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Software requirements& Specification
Assignment 2
Group Members
Muhammad Muaz Ashraf (70067005)
Mian Hamza Ali (70067004)
Ghulam Mustafa Hafeez (7006999)
Use Case ID: 1 Use Case Name: Create account Date Created: March 25, 2021 Actors: Customer Description: Customer needs to create account to be able to purchase anything from online shopping store. A customer will need to create account only once. He will provide basic some basic information like name, address, contact number, email, CNIC number etc. and set a password for his account. Only one account will be created against each CNIC number. Preconditions: 1.Customer should have to opened the website
- The customer should have requested for creating account Post conditions: 1. System must have added the record of the customer in the database Normal Flow: Customer System
- System will prompt the customer to enter basic information
- Customer will enter the basic information
- System will verify that the entered CNIC number is not in the database
- System will prompt the customer to set a new password and verify
- The customer will enter a new password and will re-enter it
- If both entered passwords match and satisfy password requirements then create an account for the customer Alternative Flows:
Exceptions: CNIC Number already registered Ask the user to login or recover password re-enter password do not match Ask the user to retype passwords Use Case ID: 2 Use Case Name: Login Date Created: March 25, 2021 Actors: Customer, Admin Description: A user login to system to access the functionality of the system User will login using username, password Preconditions: 1. system must be connected to network
- the user is given their account detail to access the system Post conditions: 1. after a successful login a notification mail is sent to user mail id
- user can access the site Normal Flow: Customer System
- customer will enter user name and password 2.System will verify it is password and user name registered and is information is right if information wrong it asked user to check and re-enter
- if info wrong user re-write it and enter
- system verify it and allow user to access site Exceptions: User account is not created by system Administrator
Use Case ID: 3 Use Case Name: Cancel order Date Created: March 25, 2021 Actors: Customer, Admin Description: In this use case user can cancel his order if it is unopened. And he return it within 30 days or applicable according to policy Preconditions: 1. Order is must place before cancellation Post conditions: 1. it will show order cancellation confirmation message and remove order from cart. Normal Flow: Customer System
- customer select cancel order option
- System check that order which user want to cancel and show display cancel order screen to user
- customer will select cancel order
- if order has not shipped system cancel it and update user cart if it placed it check is it unopen and cancel it
Exceptions: Order is placed and it is opened. User cancel order after 30 days. . Use Case ID: 4 Use Case Name: View Product Date Created: March 25, 2021 Actors: Customer Description: In this use case user can see the products which are available on home screen he can see products with different categories Preconditions: 1. He must have his account on site
- He’s login into his account Post conditions: 1. He can open the product and check feedback comments and pictures of product Normal Flow: Customer System
- Customer want to access or see product
- System check is it verified customer if it is verified
- customer access any kind of product in site
Exceptions: Some unauthorized want to access. Use Case ID: 5 Use Case Name: Book Product Date Created: March 25, Actors: Customer Description: Customer will select one of the product from the products available and then add this product to cart. Preconditions: 3.Customer should have login into the website. Post conditions: 1. System must have added the product to the cart so it will be delivered. Normal Flow: Customer System
- System will show the available products
- Customer will select one of the product and fill the required conditions to deliver.
- System will verify the details entered and then add to
the delivery/shipping log. Alternative Flows: Exceptions: The product might not be available. The details might not match like payment method invalid The credit card details failed. Use Case ID: 6 Use Case Name: Feedback Date Created: March 25, Actors: Customer Description: Customer will give feedback after receiving the ordered product through their account so that we will able to improve the flaws of our system or product. When he login the feedback form will be shown and they will have option to fill or skip. Preconditions: 1. Customer should have login into the website.
- Customer should have received the Ordered product. Post conditions: 1. The given feedback should be saved to the database and the reviews and rating should be shown to other customer for the product. Normal Flow: Customer System
- Customer will enter the feedback form and submit.
- The system then save the provided feedback and show it to the admin of the system.
Alternative Flows: Exceptions: The customer might not fill the system and skip it. Use Case ID: 7 Use Case Name: Payment Through Credit Card Date Created: March 25, Actors: Customer Description: Customer will select the credit card option in the payment method and then fill the details of the credit card in order to have the transaction of the amount through the bank. Preconditions: 1. Customer should have selected the product he wants to buy.
- From the payment method option he should select Credit Card option. Post conditions: 1. System must have added the product to the cart so it will be delivered. Normal Flow: Customer System
- System will prompt the customer to enter the relevant details.
- Customer will enter the required information which is required for the successful transaction.
- System will verify the details entered and then the transaction will be done. 4.The system should save the information of transaction for the future process if needed. Alternative Flows: Exceptions: The details might be wrong entered so the transaction will be denied. The amount might be insufficient and the transaction will be denied. Use Case ID: 8 Use Case Name: Log Out Date Created: March 25, Actors: Customer, Admin Description: The users will select the logout icon on the screen and the system prompt a message for confirmation and the user press the ok message and gets logout of the system. Preconditions: 1. The users should be login first. Post conditions: 1. System must logout and users will not be able to see the home screen and no process can be done afterwards Normal Flow: Customer, Admin System
- They select the logout icon on the screen.
- The system should stop process if any and gets logout the user.
- System will not allow user to do processing until gets login first. Alternative Flows: Exceptions: Use Case ID: 9 Use Case Name: Add and update items Date Created: March 25, 2021 Actors: Admin Description: Admin will be responsible to add and update items to the cart list. He can add new product or change the details of the current products. Preconditions: 1. The admin must login the account.
- Also he should have rights to do so. Post conditions: 1. System must have add and update items after the admin accessed to perform and then the customer must be able to see that. Normal Flow: Admin System
- The admin select the add/ update tab.
- System will ask add or update the items.
- Admin will then enter the details of the items add or
- System will save the new item added or updated and display to customer Alternative Flows: Exceptions: The system fails to enter the details: The admin then refresh the system and try again. Use Case ID: 10 Use Case Name: Manage Customers Date Created: March 25, 2021 Actors: Admin Description: Here Admin will manage customer details and other activities of the customer. Preconditions: 3. System must have customers.
- Admin can manage customer until unless he canceled the order. Post conditions: 1. The update or the new information added will be displayed and the admin can have access to it. Normal Flow: Admin System
- System will check whether the customer has logged in or not.
- Admin will check the history of customer
- System will verify whether customer cancelled an order or not.
- System will add customers Exceptions: You are now the customer. waiting for your response for an order. Use Case ID: 11 Use Case Name: Shipping order Date Created: March 25, 2021 Actors: Admin Description: In this the admin can manage the shipping orders placed by the customer he can track the shipping details and maintain the process of shipping. Preconditions: 3. Customer must have placed order.
- Admin should login before this. Post conditions: 1. Admin will able to see the order details of the shipping orders. Normal Flow: Admin System
- System will show the shipping orders.
- Admin will maintain the orders of the customer.
- Admin will select customer order and check the status of the orders.
- Orders will be add to the system and wait for the delivery date. Exceptions: Dear customer your Order is placed thank you! You can cancel your order. You can replace your order until 7 days of dispatch. . Use Case ID: 12 Use Case Name: Add/ cancel shelf for suppliers Date Created: March 25, 2021 Actors: Admin Description: Here Admin will decide to add shelfs for the suppliers or not. Here suppliers can sale item using website. Preconditions: 3. He must have his account on site
- He’s login into his account Post conditions: 2. He can open the product and check the history of suppliers and
product details or in stock. Normal Flow: Admin System
- Admin will verify the shelf proposed by suppliers. 4. System will add this shelf.
- Admin can access the shelfs, have full access. Exceptions: You can add your product to the system!