Recent questions in Literature and Development

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What Messenger formula was given in Biblic literature?

I wasn't able to attend my university because of my back pain so I don’t know the solution of this question.

Prophets were what kind of personnels?

I missed the last lecture so I don’t know the solution of this question.

What are the best examples of literary nonfiction?

What are the best examples of literary nonfiction? Are there specific books that helped define (or redefine) this category?

Is online writing services help students to improve writing skill?

Students are always seeking writing help from online writing services such as, they will get best writing tips from there and academic papers. Is the service is enough to improve writing skill?


Along with Christmas, there is another tradition named Kwanzaa starts. what is it about? who celebrates it?

Does Prediction has to do anything with the concept of prophecy?

I want to impress my hot teacher with my knowledge.

Liberalism and Fundamentalism were same in which sense?

This is not a question. This is shit. But my teacher won't agree with me so please answer!

What makes the different versions of Bible unreliable?

Can some one explain it in its own words please?
1-6 of 117

Who was the founder of Antioch Church?

I wasn't able to attend my university because of my back pain so I don’t know the solution of this question.

First Missionary Journey had what key features?

I want to impress my hot teacher with my knowledge.

Tell the purpose of Jerusalem Conference.

My stupid teacher insulted me in front of my whole class when I ask her to revise the solution of this question.

Second Missionary Journey happened in which region?

Yesterday I felt quite embarased when i was not able to answer that.

Elaborate the concept of third Missionary Journey.

You know what the wikipedia is the LAME and google is the LAMEST!!! So please guys you are my last hope.

Why the Caesarea is famous in Roman literature?

This question is constentaly itching me.
1-6 of 117
Literature and Development