Recent questions in Human Resource Management

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Assume you've been recruited as a consultant to provide advise to Sri Lankan tourism on the following:

​a) How will the industry's talent be handled and kept informed during the pandemic?b) What role does HR play in each hotel in retaining and growing its employees?c) How to use virtual learning to maintain and improve domain skills d) How to establish and manage a collaborative work environment in the new norm

You are supposed to make a summary in your own words of each chapter of HRM

Requirements:· You are supposed to make a summary in your own words of each chapter (whatever have been covered by the instructors in the given course) from HRM course.++Expectations from the Students++· At the first hand, list down all the chapters and the given topics from each chapter which have been covered by the instructors during the class.· Afterwards, students are supposed to read, revise and understand learned concepts in a very detail perspective with help of self-studies or by doing group discussion with their classmates.· Once they completely understand and memorize the learned concepts about the required topics, now they are supposed to write down all the learnt topics from the listed chapters in a very systematic form in order to submit it to the course instructor by considering all mentioned guidelines.​

Explain four approaches in employee development. Use appropriate examples to support your answer.

eeeefchapter 10. Due to the recent pandemic case (COVID 19) many companies were forced to retrench their employees. Suggest four outplacement services you can provide to help employees to cope with layoff.hhh humam

Human Resource Planning and Audit ICFAI University question paper

Need Human Resource Planning and Audit ICFAI University old question paper

inefficiency introduced by one unit introduced of tax to the society

Profit Versus Revenue Maximization. Presto Products, Inc., manufactures small electrical appliances and has recently introduced an innovative new dessert maker for frozen yogurt and tofu that has the clear potential to offset the weak pricing and sluggish volume growth experienced during recent periods. Monthly demand and cost relations for Presto’s frozen dessert maker are as follows: SHow the inefficiency introduced by one unit introduced of tax to the society


why is that despite team leadership being one of the best leadership and still most multi-diverse organization encourages and practice autocratic leadership?
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Is there anyone who can tell me about the concept of Outside seminars.

Hi Everyone! I wouldn't be bothering but this seems far above my caliber. Please tell me about the concept of Outside seminars..

What is meant by collective bargaining, a concept of Labor Unions?

Hi community! Can someone help me with this assignment question.Please tell me about Collective Bargaining.

Any body have idea about Job enrichment.

Hi community! Can someone help me with this assignment question. Please tell me about Job enrichment.

Does anybody know about Reference providers’ concerns in background investigations and reference checks?

I really sucked at Management , Please tell me about the Reference providers’ concerns in background investigations and reference checks.

What is the concept of Role playing in Human resource Management.

I was wondering , please tell me about the concept of Role playing.

Does any one knows about the concept of good faith bargaining.

I have an assignment due next week. Please provide the relevant solution. The question is about good faith bargaining.
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Human Resource Management