Recent questions in MS Microsoft Excel skills

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MS-Excel 2000 is a Windows based application package.

A spreadsheet is essentially a matrix of rows and columns.Consider a sheet of paper on which horizontal and vertical lines aredrawn to yield a rectangular grid. The grid namely a cell, is the resultof the intersection of a row with a column. Such a structure is called aSpreadsheet.A spreadsheet package contains electronic equivalent of a pen,an eraser and large sheet of paper with vertical and horizontal lines togive rows and columns. The cursor position uniquely shown in darkmode indicates where the pen is currently pointing. We can enter textor numbers at any position on the worksheet. We can enter a formulain a cell where we want to perform a calculation and results are to bedisplayed. A powerful recalculation facility jumps into action each timewe update the cell contents with new data.

Excel Conditional formatting.

I want to use conditiona formatting in excel 2010 on base of bold font. Can someone help me please.

To go to column a of the current row, press ____.

- a. Home - b. End - c. Page Up - d. Page Down

One of the benefits of live preview is that it _____.

- a. Lets you see and evaluate different formats as you develop your workbook- b. Shows you what a document will look like when printed- c. Applies thematic styles to your document- d. Allows you to track changes in your document

mm/dd/yyyy is known as ____.

- a. Number data- b. Text data- c. A date format- d. A text string

To move the active cell up one row, press ____.

- a. Shift + Enter- b. Ctrl + Tab- c. Shift + Tab- d. Ctrl + Enter
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The fill handle copies ____.

- a. Content only- b. Formats only- c. Content and formats- d. Formats and cell reference

Function(argument1, argument2, ...) is ____.

- A. The syntax of writing optional arguments.- B. An example of a formula- C. The general syntax of all formulas- D. The general syntax of all functions

“AZ” is an example of a ____.

- a. Column Heading- b. Row Heading- c. Cell Reference- d. Name Box

###### in a cell means that the ____.

- a. Formula contains an error- b. Value contains an error- c. Label has a spelling error- d. Column is too narrow to display the value completely

A _____ indicates a manual page break.

- a) Solid red line- b) Dashed red line- c) Dashed blue line- d) Solid blue line

A chart sheet can contain ____,enabling you to display several charts at once within a single sheet.

- a. Multiple Graphics- b. Only one data set- c. Only a single chart- d. Embedded charts
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MS Microsoft Excel skills