. So it is a choice between flexibility and efficiency [2]. 3.1 Relational Schema of Survey Builder An ER Model is intended as a description of real-world entities. Although it is constructed in such a way as to allow easy translation to the relational model, this is not an entirely trivial process. The ER diagram represents the conceptual level of database design. A relational schema is at the logical level of database design. The Relational schema of the Survey Builder Application is given below: Employee (employee_id, employee_name, employee_job_title, employee_dept, employee_email, employee_Address) PRIMARY KEY=employee_id Department (Dept_ID, Dept_Name) PRIMARY KEY= Dept_ID Survey (Survey_ID, Survey_Title, Survey_Type, Survey_Department, Survey_Date) PRIMARY KEY= Survey_ID Question (Question_ID, Question_Statement, Question_Type, Option_1, Option_2, Option_3, Option_4, Choosen_Answer, Comments) 12 FOREIGN KEY= Question ID Referencing Questions, Paticipant_ID Referencing Participants The participant Entity is given as: Participant (Participant_ID, Participant_Name, Participant_Email, Participant_Address, Choosen_Answer) PRIMARY KEY= Participant_ID After Normalization The duplicating attribute Choosen_Answer removed from participant and new relationship developed between Participant and Question named response Participant (Participant_ID, Participant_Name, Participant_Email, Participant_Address) PRIMARY KEY= Participant_ID The Dept_Employee relationship is given as: Dept_Employee (Employee_ID, Dept_ID, Employee_job_title, Emplyee_dept) PRIMARY KEY= (Employee_ID, Dept_ID) FOREIGN KEY=Employee_ID Referencing Employee, Dept_ID Referencing Department After Normalization The employee Department is removed from the Dept_employee because the relationship Dept_employee is enough to perform this functionality. Dept_Employee (Employee_ID, Dept_ID, Employee_job_title) PRIMARY KEY= (Employee_ID, Dept_ID) FOREIGN KEY=Employee_ID Referencing Employee, Dept_ID Referencing Department The Employee_Survey relationship is given as: Employee_Survey (Employee_ID, Survey_ID ) PRIMARY KEY= (Employee_ID, Survey ID) FOREIGN KEY=Employee_ID Referencing Employee, Survey_ID Referencing Survey It is already normalized we don’t need to further normailize it. The Survey_Questions relationship is given as: Survey_Question (Survey_ID, Question_ID ) PRIMARY KEY= (Question_ID, Survey ID) FOREIGN KEY= Question_ID Referencing Question, Survey_ID Referencing Survey 13 It is already normalized we don’t need to further normailize it. The Survey_Questions relationship is given as: Survey_Participant (Survey_ID, Participant_ID, Survey_date, Survey_type) PRIMARY KEY= ( Survey ID, Participant_ID) FOREIGN KEY= Participant_ID Referencing Participant, Survey_ID Referencing Survey It is already normalized we don’t need to further normailize it. 14 Part 2 Graphical User Interface 17 Figure 14-Add Employee page Controls Description Table 3- Add Employee page Sr. # Field Name Type Description 1. login Text Login name for user to access the survey engine 2. Name Text Employee Name 3. Password Text Password of employee 4. Department Drop Down List Select the department where employee to be added. 5. Job Title Drop Down List Select the job title for the employee 6. Address Text Address of the employee 7. Email Id text Email address of the employee 5.4 Add Department page This page is only available to the master administrator who can add new department to the firm in the survey engine. The page also allow administrator to go the employee addition page. He can also go to department editing page or if want to delete department. Figure 15-Add Department page 18 Controls Description Table 4-Add Department page Sr. # Field Name Type Description 1. Department ID Text Assign a unique id to new department 2. Department Name Text Name of the new Department 3. Add Department Button User clicks to create new department 4. Add Employee Button User clicks to navigate to employee addition page 5. Edit Department Button User clicks to navigate to Edit department page 5.5 Edit Department page This page will be used to edit the name or ID of the department or delete the existing department. This page will be only available to master administrator. Figure 16-Edit Department page Controls Description Table 5-Edit Department page Sr. # Field Name Type Description 1. View Button User clicks to view all the departments 2. Select Department Drop Down List Select department to perform action 3. Edit Button User clicks to edit department details 4. Delete Department Button User clicks to delete department 5. Department ID text User enters the new department ID for the selected department to be edited 6. Department Name text User enters edits the department name for the selected department to be edited 7. Add Department Button User clicks to navigate to add new department page 19 5.6 Select Department page This page only available to master administrator. He selects the department he wants to view. When the Administrator clicks the View Department button he is automatically navigated to the Department Administrator Page of the selected department from the drop down list of Select department. Figure 17-Select Department page Controls Description Table 6-Select Department page Sr. # Field Name Type Description 1. Select Department Combo Box Select the department to visit 2. View Department Button User clicks to view the selected department’s page 5.7 Department Administrator page This is department administrator page. Department administrators will b navigated to page once he login with correct user name and password from login page. This page can also be accessed by Master Admin. The user can add employees or perform various functionalities given in menu within the selected department. 22 5.10 Add Question page The user after creating new survey adds the question to the survey through this page. Figure 21-Add Question page Controls Description Table 10- Add Question page Sr. # Field Name Type Description 1. Question type Drop Down List Select the type of question is it. E.g. multiple choice, true false, etc 2. Question statement Text Question statement 3. Options Button Optional 4. Submit Button User clicks to submit question. 5. View Survey Button User clicks to preview the present survey on which working currently 6. Add More Question Button User Clicks to Add more question to present survey 5.11 Edit Survey page The user selects the survey from the surveyor page and is navigated to this page. The user is displayed the questions in numbered sequence in a radio button list. The user selects the question from here to edit details and clicks the edit button to navigate to edit that question which was selected. 23 Figure 22-Edit Survey page Controls Description Table 11-Edit Survey page Sr. # Field Name Type Description 1. Edit button User clicks to navigate to edit question page. 2. Radio_Questions Radio Button List User selects the question which he wants to edit 3. Add Question Button User Clicks to Add more question to present survey 5.12 Edit Question page The user edits the questions of the existing survey through this page. It also gives options to add new question in existing survey. The user can also delete questions from existing survey. Figure 23-Edit Question page 24 Controls Description Table 12-Edit Question page Sr. # Field Name Type Description 1. Question type Drop Down List Select the type of question is it. E.g. multiple choice, true false, etc 2. Question statement Text Question statement 3. Options Button User enter the answer options (Optional) 4. Update Button User clicks to confirm the editing of question 5. Delete button Delete the question from survey 6. Add Question Button User clicks to add new question to survey 5.13 Publisher page This is Survey Publisher page. The publishers will b navigated to page once he login with correct user name and password from login page. This page can also be accessed by Master Administrator and Department Administrator. The publisher searches the unpublished surveys and then generates code for the required survey. Figure 24-Publisher page Controls Description Table 13-Publisher page Sr. # Field Name Type Description 1. home button User will click to navigates to Department Administrator page only 2. Publisher Button User Clicks the button to navigate to publisher page. 3. Surveys Button User clicks to enter to Survey creation/search page. 4. Report Button User clicks to view the performed survey reports. 5. Search By: Drop Down List Selects the type of search to be performed 6. View by Drop Down List Select the type for displaying the searched surveys 27 6 Sitemap The site map provides the information about the whole site. It indicates to which next page the user can go from some specific page. Login Master Page o Home (Master Page) o Departments Page o Survey Page o Publisher Page o Report Page o View/Edit Employee Page o Add Employee Page o Add/Edit Departments Page Departments o Department Admin Page Department Admin Page o Survey Page o Publisher Page o Report Page o View/Edit Employee Page o Add Employee Page Survey Page o Create New Survey Page o View Survey Page o Edit Survey Page Create New Survey Page o Add questions Page o View Survey Page View Survey Page Add questions Page o Add questions Page o View Survey Page Edit Survey Page o Edit Question page o Add Question page Publisher Page 28 Report Page o View Report Page View/Edit Employee Page o Add Employee Page Add/Edit Departments Page o Add New Department Page Add New Department o Add Employee Page o Add/Edit Departments Page About Us Help 29 Appendix A ____________________________________ Definitions 1.1.1 Entity An entity may be defined as a thing which is recognized as being capable of an independent existence and which can be uniquely identified. An entity is an abstraction from the complexities of some domain. It is a person, place, event, object, or concept in real world that we wish to represent in database. A collection of entities of the same type is called an entity set. An entity set is represented in E-R diagram by a rectangle having name of the entity set inside. 1.1.2 Attributes Attributes are defined characteristic of an entity. It is represented by an ellipse with name of the attribute inside. 1.1.3 Attribute Domain Values Attribute domain values are the valid values that can be assigned for an attribute. 1.1.4 Key Key is a data item that allows us to tell record apart. This can be further classified as: Super key A superkey can be defined as a set of attributes of a relation variable upon which all attributes of the relation variable are functionally dependent [5]. Candidate key Candidate key is defined as a candidate key as a superkey such that no proper subset of its attributes is itself a superkey. Composite key When a key consists of more than one attribute, it is called composite key [6]. Primary key In relational database design, a unique key or primary key is a candidate key to uniquely identify each row in a table [7]. Foreign key A foreign key is a referential constraint between two tables. The foreign key identifies a column or a set of columns in one table that refers to a column or set of columns in another table [8].