Recent questions in Dental surgery

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over 11 years ago

Enlist and describe the various symptoms of Vascular Malformations.

Hey guys! This is a scenario type of question so I’ll need your opinions and information to be more precise on it. Please feel free to respond, thank you very much for your concerns. 
over 11 years ago

Discuss the goal of surgery for AV malformation.

This question is very commonly discussed in our course without any appropriate solution. I have tried to come up with one many times, but always in vain. So guys I’m depending on you people, so kindly help me out.
over 11 years ago

Pen down the time period before which no intervention should be made in treating AV Malformation.

I need to know the answer to this question for feeding my general knowledge on this topic, as I have always had a corner of craze for such things. Please elaborate my question for me! 
over 11 years ago

Discuss the goal of embolization.

I am starting my own research work regarding this topic and I need an immediate answer to boost up my intellect so that I can publish the same for my university colleagues.
over 11 years ago

Which surgery has increase the success rate of A-V Malformations?

I have been given a task from my group fellows, and I need this answer for fulfilling it as we have to submit our report by the end of this week. Please guys help me out.
over 11 years ago

High flow lesions can have turbulent blood flow.Mention the risks attached with it.

I am trying to develop my knowledge regarding this topic, as I am a free lance writer in a weekly digest. I would really appreciate your efforts for my purpose.
1-6 of 122
over 11 years ago

How can we recognize if it's a malignant tumour or not?

I am a tuition provider and I was asked this question by one of my students, can someone please help me out with this?
over 11 years ago

From Oral lesions,one can diagnose malignant tumour.Mention the important points.

I love to have a detailed knowledge in this field, please help me out with my enquiry asap. Lots of thanks! 
over 11 years ago

Discuss the goal of embolization.

I am starting my own research work regarding this topic and I need an immediate answer to boost up my intellect so that I can publish the same for my university colleagues.
over 11 years ago

Pen down the time period before which no intervention should be made in treating AV Malformation.

I need to know the answer to this question for feeding my general knowledge on this topic, as I have always had a corner of craze for such things. Please elaborate my question for me! 
over 11 years ago

Early diagnosis of malignant tumor is crcucial for treatment.Explain briefly.

I am making a research journal for my industry that provides information in this field. Please help me with my enquiry.
over 11 years ago

Highlight the important points for clinical diagnosis of oral cancer.

I was asked this question in a general discussion on a related topic, somebody please provide me with an answer.
1-6 of 122
Dental surgery