Recent questions in Indian Philosophy

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over 11 years ago

Tell the significance of Nissim Ezekiel in Indian Poetry.

Tell the significance of Nissim Ezekiel in Indian Poetry.
over 11 years ago

What is ‘linga’?

This query always gets on my mind whenever I think I have a grip on this issue. Tell me an appropriate answer so that I may be able to avoid any future reference to this question.
over 11 years ago

What is vyāpti?

I had various issues with this subject in my earlier life, and I am damn sure that this could affect my university education also. It’s not just a matter of one question, this topic often gets me by surprise, besides the fact that I am much more interested in this subject than any other. So please help me out guys. Thanks!
over 11 years ago

Name the mahābhutas mentioned by Sānkhya philosophy.

I read this in a random magazine which I could not retain, and to me that’s very important. Any sort of views and reviews will be most respected. Cheers \m/
over 11 years ago

List out the tanmantras on the account of Sānkhya philosophy.

Hello! I need response on my question for the completion project at university. I am much anxious to know about various other stuff that gives relevance to this topic. So feel free to share as much knowledge as possible. Thanks in advance! 
over 11 years ago

Briefly explain about ahamkāra.

Hi people! I need to know an authentic answer for some professional reasons. The reason why I chose to ask general public through this forum was to gain better facts and figures, so that any sort of question related to this topic can be easily dealt with in future. Please help me!
over 11 years ago

What is virupa?

Hey guys! I have been in issues with this topic for a long time now and I need to avoid any sort of future reference related to this question, so please update me on this. I’ll be very grateful to you if you can elaborate this as per your best knowledge standards.Hey guys! I have been in issues with this topic for a long time now and I need to avoid any sort of future reference related to this question, so please update me on this. I’ll be very grateful to you if you can elaborate this as per your best knowledge standards.
1-6 of 113
over 11 years ago

Briefly explain about ‘syātasti ca avyaktavyam’.

One of my course books authors suggested that this topic is of importance for entry tests of universities. I could really use your help in solving this question.`
over 11 years ago

What is gotra karma?

My city government has asked me to organize a talent hunt competition, this question needs to be included in the quiz so please suggest a satisfactory answer. Thanks in advance.
over 11 years ago

What is samvara liberation?

Hey people! I have to conduct a seminar on staff-training next week in which employees and employers of different organizations from this field are joining, please respond to my question.
over 11 years ago

What is aparigraha on the account of Jaina thinkers?

Hey people! Can I have a standard answer to my enquiry so that I may figure out the basic concept governing this concept? I need an answer to prepare for my entry test of civil services commission. I am much puzzled by this question. Please help!
over 11 years ago

What is Pramāna?`

I am a home-tuition provider and I was asked this query by one my intermediate level students, can someone please help me out with this on a short notice. I’ll appreciate your help! 
over 11 years ago

What is perception on the account of Chārvākas?

I am making a solution manual for my institute that provides information in this field. Please help me with my enquiry so that I may be able to hand over the conclusions to them.
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Indian Philosophy