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jezyk angielski plural, Zadania z Język angielski

nieregularne rzeczowniki i ich odmiana jezyk angielski

Typologia: Zadania


Załadowany 11.12.2024

wika-34 🇵🇱

3 dokumenty

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Pobierz jezyk angielski plural i więcej Zadania w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! Name: Class: Date: Grammar: Irregular Plural Nouns Read the words in the box and then write their plural form under the picture: , sheep woman tooth goose foot mouse person scarf leaf ox child fish Check your understanding: Write a word to complete the sentences using the plural form of the nouns in the box: 1. We need a trap. I found a few _____________ living in our back yard. 2. In autumn before winter _____________ cover the roads and pavements. 3. To keep them healthy, everyone must brush their ________________ twice a day. 4. We enjoy feeding the __________ at Albert Park early in the morning. 5. My grandfather had about thirty white _____________ on his farm. 6. Anna loves _____________, she has about thirty in different colours. 7. Our _____________ were playing happily together in the garden. 8. Arthur caught nearly ten ______________ while he was at sea last weekend. 9. My _____________ are killing me. We have been walking for nearly two hours. 10. There were many ______________ at the graduation party yesterday. Exercise: Choose three of the words in the box & write sentences in the plural form.