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Write an assembly code

Suppose that a switch is connected to RC1 and 8 LEDs are connected to PORTB. Write an assembly code that monitors RC1. If RC1 is set, it turns on odd LEDs and turns off even LEDs. if RC1 is cleared, it does the opposite (turns off odd LEDs and turns on even LEDs).odd LEDs are LEDs connected to  pins 1,3,5,7 of PORTBeven LEDs  are LEDs connected to  pins 0,2,4,6 of PORTB

What is pushed on the stack (in decimal or binary) after executing the following program

What is pushed on the stack (in decimal or binary) after executing the following program##### ORG 0MOVLW 05HMOVFF 05H,100HBACKCALL DELAYDECF 20HBNZ BACK

Write an assembly code

Suppose that a switch is connected to RC1 and 8 LEDs are connected to PORTB. Write an assembly code that monitors RC1. If RC1 is set, it turns on odd LEDs and turns off even LEDs. if RC1 is cleared, it does the opposite (turns off odd LEDs and turns on even LEDs).odd LEDs are LEDs connected to  pins 1,3,5,7 of PORTBeven LEDs  are LEDs connected to  pins 0,2,4,6 of PORTB

What is pushed on the stack (in decimal or binary) after executing the following program

What is pushed on the stack (in decimal or binary) after executing the following program##### ORG 0MOVLW 05HMOVFF 05H,100HBACKCALL DELAYDECF 20HBNZ BACK
over 11 years ago

What is the criteria for choosing a Microcontroller?

Hi, I want a microcontroller for my project. Can anyone explain the criteria for choosing a particular microcontroller?
over 11 years ago

" What is an Embedded System? "

Please anyone define Embedded System for me.

What is pushed on the stack (in decimal or binary) after executing the following program

What is pushed on the stack (in decimal or binary) after executing the following program##### ORG 0MOVLW 05HMOVFF 05H,100HBACKCALL DELAYDECF 20HBNZ BACK

Write an assembly code

Suppose that a switch is connected to RC1 and 8 LEDs are connected to PORTB. Write an assembly code that monitors RC1. If RC1 is set, it turns on odd LEDs and turns off even LEDs. if RC1 is cleared, it does the opposite (turns off odd LEDs and turns on even LEDs).odd LEDs are LEDs connected to  pins 1,3,5,7 of PORTBeven LEDs  are LEDs connected to  pins 0,2,4,6 of PORTB
over 11 years ago

" What is an Embedded System? "

Please anyone define Embedded System for me.
over 11 years ago

What is the criteria for choosing a Microcontroller?

Hi, I want a microcontroller for my project. Can anyone explain the criteria for choosing a particular microcontroller?
Embedded Systems