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Ebau 2020 inglés CyL, Exámenes selectividad de Inglés

Prueba extraordinaria inglés EBAU 2020

Tipo: Exámenes selectividad


Subido el 30/01/2025

chomonica 🇪🇸

3 documentos

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¡Descarga Ebau 2020 inglés CyL y más Exámenes selectividad en PDF de Inglés solo en Docsity! Evaluación de Bachillerato para el Acceso a la Universidad de Castilla y León INGLÉS EXAMEN Nº páginas: 4 INGLÉS - Examen - Propuesta nº 1 / 2020 Pág. 1 de 4 NOTE: Choose option A or B, and answer the questions from 1 to 4. For question 5, you can choose to write the composition that you like best, from either option A or option B. OPTION A HOW RISING TEMPERATURES DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE ARE SHORTENING PREGNANCIES It’s bad enough that adults have made a climatological mess of the world. It’s worse that the mess is having a disproportionate impact on kids—who did nothing to create the problem, but are more susceptible to health issues caused by rising temperatures than adults are. Now, it appears, global warming is doing its damage even further down the human age spectrum. According to a new study published in Nature Climate Change, rising temperatures may have a direct impact on human gestational time, 5 increasing the risk of early delivery. Babies are considered premature when they are born at 37 weeks or earlier. But delivery between 37 and 40 weeks is still not considered ideal, with late-term births correlated to lower birthweight and even potential cognitive development problems later in life. Many variables can cause an otherwise healthy pregnancy to come to term earlier than it should—one is extreme heat. 10 To study this effect, Alan Barreca, an associate professor at UCLA’s Institute of Environmental Sustainability, analyzed daily temperature and county-by-county birth rates across the U.S. in a two-decade window from 1969 to 1988. That is an admittedly old dataset, but the researchers had little choice. “In 1989, the vital statistics system started to be more cautious about information it allowed out publicly in order to make it hard to identify individuals precisely by place or date of birth,” says Barreca. “They 15 even began masking some counties. So 1969 to 1988 gave us the most thorough information.” In that dataset, the researchers found that on days when temperatures reached or exceeded 32.2ºC, the birth rate per 100,000 women increased by 0.97, compared to dates in which the temperature was between 16-21º C. There was a smaller, but still significant, bump of 0.57 additional births per 100,000 women on days that were hot but not quite as sweltering, ranging from 26.7-32.2º C. (Fragment adapted from TIME). 20 1) BRIEFLY ANSWER ONLY 4 OUT OF THE FOLLOWING 6 QUESTIONS WITH ONLY THE DATA REQUIRED (NOT A WHOLE SENTENCE) (2 POINTS; 0.5 POINTS EACH). 1. In the phrase who did nothing to create the problem (line 2), the word ‘who’ refers to … 2. In the phrase when they are born at 37 weeks or earlier (line 7), the word ‘they’ refers to … 3. Which type of mess is the text referring to? 4. In which journal did the study about the impact of rising temperatures appear? 5. Who is Alan Barreca? 6.What happened on days that were hot but not too hot? Evaluación de Bachillerato para el Acceso a la Universidad de Castilla y León INGLÉS EXAMEN Nº páginas: 4 INGLÉS - Examen - Propuesta nº 1 / 2020 Pág. 2 de 4 2) ARE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? INDICATE THE LINES THAT SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER (1 POINT). 1. Babies born at 40 weeks are still premature. 2. Extreme heat can cause an early delivery. 3) CHOOSE a OR b, ONLY ONE CHOICE IS CORRECT ACCORDING TO THE TEXT (1 POINT). a) It is admitted that the information in the dataset is old. b) The data set contains a two-decade information dealing with lower birthweight and baby development. 4) VOCABULARY (2 POINTS). 4.1 Choose one of the options below and find one word in the text for its definition (0.6 POINTS): a) Too large or too small in comparison to something else b) Easily influenced or harmed by something 4.2 Find a synonym in the text for one of the two words below (0.6 POINTS): a) heating b) enlarging 4.3 For one of the following words from the text, give a synonym that fits the meaning of the text (0.8 POINTS): a) cautious (line 14) b) identify (line 15) 5) WRITE ABOUT THE FOLLOWING TOPIC USING BETWEEN 120-150 WORDS (4 POINTS). What will happen if the birth rate keeps falling in Spain?