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VHDL Subprograms: Functions and Procedures, Study notes of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

A chapter from 'vhdl in action' by martin that discusses subprograms in vhdl, including functions and procedures. The reasons for using subprograms, their issues, classes, ports and parameters, constraints, and examples. It also explains the rules for functions and procedures, subprogram overloading, and visibility.

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Download VHDL Subprograms: Functions and Procedures and more Study notes Electrical and Electronics Engineering in PDF only on Docsity!

VHDL in Action

Chapter 3


pp. 90-

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 2


z Why have subprograms?

  • Design re-use, Sharing, Readability

z Subprogram issues:

  • How do subprograms execute with respect to simulation time? - Wait statements? - Signal assignments? - Concurrent vs. sequential subprograms

z Two types of subprograms:

  • Functions
  • Procedures

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 3

VHDL Subprograms

z Classes of subprograms

• Function

  • Computes and returns a value
  • Does not modify any arguments
  • Used only in expressions

• Procedure

  • May modify its arguments
  • Does not return a value
  • Sequential or Concurrent Statement ECE 4514 Martin 2003 4

Ports and Subprogram


z Port modes define how signals

connect to an entity:

  • IN information flows into entity
  • OUT information flows out of entity
  • INOUT information flows into and out of entity
  • BUFFER information flows into and out of entity
  • LINKAGE information flows into and out of entity

z Subprogram interface parameters

are similar to ports

Interface Parameter of

mode OUT

z OUT parameters can only be assigned:

entity FOO is

port (D: out Boolean);

end FOO;

architecture BLAH of FOO is

signal E: Bit;


D <= 5 > 3 ; -- This is correct.

E <= ' 1 ' when D else ' 0 '; -- This is an error.

end BLAH;

Constraints on Declarations

of Parameters

z Mode IN - Constants or Signals

z Mode OUT - Variables or Signals

z Mode INOUT - Variables or Signals

z All PORTS in entities must be


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 7


z To declare a function in VHDL, specify:

  • the name of the function
  • the input parameters (if any) (formal parameters)
  • the type of the returned value
  • any declarations required by the function
  • an algorithm for the computation of the returned


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 8


z Declare in architecture declaration


architecture WITHFUNCTION of WHAT is

<declare function(s) here>


< call functions here>


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 9

Structure for Function

Body Specification

function function_name ( function_formal_parameter_list )

return return_type is




return ( return_value );

end function_name ;

z CONSTRAINT: All parameters in the function formal

parameter list must have mode IN.

z No signals allowed in the function declaration part.

No WAIT statements allowed either directly or indirectly.

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 10

Function Example

z Type conversion: Bit_vector to Integer:

function BV2INT ( BVIN:Bit_vector( 7 downto 0 )) return Integer is variable TEMP: Integer := 0 ; begin for i in 0 to 7 loop if BVIN(i) = ' 1 ' then TEMP := TEMP + 2**i; end if; end loop; return TEMP; end BV2INT;

Variables in functions

are dynamic.

Another Function Body

function DECODE3TO8 ( V: Bit_vector ( 2 downto 0 )) return Bit_vector is variable RESULT: Bit_vector( 7 downto 0 ) := "00000001"; begin if v(0) = ' 1 ' then RESULT := RESULT(6 downto 0) & ' 0 '; end if; if v(1) = ' 1 ' then RESULT := RESULT(5 downto 0) & " 00 "; end if; if v(2) = ' 1 ' then RESULT := RESULT(3 downto 0) & " 0000 "; end if; return RESULT; end DECODE3TO8;


Using Functions

architecture FPGA of CONTROL_UNIT is insert function definition here signal IAREG, IBREG, ICREG: Bit_vector(9 downto 0); signal AREGSEL, BREGSEL, CREGSEL: Bit_vector(2 downto 0); begin

IAREG <= "00" & DECODE3TO8( AREGSEL ); IBREG <= "00" & DECODE3TO8( BREGSEL ); ICREG <= "00" & DECODE3TO8( CREGSEL ); o o o


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 13

Function Example

architecture BEHAV of DFF is signal CLK: Bit; function RISING_EDGE (signal CLOCK: Bit ) return Boolean is variable EDGE: Boolean; begin EDGE := (CLOCK=' 1 ' and CLOCK'event ); return( EDGE ); end RISING_EDGE; begin o o


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 14

Function Example



Fred: process


wait until (RISING_EDGE(CLK));

q <= d after 5 ns;

end process Fred;

end behav;


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 15

Another example

z Functions can even be used for delays:

function delay(value: bit; phl: time; plh: time) return time is begin if value = '1' then return plh; else return phl; end if; end delay;

z Then elsewhere:

A <= B and C after delay(B and C, 16 ns, 10 ns); ECE 4514 Martin 2003 16

Function Usage

z Rules for functions:

• The only allowable mode for

parameters is in.

• The only allowed object classes

are constant or signal.

• If the object class is not specified,

it is assumed to be constant.


z PROCEDURES are subprograms that can

modify one or more of the input


z Parameters may be of mode IN, OUT or


z If the class of a parameter is not explicitly

declared, it is assumed that:

  • INs are assumed to be of class CONSTANT
  • OUTs and INOUTs are assumed to be VARIABLE

Procedures (cont'd)

z As with functions, type of formal in

declaration must match type of actual

when called.

z Variables declared within a procedure are

initialized on each procedure call and

values do not persist across invocations of

the procedure.

Variables declared within procedures are dynamic.

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 19


z To declare a PROCEDURE in VHDL,


  • the name of the procedure
  • the input and output parameters (if any)
  • any declarations required by the

procedure itself

  • an algorithm

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 20

Structure for Procedure

Body Specification

procedure procedure_name ( procedure_parameter_list ) is




end procedure_name ;

z Parameters in the procedure formal parameter list may

have mode IN, OUT, or INOUT.

z No signals allowed in the procedure declaration part.

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 21

Example Procedure (1 of 3)

procedure ADSU16P (signal A : in Bit_vector(15 downto 0); signal B : in Bit_vector(15 downto 0); signal CIN : in Bit; signal ADD : in Bit; signal S : out Bit_vector(15 downto 0); signal OFL : out Bit) is variable MS : Bit_vector ( 15 downto 0 ); variable MB : Bit_vector ( 15 downto 0 ); variable CARRY : Bit; begin o


Internal variables visible only inside procedure.

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 22

Example (2 of 3)


if ADD = ' 1 ' then


MB := B;


CARRY := not CIN;

for i in 0 to 15 loop

MB(i) := not B(i);

end loop;

end if;

Example (3 of 3)

for i in 0 to 15 loop MS(i) := MB(i) xor (A(i) xor CARRY); CARRY := (MB(i) and A(i)) or ( (MB(i) and CARRY) or (A(i) and CARRY)); end loop; -- compute overflow bit if (MB(15) = A(15)) then OFL <= MB(15) xor MS(15); else OFL <= ' 0 '; end if; S <= MS; end ADSU16P;

Using Procedures

z Signals cannot be declared in


z Ports are visible within procedures

z Can have WAITs in procedure **

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 25


z Procedures can be called as

concurrent statements or as

sequential statements within a


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 26

Procedure Usage

z Rules for procedures:

  • The allowable modes for parameters are

in, out, and inout

  • The allowable object classes depend on

the mode of the parameter.

  • If the mode is in and if no object class is

specified, then constant is assumed

  • If the mode is inout or out and if no

object class is specified, then variable is


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 27

Subprogram Overloading

z Same function name can be

used to identify a variety of

functions or procedures

z Names are the same, but differ


• number of parameter arguments

• types of individual parameters

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 28

Overload Example

z These all have different types:

function "and" ( ARG1, ARG2 : Bit ) return Bit;

function "and" ( ARG1, ARG2 : Bit_vector) return


function "and" (ARG1, ARG2 : Std_logic ) return


function "and" (ARG1, ARG2 : Signed ) return Signed;

function "and" (ARG1, ARG2 : COLOR ) return COLOR;

Overload Example

z Different number of parameters:

DFF ( CLK, D, Q );



z Cannot have both the same

number of parameters and the

same types for parameters



All signals in this example are assumed to be of type BIT

Overloading Example 2b

z Overloading by type:

architecture OLOAD is

signal A, B, Z : Bit;

signal AV, BV, ZV : Bit_vector(3 downto 0);


Z <= A and B;

ZV <= AV and BV;



ECE 4514 Martin 2003 31

More Overloads

z Can also overload other built-in


• +

function "+" (A, B : COLOR) return COLOR;

• *

function "*" (A, B : Std_logic_vector) return


ECE 4514 Martin 2003 32

Subprogram visibility

ECE 4514 Martin 2003 33


z Two types of subprograms:

• Functions

  • Return a single value, cannot modify


  • No side effects

• Procedures

  • Can return multiple values, modify inputs
  • May have side effects