Recent questions in Politics of the European Union

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How is it called when power is given to a person when he was not voted

How is it called when a person is not elected officially for a position but is handed power because the was no one to challenge him or her for the position, how is the person called?

Who is mayor of Alabama

Who is the new mayor of Alabama .. what colour is the mayor.

What is international politics?

Can you give me some definitions of IP?

What is politics and its important

Give me a brief and coherent definition of politics and political science

What is politics and its important

Give me a brief and coherent definition of politics and political science

What is international politics?

Can you give me some definitions of IP?

Who is mayor of Alabama

Who is the new mayor of Alabama .. what colour is the mayor.

How is it called when power is given to a person when he was not voted

How is it called when a person is not elected officially for a position but is handed power because the was no one to challenge him or her for the position, how is the person called?
Politics of the European Union