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Planejamento e Acompanhamento de Projetos, Esquemas de Gerenciamento de Projetos Arquitetônicos

Uma lista de tarefas e atividades relacionadas ao planejamento e execução de um projeto. Ele inclui informações sobre prioridades, prazos, status de conclusão e atribuição de tarefas a membros da equipe. O documento abrange uma ampla gama de atividades, desde pesquisa de usuários e aprovação de autoridades externas até a documentação de leituras técnicas e de negócios, além do planejamento da próxima linha do tempo do projeto. Essa diversidade de tarefas e a estrutura organizada do documento o tornam uma ferramenta valiosa para gerenciar efetivamente o ciclo de vida de um projeto, desde o planejamento inicial até a conclusão final.

Tipologia: Esquemas


Compartilhado em 19/07/2024

guilherme-pereira-la6 🇧🇷

9 documentos

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Baixe Planejamento e Acompanhamento de Projetos e outras Esquemas em PDF para Gerenciamento de Projetos Arquitetônicos, somente na Docsity! TASK CHECKLIST Conduct user research High March 21 Cross reference old questionnaire Compile research data and create report Medium March 25 Consult with product designer Present report to team and receive feedback Low April 03 Include product design team Verify project deliverables meet the requirements High April 15 Additional comments here Gather external opinions on the project Medium April 30 Additional comments here Picking & executing the right modeling Medium May 02 Additional comments here Document technical and business readings Medium May 13 Additional comments here Planning the next project timeline High May 15 Additional comments here External authority approval process Low May 21 Additional comments here DONE TASK PRIORITY DUE DATE % COMPLETE NOTES 100% 70% 50% 70% 20% 30% 60% 100% 100% TASK NAME STATUS DUE DATE TASK TYPE ACTUAL HOURSASSIGNED TO HOURS BUDGETED M O N D AY TU ES D AY W ED N ES D AY TH U RS D AY FR ID AY Write email series In progress January 8 Content Rebecca 4 3.5 Wireframe landing page Not started January 10 UX Aaron 2 2 Design campaign board Complete January 13 Design Micah 12 13.5 Build checkout page On hold February 04 Development Emily 4.5 4 Write email series In progress February 04 Content Rebecca 4 3.5 Wireframe landing page Not started February 04 UX Aaron 2 2 Design campaign board Complete January 23 Design Micah 12 13.5 Build checkout page On hold January 25 Development Emily 4.5 3 Write email series In progress January 5 Content Rebecca 4 3.5 Wireframe landing page Not started January 19 UX Aaron 2 2 Design campaign board Complete February 28 Design Micah 12 13.5 Build checkout page On hold February 5 Development Emily 4.5 6 Write email series In progress February 17 Content Rebecca 4 3.5 Wireframe landing page Not started January 15 UX Aaron 2 2 Design campaign board Complete January 17 Design Micah 12 13.5 Build checkout page On hold January 07 Development Emily 4.5 4.5 Write email series In progress February 15 Content Rebecca 4 3.5 Wireframe landing page Not started January 30 UX Aaron 2 2 Design campaign board Complete January 30 Design Micah 12 13.5 Build checkout page On hold January 28 Development Emily 4.5 3.5 W E E K LY T A S K L IS T TASK ASSIGNMENT TABLE TASK DESCRIPTION ASSIGNED TO ASSIGNED ON DUE ON DAYS REMAINING STATUS Create a financial monthly reporting template Emily March 01 April 10 14 Not started External authority approval process Ryan March 01 April 14 14 In progress Gather external opinions on the project Ryan March 01 March 20 14 In progress Picking & executing the right modeling Carolyn March 09 August 30 21 Done Measuring and reporting test coverage Jonathan March 09 March 30 21 Not started Planning and controlling of resources Donna March 09 March 30 21 Not started Verify that project deliverables meet the requirements Tamara March 09 April 18 21 Not started Milestone – Gather metrics and satisfaction form Tamara May 01 June 20 31 Done Establish project schedule Brian May 01 June 20 31 Done Lead and manage the project team Theresa May 01 July 14 45 Done Milestone – Document technical and business readings Emily May 01 July 14 45 In progress Planning the next project timeline Carolyn May 01 July 14 45 Not started 1 02 Emily Jones Done In progress Stuck 2 10 Jonathan Kurtis Done In progress Stuck 3 01 Donna Smiths Done In progress Stuck 2 10 Carolyn Jones Done In progress Stuck 1 01 Tamara White Done In progress Stuck 1 10 Brian Martins Done In progress Stuck 2 13 Ryan Hansen Done In progress Stuck 1 03 Theresa Stones Done In progress Stuck Get the full version of this presentation and access our library of hundreds of corporate resources Join You Exec Plus today and take your career to new heights. Receive premium corporate resources in your inbox every week. Start today

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