Baixe Resoluções Jackson capitulo 7 e outras Exercícios em PDF para Eletromagnetismo, somente na Docsity! 7.1 For each set of Stokes parameters given below deduce the amplitude of the electric field, up to an overall phase, in both linear polarization and circular polarization bases and make an accurate drawing similar to Fig. 7.4 showing the lengths of the axes of one of the ellipses and its orientation. (a) ;2s ,2s ,1s ,3 3210 s (b) .7s ,24s ,0s ,23 3210 s Apply Eq. (7.26)(7.27)and(7.28) aa s a s a ss aa s a s a ss c l 2 sin 2 s 2 2 sin 2 s 2 213030 21 31 122 10 1 10 (a) rad aa rad aa s c 1071.1 2 5 2 1 2 2 sin 2 5 , 2 1 4 1 22 2 sin 2 ,1 2s ,2s ,1s ,3 1 1 l 21 3210 (b) rad ss a a rad aa s s c l 2 1 342 24 sin 3 2 4 2 32 28379.0 2 25 2 25 2 7 sin 2 sin 7s ,24s ,0s ,23 1 30 21 31 3210 7.2 A plane wave is incident on a layered interface as shown in the figure. The indices of refraction of the three nonpermeable media are 321 ,, nnn . The thickness of the intermediate layer is d. Each of the other media is semi‐infinite. (a) Calculate the transmission and reflection coefficients (ratios of transmitted and reflected Poynting’s flux to the incident flux), and sketch their behavior as a function of frequency for .1,4,2 and ;1,2,3;3,2,1 321321321 nnnnnnnnn (b) The medium 1n is part of an optical system (e.g., a lens); medium 3n is air ( 13 n ). It is desired to put an optical coating (medium 2n ) on the surface so that there is no reflected wave for a frequency 0 . What thickness a and index of refraction 2n are necessary? (a) Choose a coordinate system such that the electric field is along x‐axis, the magnetic field along the y‐axis and the wave propagates in z‐direction. In medium 1n , the incident and reflected waves are described by: y E B ,xEE ; y E B ,xEE 1111 1 r rrr 1 i iii tzkitzkitzkitzki eeee In medium 2n , there are both forward (denoted as +) and backward (‐) propagating waves and are described by: y E B ,xEE; y E B ,xEE 2222 2 - --- 2 tzkitzkitzkitzki eeee In medium 3n , there is only transmitted wave: y E B ,xEE 33 3 t ttt tzkitzki ee Where 3 3 2 2 1 1 k ,k ,k are wave numbers in the three media. For nonpermeable media 0321 , B andE are continuous at each interface (x=0, d). At x=0, one has: 2 - 1 ri -rt EEEE ; EEEE At x=d, one has: dik dikd dikdkdk e e e 3 22 322 3 t 2 -ik ti--i EEeE ;EeEeE Let 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 ; n n n n The four equations are then dikdkdkdikdkdk ee 322322 ti--iti--i -ri-ri EeEeE ;EeEeE EEEE ;EEEE Solving for :equations last two thefrom E and E 22 - dikdik ee dikdikdikdik eeee 3232 t-t E1 2 1 E ,E1 2 1 E Add the first two equations to eliminate rE : dikdikdik eee 223 1111E 2 1 E1E1E2 t-i Solving for tE in terms of iE : dkidke dik 22t i sin2cos1 2 1 E E 3 Therefore, dkdkdk 2 2222 2 22 2 22 2 t i sin111sincos1 E E 4 The transmission coefficient c d dk 2 22 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 31 2 2 3 2 21 2 2222 2 i t 1 3 2i 11 2t 33 i t nsinnnnnnnn nnn4 sin111 4 E E n n E E I I T It varies between the two extremism values 231 31 22 31 2 2 3 2 21 1 nn n4n T , nnn nn4n T As a function of ω for a fixed d or as a function of d for fixed ω. From the energy conservation, c d c d 2 22 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 31 2 2 2 22 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 31 2 2 nsinnnnnnnn nsinnnnnnnn T1R In the special case of d=0, the coefficient reduce to the familiar forms of two media. (b) For 1n3 , the reflection coefficient c d c d 2 22 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 22 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 nsinnn1n1nn nsinnn1n1nn R To have zero reflection at 0 , the following condition must be satisfied: 0nsinnn1n1nn 0 2 22 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 c d Since 1n 1,n 21 , this is only possible if 12 nn . One set of possible solytion is given by 0nn1n1nn and ,1nsin 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 22 2 c d This leads to 01 12 n2 1 d and nn c l where l is a non‐zero integer. 7.3 Two plane semi‐infinite slabs of the same uniform, isotropic, nonpermeable, lossless dielectric with index of refraction n are parallel and separated by an air gap (n=1) of width d. A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency ω is incident on the gap from one of the slabs with angle of incidence i. For linear polarization both parallel to and perpendicular to the plane of incidence, (a) Calculate the ratio of power transmitted into the second slab to the incident power and the ratio of reflected to incident power; (b) z z z z z z z iiii i iiiii e e ei i eiii i e i e i e i eeee i i v c e ee v eee kIm22 t0 0 0 kIm22 t0 kIm22 t0IIR 0 kIm22 t * IRTR * IRIR 0 kIm22 t 2*20 kIm22 t * 0 * 0 kIm22 t * 0 * znk tt * 00 znk tt00 znk t *kz t ** 00 znk t00 znk t znk t znk t znk tt xnk t EkRenIm EnRenIm En2nn2 2 Re Ennnnnnnn 2 Re Enn 2 Re Enn 2 Re Enn 2 Re Enn 1 EnnEE 2 Re 2HBDERe c n k n Enn EnEn 1 Enk 1 Ek 1 B ,EE 7.13 A stylized model of the ionosphere is a medium described by the dielectric constant (7.59). Consider the earth with such a medium beginning suddenly at a height h and extending to infinity. For waves with polarization both perpendicular to the plane of incident (from a horizontal antenna) and in the plane of incidence (from a vertical antenna), (a) Show from Fresnel’s equation for reflection and refraction that for p there is a range of angles of incidence for which reflection is not total, but for larger angles there is total reflection back toward the earth. (b) A radio amateur operating at a wavelength of 21 meters in the early evening finds that she can receive distant stations located more than 1000km away, but none closer. Assuming that the signals are being reflected from the F layer of the ionosphere at an effective height of 300km, calculate the electron the electron density. Compare with the know maximum and minimum F layer densities of 312 m102~ in the daytime and 1111 m10)42(~ a night. (a) The index of refraction of the ionosphere is 22 2 2 0 1 1n p p The ratios between the amplitudes of reflected and incident wave are given by Eqs. (7.39) and (7.41) for the two polarizations. Note the Eqs. (7.41) and (7.39) have different sign conventions for " 0E . nsinn sin 0sinn' incidence of plane Efor sinn'cosn'sinn'cosn' incidence of plane Efor sinn'cossinn'cos incidence of plane Efor 1 sinn'cosn' sinn'cosn' E E incidence of plane Efor )reflection total(1 sinn'cos sinn'cos E E n' ionosphere of medium , 1nearth (7.41) incidence of plane Efor sinnn'ncosn' sinnn'ncosn' E E (7.39) incidence of plane Efor sinnn'ncos sinnn'ncos E E 122 222222 2222 222 222 0 " 0 22 22 0 " 0 2222 2222 0 " 0 222 222 0 " 0 c In both cases, the amplitude of the ratio is unity when 'sin is imaginary. This corresponds cases that the incidence angle θis greater than the critical angle c : 22 11 sinnsin p c Therefore, the reflection is partial if c and is total if pc for (b) For simplicity, treat the ionosphere and the earth as flat surfaces and assume that the amateur can only receive distant stations when the wave is totally reflected. In this case, 22 2 p22 22 22 h4 h4 2 h4 h4 sin d c d d d d p c Where h=300km is the effective height of the F layer, d=10000km is the distance between the station and the receiver and m21 is the wavelength. Plugging in the numbers, we get the plasma frequency Hzp 7 22 28 106.4 30041000 3004 21 103 2 which corresponds to an electron density 311 2 2 0 m106.6 m n c p Note the day‐night difference is due to the sunlight. 7.19 An approximately monochromatic plane wave packet in one dimension has the instantaneous form, xiexf 0k)(x,0u , with )(xf the modulation envelope. For each of the forms xf below, calculate the wave‐number spectrum 2 kA of the packet, sketch 22 kA and x,0u , evaluate explicitly the rms deviations from the means k andx (defined in terms of the intensities 22 kA and x,0u ), and test inequality(7.82). (a) 2)x( xNef (b) 4)x( xNef (c) 1xfor 0 1xfor 1 )x( xN f (d) a a f xfor 0 xfor N )x( (a) xkkx kx 0)x(x,0ux x,0u 2 1 kA kkA 2 1 0,u ii i efde dex 22 0 kk 0 kk 0 kk 0 kk 2x kk4 22 2 xRe2 2 xx 2 x 2 kA x 0 2x 0 2x 0 2x 0 2x N dee N deedee N dee N Nef i iii Let us take N=1 and measure x in units of 1 , then 2 2 2x2 4 1 k 1 2 1 kA x,0u e (b) 22 0 22 0 22 0 2222 kk 0 4x xkk 0 4xxkk4xx 2 2 xxkkcos2 2 xRe2 2 x 2 kA x e N de N dee N dee N Nef ii Taking N=1, α=1 (c) 2 0 00000 1 0 0 1 1 xkk kk kksinkkkkcoskkkksin 2 2 xxkkcosx1 2 2 xx1 2 kA otherwise 0 ,1x ,x1x 0 N d N de N Nf i (d) 0 0 0 0 0 xkk kk kksin2 xxkkcos2 2 xRe2 2 A(k) otherwise 0,x ,x 0 a Nd N de N anf aa i Choosing N=1, a=1 7.20 A homogeneous, isotropic, nonpermeable dielectric is characterized by an index of refraction n ω , which is in general complex in order to describe absorptive processes. (a) show that the general solution for plane waves in one dimension can be written xncixnciti eBeAedtxu 2 1 , where txu , is a component of E or B. (b) if txu , is real, show that n ω n ω . (c) Show that, if tu ,0 and xtu ,0 are the boundary values of u and its derivative at x 0, the coefficients A ω and B ω are t x u n ic tudte B A ti ,0,0 2 1 2 1 (a) Just Fourier transform (b) txu , real, then 0,, * txutxu 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 ,, * ** ** ** * nnxcixciti nnxcinnxciti xncixncixncixnciti xncixncitixncixnciti eeeBeAed eeeBeeeAed eBeAeBeAed eBeAeeBeAed txutxu * 0 * nn ee nn (c) tudteBA BAedtu ti ti ,0 2 1 2 1 ,0 BAn c ied eBn c ieAn c ied x tu ti x xncixnciti 2 1 2 1,0 0 t x u n ic tudte B A x tu n ic edBA ti ti ,0,0 2 1 2 1 ,0 2 1 7.22 Use the Kramers‐Kronig relation (7.120) to calculate the real part of , given the imaginary part of for positive as (a) 21 0 Im 012 (b) 22222 0 0 Im (a)